Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management is Our Shared Responsibility
UM-Flint is fortunate to be located adjacent to the Flint River in Downtown Flint in the Flint River Watershed. The community is home to many that recognize the Flint River as one of the great assets of our community and are committed to protecting and improving this resource for all to enjoy. Historically, the post-industrial environmental conditions resulting from the extensive industrial activity over the last hundred years present an ongoing challenge to our community and overall watershed management. These historical industrial activities included lumber, carriage & auto manufacturing and repair, energy generation, and others. Although presented with challenges to the protection and improvement of water quality in our watershed, many committed and longstanding partnerships have developed and work in collaboration to revitalize, restore, and enhance our community’s recognized greatest natural resource, the Flint River.
UM-Flint is one of many committed organizations in Flint and Genesee County working to protect the Flint River. The University’s implementation of the U-M Storm Water Management Program, the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan , Contractor & Construction Safety requirements, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan are programs that work toward protecting the Flint River.
Improving the protection and management of stormwater helps ensure that surface water quality is improved and maintained. That means cleaner water for all of us and our children to fish, swim, kayak, canoe and generally enjoy. We all can work together toward this important vision and protect one of our communities’ greatest shared assets… the Flint River.
What is a Watershed, and how does a Watershed Work?
A watershed is the area of land where all of the water under it or drains off it goes into the same place. The City of Flint is part of the Flint River Watershed and any water that runs off from any portion of the University property or City eventually flows into the Flint River. University of Michigan-Flint is focused on protecting storm drains from all contaminants and preventing runoff of sediment and pollutants from entering navigable waters like the Flint River.
Learn more about the FLINT RIVER WATERSHED and HOW IT WORKS by visiting the Flint River Watershed Coalition.
Facts About the Flint River and its watershed
(from FRWC website)
Watershed in Square Miles
River’s Length in Miles
Counties Spanned
The Native American name for the Flint River is Pewonigowink, meaning “River of Fire Stone”.
Land Acknowledgement
We want to acknowledge that the land that the University of Michigan-Flint campus is located is the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary homeland of many Indigenous nations, most recently the Anishinabek (including Potawatomi, Chippewa/Ojibwe, and Odawa) tribal nations.
We acknowledge the painful history of genocide, forced relocation, and removal of many from this territory, and we honor and respect the many Indigenous people, including those of the Three Fires Alliance, who are still connected to this land on which we gather.