
Center for Gender & Sexuality
CGS promotes inclusivity through LGBTQIA+ support, peer education, and safe spaces for sexual assault survivors.
Conferences & Events
CAE supports the customer by reserving the appropriate location and planning, coordinating, and managing the event.
Counseling & Psychological Services
CAPS provides free mental health services to enrolled UM-Flint students to help them maximize their academic and personal potential.
Disability & Accessibility Support Services
DASS provides support services and testing space for students with disabilities and accessibility needs.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
We foster community and a sense of belonging for all.
Educational Opportunity Initiatives
EOI fosters academic success through support, leadership development, and inclusive community engagement.
Housing & Residential Life
HRL cultivates an inclusive environment that prioritizes student well-being and fosters success for all.
Intercultural Center
The ICC hosts and co-sponsors numerous campus events throughout the year to promote dialogue across differences and social justice education.
Department of Recreation Services
Recreational Services runs day-to-day operations at the Recreation Center and provides and supports various programs and events.
Office of the Dean of Students
ODOS oversees and supports clubs, organizations, fraternity and sorority life, sustainability initiatives, student basic needs support, and more.
Student Veterans Resource Center
SVRC provides academic and career support to the veteran community.
Organizational Chart
Download our Organizational Chart or view it below for a comprehensive structural overview of the Division of Student Affairs.