Grievance Policy and Procedures

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the University makes reasonable adjustments and provides necessary services to permit students with disabilities to participate fully in academic programs and activities.
If a student is denied the requested accommodation by Disability and Accessibility Support Services (DASS) that they believe is necessary, the student may first discuss the matter with DASS directly. If a decision cannot be made, the student can take their concerns to the Senior Director of Student Health and Wellness. Students should fill out the Accommodation Appeal Form and include additional information that supports their request. Students may attach additional documentation that addresses the reasons given by DASS for the denial. The Senior Director will evaluate the matter and make appropriate recommendations within five (5) working days of receiving the additional information.
Additionally, in the event the student disagrees with the Senior Director’s decision the student may pursue the college’s formal grievance procedures by filing a report with the Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX office. Students are also able to file a grievance with the Office of Civil Rights.