
Welcome to Research
Thank you for your interest in the research activities of the College of Health Sciences.
CHS houses doctoral, master and bachelor’s degree programs in a variety of health science disciplines and in public health. Health science programs include clinical doctoral degrees in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and nurse anesthesia, a master of physician assistant degree program, and bachelor’s degree programs in respiratory therapy and radiation therapy. Public health programs are offered at the master’s and bachelor’s levels and include bachelor’s degree programs in health care administration and in public health. Master’s degree programs are offered in public health and in health care management (jointly with the School of Management). A PhD in physical therapy degree is offered for PTs interested in a career in academia.
Faculty in CHS are involved in health-related studies with the primary aim of improving the health of local and global societies. Faculty engage in research collaborations with academic and industry partners who operate in our various areas of faculty expertise. The wide range of research interests and expertise in health science programs includes assistive technology use in people with disabilities, aging, concussion assessments and interventions, orthopedic and sports injuries (including chronic pain), mobility/balance deficits in older adults, and in people who have undergone chemotherapy, knowledge translation, respiratory dysfunction in people with multiple sclerosis, pediatric motor behavior, and physical activity, play therapy, anesthesia procedures in the operating room, and best practices in radiation oncology. Areas of expertise in public health include issues related to health disparities, health-related quality of life, health care utilization, health insurance, aging and disability, reproductive, maternal, and child health, racial/ethnic disparities in mental health (including effects of racism on health), and health education. Interprofessional education is an interest of many faculty members in all CHS departments.
The CHS Associate Dean for Research serves as Director of the UM-Flint Center on Aging. Research in CHS is supported through federal, foundation, and internal funding mechanisms.
Please reach out to me or to any of the faculty if you wish to learn more about our research activities. Thank you for your interest.
Allon Goldberg
Associate Dean for Research
Dedication to Scholarship for the Common Good
The College of Health Sciences is committed to a culture of research.
As scholars, we believe firmly in contributing to collective knowledge through our scholarly endeavors. CHS faculty engage with students, colleagues, the community, and the industry on many projects. The breadth and depth of research that comes from being fully engaged inform both our teaching and community engagement.