Education & Training

Peer Education Program
Peer Educators are UM-Flint students with extensive training who help educate their peers about consent, bystander intervention, gender, sexuality and sexual violence prevention.
Peer Educators are committed to teaching skills that will help students to reduce the potential for stressful life experience (primary prevention) and to resolve stressful situations more quickly should they arise. Peer Educators develop and deliver workshops to the campus community and assist professional staff with outreach programming.
Request a Program
CGS Professional Staff and Peer Educators facilitate information sessions, workshops and presentations held as academic class sessions, certificate programs, or one-time events. To request a Peer Educator training please submit a program request form here.
Sexual Health
In collaboration with Wolverine Essentials, CGS provides free menstrual products and reproductive health information for all students who desire resources. Free safe sex supplies are available at CGS including condoms, lubricants, and dental dams. Should you desire more information regarding menstrual and or sexual health resources, please speak with a member of our professional staff.
Referrals to local resources including reproductive health, STI testing and information on sexual health include: