Faculty/Staff Guide

Careers are a University Responsibility
As a University of Michigan-Flint faculty or staff member, you interact daily with students. Students look to you for advice related to their academic plans and future careers. Through these conversations, there will be many opportunities to move students forward in their career development.
When students come to you, here are some key messages to share with them:
Connect early and connect often. Students should be utilizing the resources of the Office of Student Career Advancement & Success (OSCAS) as early as their first year. We have career managers and internship coordinators here to assist students according to their major.
We encourage students to touch base at least once a semester with their respective career professionals in addition to attending events and workshops. Career professionals are ready to meet with students to explore careers, apply for internship/job opportunities, practice interviewing, and support students in building their professional network.
Networking. Students need to know that submitting a resume online and then waiting for a reply is a job search method. Before submitting an application online or in person, career professionals encourage students to set up an appointment for a resume critique with the OSCAS or Writing Center staff member. Also, students need to connect with our employer partners to establish a relationship. There are many avenues for students to get connected with employers on-campus and virtually.
- Alumni Panels
- Career Fairs
- Employer in Residence Events
- Handshake
- Informational interviews
- Job Shadowing
- LinkedIn Groups