Non-Academic Concerns

Non-Academic Concerns
For concerns related to administrative units, students should first speak with personnel in the office, department, school or college that led to the situation. Additional reporting mechanisms are listed below.
Department of Public Safety
If you would like to compliment the actions of, or file a complaint against, an employee of the University of Michigan-Flint Department of Public Safety visit the Online Form Submission. Please review the DPS website for additional reporting options and a summary brochure of policies and procedures.
Department of Public Safety Oversight Committee
In 2007, the University of Michigan–Flint Department of Public Safety Oversight Committee (DPS) was created under the authority of Act 120 of the Public Acts of 1990 of the State of Michigan. The primary function of the Committee is to consider grievances by persons against police officers or the Department of Public Safety arising out of acts or omissions of such officers of the department. The Committee will prepare and make recommendations concerning such grievances, including recommendations for disciplinary measures against a police officer who is found responsible for misconduct in office. For additional information about reporting to the Oversight Committee please contact Human Resources.
Campus Climate Support
Creating and maintaining a respectful and welcoming environment for all to live, learn, work and thrive is a priority at UM-Flint. To that end, the university has established a Campus Climate Support team, focused on addressing concerns that may create harm to members of the university community based on their social identities. Please submit this form to report a campus climate concern.
Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment or Sexual Misconduct Complaint
The Equity, Civil Rights & Title IX (ECRT) Office addresses and investigates matters involving discrimination, discriminatory harassment and sexual misconduct on behalf of the university when a complaint is filed against a student, faculty member, staff member or third party. Reports may be made by any person who has experienced such conduct, while participating in a university program or activity or in related interactions with members of the university community. Please complete this reporting form.
The Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team is a cross-divisional, multi-disciplinary team with a centralized focus on addressing situations and behaviors that have the potential to impede student success and/or threaten the safety and security of the campus and learning environment. Use this form to report situations or behaviors you feel are concerning, worrisome, or threatening no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. General information you want the Office of the Dean of Students to be aware of can be reported here as well.
Disability & Accessibility Concerns
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the University makes reasonable adjustments and provides necessary services to permit students with disabilities to participate fully in academic programs and activities. If a student is denied the requested accommodation by Disability and Accessibility Support Services (DASS) that they believe is necessary, the student may first discuss the matter with DASS directly. If a decision cannot be made, the student can take their concerns to the Senior Director of Student Health and Wellness. Students should fill out the Accommodation Appeal Form and include additional information that supports their request. For additional information, please review the DASS grievance procedure.
Non-Academic Misconduct
Use this form to report non-academic misconduct and alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct, Housing & Residential Life policies, and other university policies, rules, and regulations. These may include, but are not limited to: alcohol, destruction of property, disorderly conduct, drugs, hazing, theft, and student organization misconduct.
The Campus Parking and Traffic Advisory Committee welcomes your questions, concerns, and suggestions. All comments may be submitted anonymously via this form.
Student Employment Concerns
Students should first contact their supervisor or unit manager. If you don’t feel comfortable raising a concern with your supervisor or manager, if your concern relates to them, or if you have previously reported the concern but it has not been remedied, please contact UM-Flint Human Resources or review the Standard Practice Guide 201.08 Grievances and Dispute Resolution for the University of Michigan.
Veteran’s Protection
The University of Michigan-Flint is committed to the goal of equal opportunity in employment. To further this goal, the University has established a non-discrimination policy, which prohibits discrimination against protected veterans. Additionally, the University is in compliance with the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Act of 1974 (VEVRAA) as amended as well as other applicable federal and state regulations. Please see the definitions section for an explanation concerning qualification as a protected veteran. For inquiries or complaints contact the Equity, Civil Rights & Title IX. For additional resources, please click here.
Ethics, Integrity and Compliance
Please visit the University of Michigan website for additional information about reporting, including the compliance hotline.