Structuring Your Documents and Pages for Accessibility

Why Structure Matters
When you structure your content well, it makes a big difference for everyone, especially those using screen readers. Using headings, lists, and tables logically allows students to easily navigate and understand your documents and Canvas pages, ultimately improving their learning experience.
How to Structure Your Content in Documents and Canvas Pages
Use Headings Correctly
- Use Heading Levels to Organize Information
- Headings (e.g., H1, H2, H3) should be used to create a logical outline of your content. This helps screen readers announce sections in a meaningful way and allows students to navigate easily.
- H1 should be used for the main title, H2 for major sections, and H3 for subsections under each H2.
- Example: In a course module, use H1 for the module title, H2 for each major topic, and H3 for subtopics under those major headings.
- Avoid Using Bold or Larger Text as Headings
- Simply making text bold or increasing the font size does not create a proper heading. Screen readers rely on true heading tags to navigate effectively.
Use Built-In Layout Tools
Avoid using the spacebar or tab key for spacing. Instead, use the formatting features of Canvas or your document editor, like bullet points and columns, to help screen readers understand the layout properly.
Organize Lists and Information
- Use Bulleted or Numbered Lists
- Use the list tools available in Canvas or your document editor instead of manually typing numbers or dashes. This allows screen readers to announce the number of items in the list and their order.
- Bulleted lists are great for items with no specific order. Numbered lists should be used when sequence matters.
- Avoid Manually Creating Lists
- Manually typing out lists (e.g., using “-” or “1.”) can make it harder for screen readers to identify and properly interpret the list structure.
Add Page Numbers to Longer Documents
- Include Page Numbers for Easier Navigation
- Page numbers help all readers, especially those with cognitive challenges, keep track of where they are in a document.
- Ensure that any document longer than a couple of pages has clear and consistent page numbering.
- Example: Use “Page 1 of 10” in the footer for a clear understanding of length and progress.
Examples of Do’s and Don’ts
- Make a section title bold and large without marking it as a heading.
- Example: “Module 1 Overview” (increased font size only).
- Use the heading function to mark it as H2.
- Example: Use the “Heading 2” style for “Module 1 Overview.”
Page Numbers
Don’t: Forget to include page numbers in a 15-page syllabus.
Do: Include a footer that reads “Page X of Y” so students know how much material is left to review.
- Manually type out a numbered list like this:
1. Introduction
2. Objectives
3. Readings
- Use the numbered list function in your text editor.
- Example:
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Readings
What Actions Can I Take Now?
It’s important to be proactive and intentional from the start to ensure your content is accessible. Here are some practical steps you can take now to make your documents and Canvas pages more accessible.
Preventing Errors
Following the recommendations above from the beginning will save you time in the long run by avoiding accessibility errors that may be harder to correct later. Consider accessibility as you plan your document. Start by outlining the structure of your content. Think about whether your headings make logical sense, and make sure each section flows well. Are the main topics and subtopics clearly organized? Does your content create a coherent path for readers? Thoughtful planning helps ensure that your headings and lists work properly for all learners, including those using screen readers.
Also, use built-in formatting tools rather than creating visual styles manually. Tools such as headings, bullet points, and numbered lists are essential for structuring content in a way that assistive technologies can understand and communicate effectively. Taking the time to implement these elements properly as you create your content will prevent many accessibility errors from arising.
Once you’ve added headings and structured your content, it’s time to verify that everything works as intended. Use accessibility tools like the Canvas Accessibility Checker or Word’s Accessibility Checker. These tools are specifically designed to help identify potential issues and ensure that your content is accessible to everyone.
For instance, run these tools to confirm that all heading levels are used appropriately and in the correct order. Avoid skipping levels, such as jumping from an H1 directly to an H3, unless the logic of your content clearly calls for it. Accessibility checkers will also help you identify whether your lists, images, and other elements are properly formatted for all readers. Verification should be a regular part of your content creation process to ensure that your documents meet accessibility standards.