Online Training Safety Skills
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Environment, Health & Safety offers Online EHS Training Safety Skills, to University of Michigan-Flint employees. Classroom training will continue to be offered, and in some cases, a combination of on-line with class room training due to the need for a hands-on component. This on-line training will enhance convenience and variety in meeting UM-Flint’s employee health and safety training regulatory compliance.
EHS Training Assignments & Records
EHS and/or supervisors are able to assign EHS on-line training courses. If there is a topic of interest, contact your supervisor or EHS and that course can be assigned. For supervisors and those who have Administrative access to Safety Skills Learning Management System, there is a link in the right column of this web page providing basic instructions on how to use the LMS to view records and run reports on employees in their groups. If needed, EHS can assist and answer questions on how to use the LMS upon request.
About the Online Training
Most of the on-line training classes can be completed within 30-45 minutes. The duration of each course appears on your assignment listing. If you are not able to complete the entire training course at one time, you can resume where you left off or start over from the beginning. After information is presented, there are review questions for that segment. If a question is not answered correctly, the information pertaining to the missed question is reviewed again before moving to the next topic.
Once a training module is completed you can print your own certificate. The LMS system keeps records of all the training courses that have been assigned and/or completed. Supervisors and EHS can view records, generate lists and reports to see which employees in their groups have completed their assignments. Automated emails are sent to notify the learner of a training course assignment and a reminder email closer to the assignment due date.