Occupational Injuries & Illnesses
Reporting an Injury or Illness
Call the Department of Public Safety at 911 from any campus phone or 810-762-3333 from other phones. DPS will arrange for transportation to a UM-Flint’s designated medical provider’s treatment facility or local hospital. DPS will notify Environment, Health & Safety who will work with you and your department to process the appropriate reporting forms. EHS, UM-Flint’s Human Resources, and U-M Risk Management Services/Work Connections work together to provide illness and injury support services for all faculty and staff.
EHS has created a Medical Emergencies Guidance Poster for use in classrooms, labs, and offices. Please find an electronic copy of the poster here. If you need additional hard copies to post, contact UM-Flint EHS at 810-766-6763 or by email at [email protected].
Timely Reporting of Injuries & Illnesses
Work Connections Illness/Injury Report Forms are to be completed on-line within 24 hours of the incident. Timely reporting to EHS supports the university’s ability to meet the Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration regulations, but also enables us to better respond to the medical treatment and return-to-work needs of injured/ill employees.
If you are not sure if an incident is or is not reportable – call DPS 810-762-3333 or EHS 810-766-6763. Some incidents may not appear to be an obvious accident/illness or may not be reported by the employee to the supervisor immediately such as a rash or allergic reaction resulting from working with or near a chemical product. It is important that these types of work-related incidents are reported to DPS and EHS for follow up.
Centrally Managed Records
Work Connections Illness/Injury Report Forms should be completed by the supervisor for ALL work-related injuries or occupational illnesses. For all non-work-related incidents, the form may be completed by the supervisor or employee. Work~Connections, a program of Risk Management Services, provides injury and illness support services for faculty and staff on all UM campuses for work related and non-work related incidents. Work~Connections is also responsible for the university’s compliance with the MIOSHA Recordkeeping Rule relating to the reporting of all work-related injuries and illnesses.
Annual Posting of Summary of Occupational Injuries & Illnesses (MIOSHA 300A Log)
MIOSHA mandates the reporting and recording of work-related incidents. The rules were designed to help employers recognize where workplace hazards were occurring, and, through effectively tracking injuries and illnesses, enables employers to take corrective action to eliminate the hazards. MIOSHA requires employers to post from Feb 1-Apr 30 the MIOSHA Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses for recordable injuries/illnesses that occurred during the prior calendar year. A complete copy of the summary log has been provided by the UM Risk Management Services/Work Connections to the Flint campus. The copy of the MIOSHA 300A Log Summary is posted on the Work~Connections and EHS websites, and will be accessible to employees through April 30. Additionally, a paper copy is posted and available for employees to review in the Environment, Health & Safety office.
The Summary Log reports aggregate data in the following categories: Number of Cases, Number of Days, Injury and Illness Types, and Employment Information (average number of employees and total hours worked).
MIOSHA Reporting Requirement
- Employers are required to record work-related injuries or illnesses if they result in, for example, days away from work, restricted work, or medical treatment beyond first aid.
- Employers are required to record cases as restricted work cases when the injured or ill employee only works partial days or is restricted from performing his/her routine job functions.
- Employers are required to record all needlestick and sharp injuries involving contamination by another person’s blood or other potentially infectious material.
- If a contracted worker receives day-to-day supervision by a UM employee, a work-related illness/injury that is sustained by the contract worker may need to be recorded on the University’s MIOSHA 300A Log. Contract worker incidents must be reported to EHS immediately.
- For further information, see the MIOSHA website.
UM-Flint Posting of MIOSHA Summaries of Recordable
- 2024 MIOSHA Letter to UM-Flint Faculty & Staff
- 2024 MIOSHA Summary of Recordable Cases
- 2023 MIOSHA Summary of Recordable Cases
- 2023 MIOSHA Letter to UM-Flint Faculty & Staff
- 2022 MIOSHA Summary of Recordable Cases
- 2022 MIOSHA Letter to UM-Flint Faculty & Staff
- 2021 MIOSHA Summary of Recordable Cases
- 2021 MIOSHA Letter to UM-Flint Faculty & Staff
- 2020 MIOSHA Summary of Recordable Cases
- 2020 MIOSHA Letter to UM-Flint Faculty & Staff