Building Hours
Building Hours
The hours posted are the regular hours that the buildings are open. The hours listed are subject to change. The Department of Public Safety may be contacted for any questions about the building’s open or closed status. Please check the university’s main page for building closure(s) due to emergencies or inclement weather.
* Building Access is available by swipe access with a valid M-card from 6 a.m. – 10 p.m., 7 days a week
Dance Studio
French Hall
Harrison Street Annex
Hubbard Building
Murchie Science Building (MSB)
Northbank Center (NBC)
Recreation Center
Riverfront Center
First Street Housing
Thompson Library
University Center (UCEN)
University Pavilion (UPAV)
University Pavilion Annex
William S. White Building (WSW)
* Open by appointment only
Computer Labs
MCards are required for swipe access into labs.
Murchie Science Building Computer Lab
Library Computer Stations
Riverfront Center Computer Lab
Skywalk System
Between UCEN & MSB
Between UCEN & FH
Between MSB & FH
Between Library
& UPAV Parking Ramp*
Between Library & FH
*Available for valid M-Card users during UPAV Parking Ramp hours