Center for Global Engagement

Always Globally Engaged

Welcome to the Center for Global Engagement and the University of Michigan-Flint. The CGE is made up of passionate staff who are dedicated to the fields of International and Intercultural Education. The CGE is an academic resource center for students, faculty, and staff interested in global and intercultural education opportunities (domestic and abroad).

We provide professional advising and support services for international students, students interested in education abroad, and faculty interested in infusing their teaching and scholarship with global and intercultural perspectives and learning experiences. The CGE seeks to coordinate and facilitate efforts across the campus and around the world to enrich, deepen, and expand international activity and intercultural engagement through travel, research, and study. We invite you to reach out to our team today!


Cultivating student leaders, strengthening relationships, and transforming the UM-Flint into a national leader for local and global collaboration and community engagement. 


The mission of the Center for Global Engagement at the UM-Flint is to cultivate globally-minded citizens and promote cultural diversity supported by strong relationships, engaged learning experiences, and reciprocal partnerships.


Collaboration and healthy relationships are at the heart of our work. Relationships that connect us and the world are made stronger through transparent communication, active listening, and thoughtful engagement that seeks out and incorporates multiple perspectives. These connections enable us to advance collaboration and reciprocal, mutually beneficial partnerships on campus and in the community.

Empowering our students to be engaged citizens in their local and global communities is core to our work. We support conscientious, ethical engagement built on a foundation of integrity, trust, and mutual respect. We value justice and fairness and actively seek out the diverse perspectives and knowledge of our campus and community partners. Compassion guides our work as we seek to go above and beyond to meet the needs of those we serve.

We value growth and learning that empowers our students, our partners, and each other. The CGE believes in the power of forward-thinking change-makers who value life-long learning and local and global community involvement. We offer resources and support for our campus and community partners and connect students to opportunities and experiences that support their personal and professional growth.

UM-Flint walking bridge background image with blue overlay

Calendar of Events

UM-Flint walking bridge background image with blue overlay

News & Happenings