Health & Safety Training
Introduction to EHS Training Classes
Environment, Health & Safety offers a wide variety of health and safety training to keep employees informed on important health & safety topics and to encourage healthy and safe behaviors and work practices as well as maintain regulatory compliance. EHS offers many of the topics below as both classroom and on-line training. You may register your employees by emailing [email protected].
Aerial Lift Training/Powered Industrial Trucks
Aerial Lift & Powered Industrial Trucks training is taught every 2-3 years to maintain an employee’s certification. This is a class presentation on the safe and proper general use of aerial lifts and other powered industrial trucks (e.g. forklift) followed by a hands-on equipment specific demonstration, training and performance test conducted by a qualified individual designated as the department trainer.
Bloodborne Pathogens
This course involves a course identifying what bloodborne pathogens (BBPs) are, how to protect oneself when working with BBPs, cleaning up BBP spills, the health risks associated with BBPs, routes of transmission, PPE, vaccination available for HEPA B and general safe work practices, “Universal Precautions” and ultimately preventing injury to oneself or others. The course is designed to meet the OSHA requirement for Category “A” annual BBP employee training.
Compressed Gas Safety
Currently, more than 200 different substances are commonly shipped in compressed gas containers, which can be considered compressed gases. Compressed gases can be classified or categorized a variety of ways and are often based on a common source, similar use, related chemical structure or similar physical properties and many gases can fall into multiple categories. Generally, the term “compressed gas” also refers to liquefied and dissolved gases meeting these criteria and also includes cryogenic gases, e.g., Nitrogen (N2), Hydrogen (H2), Helium (He). These cylinders are commonly used in laboratories, food service, and Facilities. This course covers all aspects of working safely with compressed gas cylinders. The course meets the OSHA requirement for employee training.
Confined Space Entry & Lockout/Tagout
This class is specialized safety training required for employees that work in confined spaces and may work on energized equipment. The course meets the OSHA requirement for employee training.
Electrical Safety Training
Taught by various outside electrical safety training consultants/experts
This course is taught every 2-3 years. In the past, EHS has hired an outside electrical safety consultant to conduct electrical safety training for select facilities management staff. The topics covered have included basic electrical hazards, electrical shock, arc flash/arc blast, personal protective equipment, general safe work practices and specialized equipment to reduce/eliminate electrical hazards to employees.
Emergency Preparedness for the Home
This course is a presentation proving a wide variety of helpful emergency preparedness tips for families at home.
Emergency Response/Incident Command Training
Offered annually and coordinated by UM EHS. UM EHS contracts with the University of Findlay Ohio to offer the 8 hour refresher training or the 32 hour initial training at their UM EHS Ann Arbor location. This class is geared for emergency responders that may be involved in responding to hazardous material emergencies on campus. This typically includes select staff from Public Safety, Facilities & Operations, Laboratory personnel and EHS. The course meets the MIOSHA requirement for employee training.
Environmental Requirements
The class covers stormwater management, soil erosion and environmental due care requirements that apply to the operations and activities at the UM-Flint campus and how best to incorporate these requirements into basic project management. Discussion of protection of the Flint river and general surface water quality through employment of best management practices or BMPs. Environmental Compliance – SWM, SPCC, SESC and Env., Due Care.
Fire Extinguisher Training
This is a very short demonstration typically occurring during seasonal evacuation drills. Both DPS and EHS are available to provide basic fire extinguisher training covering the types of extinguishers, safe use of an extinguisher, basic fire safety, limitations of extinguishers, and guidelines when confronted with a fire.
Golf Cart Safety Training
Hazard Communication, BBP Awareness, & HazWaste
This training is offered routinely throughout the year (usually monthly) for employees who work with hazardous materials. The class covers the recognition of hazardous materials in the workplace, reading labels and materials safety data sheets (SDSs), understanding common terms and categories of hazardous chemicals, and learning how to work safely with general types of chemicals. Other topics covered include personal protective equipment selection, what to do in the event of an emergency (fire, tornado, medical emergency or spill), management of hazardous waste, and a brief overview of infectious hazards and bloodborne pathogens hazard awareness. The course meets the OSHA/MIOSHA requirement for employee training. Additional specific departmental training is usually required and is provided by the employee’s supervisor.
Hazardous/Regulated Waste Management
This course covers the regulatory requirements for properly managing hazardous/regulated waste materials and preparing them for disposal. EHS requires select individuals from various departments to attend this training annually so that those departments generating hazardous waste have a designated individual(s) with the department knowledgeable of proper storage, handling, and disposal requirements. EHS is ultimately responsible for coordinating the management of hazardous/regulated waste materials with a licensed waste contractor, transport, and disposal site. Departments are required to work with EHS when coordinating these activities.
Hearing Conservation Training
This training course is often combined with Hazard Communication as a refresher course that is required for employees who are working in loud work environments that exceed 85 dbA.
Respiratory Protection Training
This course is offered several times a year for employees required to or that may need to wear respiratory protection during the course of performing their job duties. Topics covered include identifying respiratory hazards, resources available to identify hazards and make the most appropriate selection of respirator for a particular task, reviewing the UM guidelines, discussion of selection, maintenance and general use of respirators, their limitations, when to know if the respirator has failed, what to do in an emergency and much more. The class also discusses the physical requirements and need for a medical evaluation. The course meets the OSHA/MIOSHA requirement for employee training.
Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasure
Employees who handle oil need to be trained in regulations regarding spills, releases, and pollution control procedures, general contents of the UM-Flint SPCC/PIPP document, and the general operation and maintenance of equipment to prevent discharges. The level of employee training depends on the person’s level of responsibility for spill prevention or control. EHS will provide training for supervisors and employees. Supervisors can provide training to their employees on their specific departmental protocols/procedures. This can be in the form of Informal briefings held periodically to assure adequate understanding of the SPCC/PIPP and to update employees on changes in the regulations, laws, or in-house procedures. All training must be documented and copies of training records should be forwarded to EHS.