
There are generally three types of employment available to eligible F-1 visa holders. Please remember that employment is a benefit of F-1 status and that the intent of the F-1 visa is for study.
General Employment Information:
- F-1 students may not exceed 20 hours per week during the academic term.
- F-1 students are permitted to work full-time during winter and summer vacation, as well as school breaks and holidays.
- F-1 students may not work off-campus without work authorization.
On-Campus Employment
Degree-seeking F-1 students are eligible to work on campus while attending classes. The work does not need to be related to their field of study. On-campus employment job postings can be found at careers.umich.edu. Make sure to filter the results for the Flint campus. Employment at the Dearborn or Ann Arbor campuses is not considered on-campus employment for F-1 students at UM-Flint.
What is On-Campus Employment?
- On-campus employment includes any position hired, supervised, and managed at UM-Flint or commercially affiliated with UM-Flint.
- On-campus positions could include, but are not limited to:
- Teaching assistant
- Research assistant
- Resident assistant
- Residence hall desk assistant
- Work in the university library
- Dining facilities
- Administrative assistant/desk assistant jobs in administrative offices
- Not sure if a position is considered on-campus? Contact [email protected].
- You must be enrolled full-time during the fall and winter semesters.
- You may work up to 20 hours per week while school is in session during the academic year (fall and spring semesters).
- You may work full-time (more than 20 hours per week) on campus during official university holidays, breaks, and vacation periods (winter and summer semesters for most students).
- You may not engage in on-campus employment after the program end date listed on your I-20 or if you otherwise fail to maintain F-1 status.
Documentation Needed After Getting a Job
When you get an on-campus job, you will need to complete the following forms with Human Resources:
- I-9 Form (Employment Eligibility Verification)
- State and federal withholding allowance certificate (W-4) forms
- Direct Deposit Authorization Form if you want your paychecks directly deposited into your bank account.
Taxes and Social Security Number
- The Center for Global Engagement can provide a copy of the Social Security Application to apply for an Social Security Number with the Social Security Administration.
- When you get an on-campus job, you must pay tax on your earnings. Please make sure to keep a copy of any tax paperwork.
Off-Campus Employment
Curricular Practical Training for F-1 Students
Curricular Practical Training is a form of work authorization for F-1 students that permits them to gain valuable work experience in their field. CPT must be related to the student’s curriculum and major. It could be paid or unpaid. When in doubt, please contact [email protected].
The CGE considers two types of CPT: required and non-required
- Required CPT: The program requires all students to have practical work experience in the field of study to receive the degree. An example of a required CPT is a student teaching experience. This experience is necessary for students to graduate and receive their education degree and teaching license.
- Non-Required CPT: It is an integral part of the student’s curriculum and under a course with a formal practical training component. An example of a non-required CPT is the opportunity to participate in an internship over the summer. While not required to graduate, the internship could be related to a student’s major field of study and permit them to practice what they have learned in the classroom in a real-world application.
Important CPT Information
- Students are only eligible for CPT after completing two academic terms. (Please consult with CGE if your program requires CPT participation during the first year of your program).
- CPT is available only before completing a degree program, and a student must have a job offer at the time of application.
- CPT employment may not delay the completion of the academic program. This means that while a student will earn course credits for participating in CPT, the student must still take the appropriate courses necessary to graduate in a timely manner.
- Adding a CPT course may have an impact on tuition and fees.
- Students must maintain F-1 status to be eligible for CPT. Maintaining F-1 status includes the full-time enrollment requirement in the fall and winter (unless summer is the first term). Graduate students must meet the full-time requirement with at least 8 credits, and undergraduate students must meet the full-time requirement with at least 12 credits.
- F-1 students should begin their CPT experience once they have received their I-20 and checked the CPT authorization section for correct information, and their CPT start date has arrived. Participating in a possible CPT without authorization could result in a loss of F-1 status. Do not participate in training for the CPT opportunity until you have received CPT authorization.
- F-1 students should keep copies of all signed CPT I-20s for their records and possible future benefits.
Requirements for CPT
- Students must be enrolled in an internship course. They should work with their department and academic advisor to choose the appropriate course.
- If the internship is not required for the degree, it must be taken for academic credit and connected to a relevant class that has similar educational objectives. The academic advisor needs to confirm the work serves as an “integral part of the student’s curriculum” and describe how the work is directly relevant to the academic objectives of the class. The course must be related to a student’s major program of study.
- Regarding CPT course enrollment:
- CPT cannot be authorized for a course taken in a previous term, future term, and/or an incomplete course. Students must be enrolled in a course directly related to the work experience/internship/coop/practicum/clinical concurrently. CPT opportunities cannot be backdated.
- If CPT is not required, a student may add another course to participate in CPT; however, it is recommended that this be in addition to a student’s standard academic plan. CPT participation cannot delay the completion of the program.
- CPT approval dates will directly correspond with the dates of the semester it is approved.
- You must have declared a major.
- Students engaged in thesis/dissertation work and have finished their coursework are still eligible for CPT, only if the CPT is an integral part of their thesis/dissertation or research.
- Students must maintain a physical presence on campus during fall and winter terms. Additionally, physical presence is required in your final semester even if it falls in the summer.
How to Apply for CPT
Please plan on the following process taking 1-2 weeks to complete.
- Collect all necessary documents. Documentation needed to apply (please ensure all documents are complete. The CGE will not accept invalid or incomplete CPT applications).
- Screenshot of completed CGE CPT course
- Job offer letter from your employer including the following:
- Printed on company letterhead
- Employer name
- Employer address
- Student work site address (if different than employer address)
- Supervisor information (name, email address, phone number)
- Number of hours per week
- Start and end dates of employment (keep in mind that CPT is only authorized by semester)
- Job title
- Job duties
- Complete the CPT authorization request form in iService.
- Please contact your academic advisor so that they are aware you will be applying for CPT. Your advisor will receive an email from IService prompting them to approve that your CPT opportunity is related to your major and,
- Your academic advisor will also need to assist you in enrolling in the appropriate internship course.
- You will receive an email from IService when your CPT has been authorized. Do not begin work, paid or unpaid, until you have received your I-20, reviewed it for correct information, and your authorized CPT start date has arrived. Email [email protected] if there is any incorrect information in your CPT authorization.
- Print, sign, and date your I-20.
- Keep a copy of all I-20s for your records.
Optional Practical Training for F-1 Students
Optional Practical Training is a benefit of F-1 status for eligible F-1 visa holders that permits them to gain practical experience in their field. While participating in OPT, a student remains in F-1 status. While CPT is an off-campus work experience that can be authorized by a Designated School Official, OPT work authorization is adjudicated through USCIS. OPT can be authorized for up to one year per education level.
- Completed one academic year (two academic terms) of full-time study
- Maintain F-1 status
- Has not completed 12 months (total) of full-time CPT
More information about OPT can be found here:
- Optional Practical Training document
- Applying for OPT
- After Applying for OPT
- OPT STEM Extension
- Travel During Post Completion of OPT
- While You’re On Post Completion OPT
- While You’re On 24 Month STEM OPT Extension
- Cap Gap Relief for OPT – H1B Transitions
General F-1 Employment FAQs
Can I apply for the work-study program?
You are not eligible for the UM-Flint work-study program. The work-study program is a federal/state program that provides jobs for students with financial needs, allowing them to earn money to help pay for education expenses. Under the work-study program, a percentage of a student’s earnings is paid through federal or state funds, and the student’s employer pays the remainder.
Can I participate in CPT in my last semester of study?
Non-required CPT is only allowed in your final term if you are also registered for other courses that are required for completing your academic program. Please consult CGE about the required CPT for your last semester of study.
What are the eligibility criteria for CPT?
To be eligible for CPT, you must:
- Have been lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis while physically present in the U.S. for one academic year
- Complete CGE’s virtual CPT course
- Register for a corresponding internship course for the duration of your CPT.
- Be in lawful F-1 status
- Have a job offer
- Not enrolled in an intensive English language training program
What is considered part-time versus full-time CPT?
Part-time CPT is 20 hours or less of work per week, and full-time CPT is 21 hours or more of work per week. F-1 students who participate in full-time CPT for a total of 12 months are no longer eligible for OPT.
Do I still need CPT if I am volunteering?
There is a difference between volunteering and engaging in an unpaid internship. Volunteering refers to donating time to an organization whose primary purpose is charitable or humanitarian in nature, without remuneration or any other type of compensation. For more information about volunteering, please see the “Employment vs. Volunteering” section on the CGE website.
If you are unsure if your experience is volunteering or an unpaid internship, please contact [email protected].
Do F-1 students need CPT authorization to participate in unpaid internships?
CPT authorization is required for all unpaid internships for university credit, whether the student does or does not need to provide employment authorization documents to the company. CPT authorization is more than just permission to get paid.
You should have CPT authorization for unpaid internships for the following reasons:
- CPT authorization by the university serves to demonstrate that this practical experience is part of the curriculum.
- CPT authorization is a way of reporting in SEVIS the student’s activity, employment, and work location and, therefore, maintaining their status.
- If a student ever does an unpaid job that someone would be hired and paid for, employment authorization in the form of CPT, OPT, etc. is advised.
- Compensation can have other forms than a paycheck. Reimbursements, coffee, breakfast, and the learning experience are all forms of compensation.