Interprofessional Research Lab

Laura J. Smith established the Interprofessional Research Lab. Smith is an Associate Professor with tenure in the Physical Therapy Department at the University of Michigan-Flint and is the Director of the IRL Lab.
The IRL Lab focuses on two areas of scholarly inquiry:
- Interprofessional education and collaborative practice health models
- Female breast injury
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Let’s Collaborate
If you would like to learn more about this innovative, collaborative research lab, please email Laura Smith.
The objectives of the IRL Lab are to:
- Advance innovative interprofessional education and collaborative practice models.
- Explore and understand the value of inter-institutional IPE assessment.
- Understand the incidence, prevalence, and severity of female breast injuries.
- Explore and understand the collaborative management of female breast injuries, including the reporting mechanism of breast injuries.
- Gross MM, Phanudulkitti C, Bavireddy V, Anderson OS, Daniels T, Fitzgerald M, Mattison D, Nagappan K, Patterson V, Smith, LJ, Ursuy PA and Farris KB, 2022. Changes in Student Attitudes toward Interprofessional Education after Online and In-Person Introductory Learning Activities. Health, Interprofessional Practice and Education, 4(3), p.eP2164. DOI:
- Mattison D, Smith LJ, Balzer K, Bavireddy V, Bishop TW, Farris K, Fitzgerald M, Rulli D, Trupiano N, Anderson OS, 2021. Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience (LIFE): An Authentic Experiential Interprofessional Education Learning Framework. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, p.23733799211060726.
- Smith LJ, Mattison D, Gross M, Trupiano N, Fitzgerald M, Patterson V, Ursuy P, Farris K, Najjar G. Anderson OS. A framework and recommendations to recruit and engage faculty facilitators for large-scale IPE events. Journal of Allied Health, 2021, 50(2):111–116.
- Smith LM, Sachs B, Berg K, Keiser M, Smith LJ, Turkelson C, et al. Qualitative Analysis of Student Physical Therapist Reflective Writing: Does an Interprofessional Discharge Planning Simulation Increase their Understanding of the Role they play In Discharge Planning? The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2020 Oct 12;18(4), Article 12.
- Smith, LJ, Ascione, FJ, Ruffolo, MC. Large-scale asynchronous online interprofessional learning experience. Journal of Allied Health, 48(4), 2019 E123-E130.
- LoVasco L, Smith LJ, Yorke AM, Talley SA. (2019) Impact of Leadership Development Program for Students in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Journal of Allied Health, 48(3), 209-216.
- Smith LJ, Curtis CP, Perry M, LoVasco L, Yorke A, Talley SA. (2019) MBTI Type and Interprofessional Communication in Doctor of Physical Therapy Students. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. Oct 29; 17(4), Article 9.
- Smith LJ, Miller E, Eichelberger T, Kane EJ (2018) Breast Injury During Sport Participation. Int J Sports Exerc Med 4:112.
- Smith LJ, Fredendall A, Crusoe D, Selina R, Gilbertson A, Creps J. Student Special Interest Groups in an Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program: Framework, Perceptions, and Opportunities for Interprofessional Collaboration. J Allied Health 2018; 47(4): 243-249
- Smith LJ, Eichelberger TD, Kane EJ. Breast Injuries in Female Collegiate Athletes – Prevalence, Type, and Impact on Sport Participation. Eur J Breast Health, 2018; 14: 46-50. doi:10.5152/ejbh.2017.3748 (recognized with the Mabel E. Holton Award)
- Smith LJ, Curtis CP, Yorke A. Student considerations when selecting an entry-level Physical Therapy program. Does interprofessional education curriculum matter? Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 2018; 11: 1-6. doi:10.1016/j_xep.2017.12.009
- Smith LJ, Creps JR, Bean R, Rodda B, Alsalaheen B. Performance and Reliability of the Y-Balance Test™ in High School Athletes. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2017, November. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.17.07218-8
- Smith LJ, Creps JR, Bean R, Rodda B, Alsalaheen B. Performance of high school male athletes on the Functional Movement ScreenTM. Physical Therapy in Sport, 2017, 17-23. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2017.07.001
- Smith LJ, Johnson-Lawrence V, Andrews M. Parker S. Opportunity for interprofessional collaborative care – findings from a sample of federally qualified health center patients in the Midwest. Public Health, 2017; 151, 131-136. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2017.07.009
- Yorke AM, Smith L, Babcock M, Alsalaheen B. Validity and Reliability of the Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening and Associations with Common Concussion Screening Tools. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2017; 2: 174-180. doi:10.1177/1941738116678411
- Smith L, Perry M, Yorke A. Does Interprofessional Education Influence Self-Efficacy and Cultural Competence in Pre-Clinical Doctor of Physical Therapy Students? MedEdPublish, 2017. doi:10.15694/mep.2017.000069
- Smith L, Ruediger T, Alsalaheen B, Bean R. Performance of high school football players on clinical measures of deep cervical flexor endurance and cervical active range of motion: Is history of concussion a factor. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2016, 11(2).
- Alsalaheen B, McClafferty A, Haines J, Yorke A, Smith L. Reference values for the balance error scoring system in adolescents. Brain Injury, 2016, Apr 8: 1-5; doi: 10.3109/02699052.2016.1146965.
- Patla C, Lwin J, Smith L, Chaconas E. Cuboid Manipulation and Exercise in the Management of Posterior Tibialis Tendinopathy: A Case Report. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, June 2015, 10(3), 363-370.
- Ursay P, Bavireddy V, Mattison D, Phanudulkitti C, Smith LJ, Gross M. Impact of Professional School Differences on Student Attitudes and Response to IPE. Poster Presentation. Health Professions Education Day. Ann Arbor, MI. April 5, 2022.
- Mattison D, Balzer K, Anderson OS, Bishop T, Farris K, Fitzgerald T, Patterson V, Rulli D, Trupiano N, Smith LJ. Putting the Patient at the Center of IPE Learning and Evaluation. Poster Presentation. Health Professions Education Day. Ann Arbor, MI. April 5, 2022.
- Mattison D, Anderson OS, Bishop T, Farris K, Patterson V, Rulli D, Trupiano N, Ursuy P, Smith LJ. Dipping your Toes into the Water: A Recruitment Strategy to Engage New Faculty in IPE. Poster Presentation. Health Professions Education Day. Ann Arbor, MI. April 5, 2022.
- Smith LJ, Mattison D, Balzer K, Bishop T, Farris K, Fitzgerald M, Gross M, Rulli D, Patterson V, Phanudulkitti C, Trupiano N, Anderson O. Virtual Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience: Model Framework with Learner & Patient Outcomes. NEXUS Summit 2021. Poster Presentation on September 14, 2021.
- Mattison D, Balzer K, Trupiano N, Smith LJ, Anderson O, Fitzgerald M, Bishop T, Farris K, Patterson V, Rulli D. Putting the Patient in IPE: Engaging Patient Advisors in Experiential IPE Learning and Evaluation. NEXUS Summit 2021. Seminar Presentation on September 29, 2021.
- Bishop T, Smith LJ, Mattison D. Creative Strategies for Virtual Teamness During a Pandemic: Innovative Adventure/Experiential Learning Approaches in Virtual Introductory Experiential IPE. NEXUS Summit 2021. Lighting Talk Presentation on October 5, 2021.
- Smith LJ, Mattison D, Balzer K, Bishop T, Farris K, Fitzgerald M, Gross M, Rulli D, Patterson V, Phanudulkitti C, Trupiano N, Anderson O. Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience (LIFE) – A Framework for Virtual Experiential Introductory Learning. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center. Poster Presentation on September 23, 2021.
- Mattison D, Balzer K, Trupiano N, Smith LJ. Putting the Patient in IPE: Use of Patient Experience Advisors in Experiential Learning. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center Annual Conference. Podium Presentation on September 24, 2021.
- Yorke A, Smith L, Smith LJ. The Integration of Patient/Client Experiences into the Interprofessional Education of Physical Therapy Students: Systematic Review. Poster Presentation. APTA CSM Conference – virtual. 2021.
- Smith LJ, Mattison D, Anderson L, Daniels T, Farris K, Fitzgerald M, Goa SM, Moore L, Najjar G, Patterson V, Ursuy PA, Gross M. From a Classroom to an Arena: Lessons Learned from a Large Scale Foundational PE Event. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Oct 20-23, 2019;
- Smith LJ, Farris K, Congdon HB, Daulton B, Fitzgerald M, Keehn MT, Najjar G, Sick B, Weber Z, Gross M. IPE and IPP Big 10 Collaboration: The Time is Right. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Oct 20-23, 2019.
- Gross, M., Anderson, O., Daniels, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Gao, M., Mattison, D., Moore, L., Najjar, G., Patterson, V., Ursuy, P. and Smith, LJ. A one-two punch: Introducing students to IPE with an online module followed by a face-to-face event. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Oct 20-23, 2019.
- Fitzgerald, M., Anderson, O., Farris, K., Gross, M., Ursuy, P., Mattison, D., Najjar, G., Daniels, T., Patterson, V. and Smith, LJ. Faculty implementation of a large-scale foundational IPE experience. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Oct 20-23, 2019.
- Najjar, G., Anderson, O., Daniels, T., Farris, K., Gross, M., Mattison, D., Patterson, V., Smith, LJ., Ursuy, P. and Fitzgerald, M. Faculty perceptions of interprofessional education experience: A qualitative analysis of “IPE in Action” event. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference, Indianapolis, IN, Oct 20-23, 2019.
- Smith LJ, Mattison D, Anderson OS, Daniels T, Farris K, Fitzgerald M, Gao M, Moore L, Najjar G, Patterson V, Ursuy P, Gross M. Large Scale IPE Experience – A Model Presentation. University of Michigan Health Professions Education Conference, April 2, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI. Poster Presentation.
- Najjar G, Ursuy P, Anderson OS, Daniels T, Farris K, Gao M, Gross M, Mattison D, Moore L, Patterson V, Smith LJ, Fitzgerald M. IPE in Action: Faculty Perceptions. University of Michigan Health Professions Education Conference, April 2, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI. Poster Presentation.
- Gross M, Anderson OS, Daniels T, Farris K, Fitzgerald M, Gao M, Mattison D, Moore L, Najjar G, Patterson V, Ursuy P, Smith LJ. Impact of an Introductory Online Module on Student Attitudes about IPE. University of Michigan Health Professions Education Conference, April 2, 2019, Ann Arbor, MI. Poster Presentation.
- Smith LJ, Eichelberger TD, Kane EJ. Breast Injuries In Female Collegiate Athletes: Prevalence, Type, And Impact On Sport Participation. Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine®, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy of the American College of Sports Medicine. Poster Presentation. May 31, 2018. Minneapolis, MN.
- Smith LJ, Ruffolo M, Perry M. Online Asynchronous Interprofessional Education Experience. Poster Presentation. University of Michigan Health Professions Education Conference, April 3, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Smith LJ, Mamuyac RJ, Swift T, Lwin J. Performance of Youth Baseball Athletes on the Functional Movement ScreenTM. Poster Presentation: American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting. February 23, 2018. New Orleans, LA.
- Smith LJ, Creps JR, Bean R, Perry M, Rodda B, Alsalaheen B. Prevalence of FMS Asymmetries and It’s Implications on Injury Risk in Male Adolescents. Poster Presentation. Conference on Adolescent Health. April 24-25, 2017. Ypislanti, MI.
- Bean R, Smith L, Rodda B, Alsalaheen B. Performance and reliability of the cervical joint position error test in high school athletes. Poster presentation. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting February 17, 2017. San Antonio, TX.
- Smith LJ, Fredendall A, Crusoe D, Selina R, Gilbertson A, Creps J. Student and Faculty Perceptions of an Orthopedic Physical Therapy Student Special Interest Group in an Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Platform Presentation. Michigan Physical Therapy Association, fall conference 2016.
- Lwin J, Smith LJ. Suboccipital Mobilization and Deep Neck Flexor Endurance Training to Resolve a 20-year History of Migraine Headaches: A Case Report Study. Poster Presentation. American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT), Conference October 2016, St. Louis MO.
- Smith LJ, Fredendall A, Crusoe D, Selina R, Gilbertson A, Creps J. SOMPTA in an Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program: Model Framework and Perceptions. Platform Presentation. American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT) Conference October 2016, St. Louis MO.
- Smith LJ, Fredendall A, Crusoe D, Selina R, Gilbertson A, Creps J. Student Special Interest Group: An Opportunity for Interprofessional Collaboration. Poster Presentation. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Center Conference (MIPERC), September 2016, Grand Rapids, MI.
- Crusoe D, Bean R, Creps J, Smith L, Alsalaheen B. Prevalence of FMSTM asymmetries and its implications on injury risk in male and female adolescents. Poster Presentation. American College of Sports Medicine. May 31-June 4, 2016, Boston, MA.
- Smith L, Crusoe D, Fredendall A, Gilbertson A, Selina R, Creps J. Student Special Interest Groups: An opportunity for interprofessional collaboration. Poser Presentation. University of Michigan Health Professions Education Conference, June 1, 2016, Ann Arbor, MI.
- McClafferty A, Haines J, Smith L, Yorke A, Alsalaheen B. Reference values for the balance error scoring system in adolescents. Platform Presentation. American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting, February 17-20, 2016, Anaheim, CA.
- Robinson S, LoVasco L, Yorke, A, Smith L. Creating a framework of leadership development in student physical therapists. Poster Presentation. American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting 2016, February 17-20, 2016, Anaheim, CA.
- Babcock M, Alsalaheen B, Yorke A, Creps J, Smith L, Bean R, Convergent and divergent validity of common dynamic balance metrics in adolescents. Platform Presentation. American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting 2016, February 17-20, 2016, Anaheim, CA.
- Yorke A, Alsalaheen B, Babcock M, Smith L. Baseline Performance of Adolescents on Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening. Platform Presentation. American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting 2016, February 17-20, 2016, Anaheim, CA
- Smith, L. International Conference and Expo on Novel Physiotherapies. The Future of health and rehabilitation: Interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Plenary Session Speaker. August 17-19, 2015, Chicago, IL.
- Smith, L. Self-efficacy, Cultural Competence and Perception of Learning Environment in Traditional and Interprofessional Curricula. Platform Presentation. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Center (MIPERC) – September 2015, Grand Rapids, MI.
- Thieme J, Colegrove C., Smith, L., Ruediger, T. Comparing the Y-Balance Test to a Novel Modification of the Star Excursion Balance Test. Poster Presentation. American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting – February 2015, Indianapolis, IN.
- Lwin, J. & Smith, L. Short and Long-Term Effects of a Multi-Faceted Treatment Approach in Restoring 1st MTP Joint Mobility in a Female Runner Ten Years Post Medial Bunionectomy: A Case Report. Poster Presentation. American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT) – October 2013, Cincinnati, OH. (First Place Manual Therapy Integration)
Honors & Awards
- University of Michigan 2022 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize, Project: LIFE: Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-based Experience
- University of Michigan Center for IPE Award for Innovation and Excellence Faculty Award, Ann Arbor, MI (4/2021)
- University of Michigan Center for IPE Award for Innovation and Excellence Faculty Team Award, Ann Arbor, MI (3/2020)
- Demonstration Model Award, Midwest Interprofessional Practice Education and Research Center, Grand Rapids, MI (9/2019)
- Center for IPE Faculty Award for Innovation and Excellence — Finalist, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (4/2/2019)
- Mabel E. Holton Award, Michigan Physical Therapy Association, Institute for Education and Research (9/4/2018)
- Outstanding Faculty Award, Midwest Interprofessional Practice Education and Research Center, Grand Rapids, MI (9/22/2017)
- Provost Teaching Innovation Prize, First Prize Recipient, Online Category, University of Michigan-Flint, Office of the Provost, Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching, Office of Extended Learning, Flint, MI (4/10/18)
- First Place Manual Therapy Integration – Poster Presentation, “Short and Long-Term Effects of a Multi-Faceted Treatment Approach in Restoring 1st MTP Joint Mobility in a Female Runner Ten Years Post Medial Bunionectomy: A Case Report”, Amer
- Michigan Center for IPE Award for Innovation and Excellence, Faculty Team Award, Ann Arbor, MI (3/2020)
- Demonstration Model Award, Midwest Interprofessional Practice Education and Research Center, Grand Rapids, MI (9/2019)
- Mabel E. Holton Award, Michigan Physical Therapy Association, Institute for Education and Research (9/2018)
- Outstanding Faculty Award. Midwest Interprofessional Practice Education and Research Center, Grand Rapids, MI (9/2017)
- Provost Teaching Innovation Prize, First Prize Recipient, Online Category, University of Michigan-Flint, Office of the Provost, Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching, Office of Extended Learning, Flint, MI (4/2018)
- American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference, First Place Manual Therapy Integration – Poster Presentation, Lwin, J. & Smith, L. Short and Long-Term Effects of a Multi-Faceted Treatment Approach in Restoring 1st MTP Joint Mobility in a Female Runner Ten Years Post Medial Bunionectomy: A Case Report., Cincinnati, OH (10/2013)