New Accelerated Pathway Programs at UM-Flint

Take a fast track to a high-paying and rewarding career and save significant time and money with two new Accelerated Pathway programs at UM-Flint.

The traditional path to a doctorate in occupational therapy or physical therapy is seven years.

With the Occupational Therapy Accelerated Pathway or Physical Therapy Accelerated Pathway you can complete both a bachelor’s and doctorate in six years, saving one year of time and tuition.

How both programs work:

  • Three years completing Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program requirements
  • Three years in either UM-Flint’s Occupational Therapy Doctorate or Doctorate of Physical Therapy


  • Complete the bachelor’s degree requirements and program prerequisites with 31 to 33 fewer credits than the traditional path.
  • If you are accepted to a graduate program in your fourth year, the first two semesters will also work as the final semesters of the bachelor’s degree.
  • The Accelerated Pathway programs don’t guarantee acceptance to the doctorate program.

UM-Flint offers the only Doctor of Physical Therapy and Doctor of Occupational Therapy programs in the University of Michigan system. Earn a degree that’s recognized around the world on a small, supportive campus.

Save a minimum of $13,000 compared to completing a PT or OT program in the traditional way.
$85,570 median annual wage for occupational therapists (Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
$95,620 median annual wage for physical therapists (Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)