Citizens Advisory Committee

The Citizens Advisory Committee was established to advise the Chancellor on all matters bearing on the effectiveness of the service of the University of Michigan-Flint. The Citizens Advisory Committee is one way we creatively collaborate with distinguished members of our community so that we maintain the University’s responsiveness to the needs of the region.
Committee Members
Jennifer Acree
Program Officer
C.S. Mott Foundation, Flint
James Ananich
Chief Executive Officer
Greater Flint Health Coalition
Tim Herman
Chief Executive Officer
Flint and Genesee Group
Justin Horvath
President and Chief Executive Officer
Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership
Kimberly Keaton Williams
Vice President, Talent Acquisition and Development &
Chief Diversity Officer
Rodney Lontine
President and Chief Executive Officer
Flint Institute of Music
Steven Low
Executive Director
Flint Jewish Federation
Tauzzari Robinson
Chief Executive Officer
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Flint
Steven Tunnicliff
Rafael Turner
Genesee and Saginaw County Community Affairs Manager
Consumers Energy Foundation