The 2025-26 Scholarship Application is now available. Please visit our Scholarship Application Information page for more information including how to begin your application, how to submit additional documentation for your application, and deadlines.

University of Michigan-Flint General Scholarships

UM-Flint is proud to offer many scholarships for students. The majority of scholarships are created by generous donors who believe in supporting students as they pursue their educational goals.

Each year, students have the opportunity to apply for scholarships that they are qualified for, based on specific criteria. Students are encouraged to look through the alphabetized list below or search by the appropriate College or School with the student’s academic program of choice.

For a majority of the scholarships, students must submit an online application during the application period of Dec. 1 through Feb. 15. Graduate scholarships have an extended deadline from March 1 through June 1.

It is important to note that application requirements vary by scholarship, so students are encouraged to read all criteria and requirements carefully before submitting any applications. For questions regarding the process of applying for scholarships, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.

College of Arts, Sciences & Education

Aiyer, Ananthakrishnan G. Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be pursuing a major/minor in Anthropology, and may enroll full or part-time. Applicants can apply as sophomores but must have achieved a junior/senior standing at the time of the scholarship offer. Students must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in the subjects and approaches that were central to Ananth Aiyer’s life and work. Applicants will do so by writing a personal essay that reflects their curiosity about comparative inequalities as they are expressed in local and/or global contexts, pressing social issues and approaches to foster social change. Essays should be 500-750 words in length.

Barbour, Fleming A. & Marian E. Scholarship Fund

For full-time students who have completed 60 credit hours, which includes a minimum of ten credit hours in chemistry and a minimum of ten credit hours in biology. Applicants must have attained a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA and a detailed letter of recommendation from one of their UM-Flint instructors. Scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA each semester.

Bartholomew, Melody Department of Music Discretionary Endowment Fund

Funds can be used by the Music Department to cover the department’s greatest need(s) not being met, including such areas as programmatic support; equipment and supply costs; instrument purchase, rental, and/or repair; scholarship support to attract of retaining promising students; or adjunct faculty support. Expendable funds may accumulate over multiple years if deemed appropriate.

Blecker, Harry H. Scholarship Fund

Designed to provide financial assistance to UM-Flint graduate and undergraduate students pursuing chemistry as their major with at least junior standing (55 credits or more) and a minimum 3.7 graduate GPA and a 3.0 undergraduate GPA who attend full-time.

Bolter, Candace Marie Scholarship

For full-time students with a declared major in philosophy. Students must have completed at least 45 credit hours and maintain a minimum 3.5 overall GPA. Students must address both academic and career goals in the essay portion of the scholarship application. The scholarship is renewable, if recipients continue to meet scholarship criteria and reapply each consecutive year. Scholarship offers may be used for tuition, fees, and books.

Bommarito, Ellen Book Fund

Offered to a full- or part-time junior or senior student who has declared a major in English with a Specialization in Writing, a minor in Writing, or a minor in Technical Writing. Must have completed at least one course in expository or technical writing at the 200-level or above. Applicants should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Brownell, Chandler B. Piano Scholarship

Offered to full-time students majoring in piano with at least a 3.0 GPA. Preference is given to residents of Genesee County. Financial needs may be considered. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Bray, Everett L., and Viola E. Scholarship

For residents of the state of Michigan attending UM-Flint who are in good standing in their junior, senior, or graduate years and who intend to teach upon completion of their education. Completion of 55 credit hours is required. Financial need may be a consideration in making the offers.

Burd, Margaret Anne-UAW Local 599 Memorial Scholarship

For full-time students enrolled in the College of Arts, Sciences & Education or the College of Health Sciences whose parent or grandparent has been a member in good standing of UAW Local 599 for at least five years. Financial need is a consideration. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Applicants must submit proof of Local 599 membership (i.e., a copy of the membership card).

Burnham, James H. and Sara Memorial Scholarship

For junior or senior students in good standing whose circumstances demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to students concentrating on engineering, science, nursing, or education. Full- or part-time students may apply. Scholarship preference is for a married student.

Carl, Kathryn Education Scholarship

For students who are pursuing degrees in education. Applicants must be residents of the city of Flint or have graduated from a high school in Genesee County. Students must be enrolled full-time with a declared major in education, and have at least a 3.0 GPA. Financial needs will be considered.

Cherry Jr., The John D. Public Service Scholarship

Applicants must have been accepted into the Public Administration undergraduate program or the Master of Public Administration program. Completion of six credits is required. One letter of reference from leaders of Community Public Service Organizations will be required.

Croner, Christopher W. Memorial Scholarship Fund

For students pursuing studies in resource science with a major in physical geography including the study of geology. Students must be enrolled full-time with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Department of Music Anniversary Scholarship

Offered to students who have a cumulative 3.0 GPA, demonstrate musical ability and participate in a performance group.

Department of Music Instrumental Jazz Scholarship

A scholarship will be offered to one incoming freshman for the fall semester of each academic year. Upon fulfillment of the applicable guidelines, this scholarship may be renewable for an additional three consecutive semesters. Application is open to all incoming freshmen, regardless of their intended major. Applicants must have a minimum recomputed 2.7 high school GPA. Auditions are required.  Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Dismond, Dr. Samuel, and Mrs. University of Michigan-Flint Health Sciences Scholarship

Offered to Genesee Early College student graduates who are enrolled full-time in the College of Health Sciences or in the sciences in pursuit of a health-related profession. Students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA or be in the top 10% of the graduating class with a minimum ACT score of 20. Applicants must have demonstrated commitment to community service. Scholarship offers may be renewable for up to two years provided that the student continues to meet scholarship criteria and reapplies each consecutive year.

Duesberry, Caroline Maxine Scholarship

For full-time students enrolled in the UM-Flint Teacher Education Program with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must submit proof of acceptance to the Teacher Education Program.

Ebmeyer, Garrett E. Trumpet Scholarship

Offered to a Music Education trumpet student. The offer is based on performance and musical ability. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Economics Scholarship Fund

For economics majors with a 3.5 GPA or better, and who have completed at least 12 credit hours of economics classes at UM-Flint.

Evans, Janet Kay Memorial Scholarship Fund

For full-time music students who demonstrate academic accomplishment and musical ability. A minimum 3.0 GPA and participation in a performance group are required. Financial need is considered. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Fesmire, Chieko String Instrument Scholarship

Applicants must be full-time undergraduate “applied music” students pursuing an interest in string music with preference given to students studying violin. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants are required to audition with the Music Department. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Flint Journal Scholarship Fund

Applicants must have a declared major in communication. Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference is given to UM-Flint Michigan Times editorial staff, including but not limited to reporters, photographers, and editors.

Flint Rock and Gem Club Scholarship

For juniors or seniors with a declared major in geology or one of the earth science fields, or education majors seeking certification as earth science teachers. Financial need is a consideration.

Founding Faculty/Friends of Music Scholarship Endowment

Provides funds to assist currently enrolled full-time students pursuing music education at UM-Flint. Students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA. First-semester freshmen must have a re-computed GPA of 3.0. The level of musical performance may be taken into consideration in offering this scholarship. An audition may be required. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Freedman, Eric G. PhD Psychology Research Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be enrolled full- or part-time with 55 or more credits completed (junior-standing or higher) and have a declared major of psychology. Priority will be given to students planning experimental research design projects of theoretical importance, conducted in a laboratory with the potential for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Applicants must submit a completed application to the selection committee along with a letter of support from a faculty member of the Psychology Department.

Freeman, Emmalyn Ellis Master of Science in Biology Scholarship

Applicants must be fully admitted into the Master of Science in Biology program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 as a UM-Flint graduate student. Applicants must have completed at least two graduate-level courses in biology at UM-Flint, including at least one core course (BIO 501, 503, or 505). Priority will be given to students who are nearing completion of the Master of Science in Biology program.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Art Scholarship

For art majors with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Applicants must have demonstrated a behavioral commitment to the arts, and participated in programs and activities that promote the arts.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Chemistry Scholarship

Applicants must be majoring in chemistry at UM-Flint, with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Foreign Languages Scholarship

For foreign language majors with a 3.5 minimum GPA. Applicants must have completed one 300-level foreign language course at UM-Flint.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. High School Programming Contest Scholarship

Scholarship offers will be made to designated High School Programming Contest scholarship recipients who attend UM-Flint, following graduation from high school.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Mathematics Scholarship

For juniors and seniors with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Must have completed at least 12 credit hours at UM-Flint. Completion of multivariate calculus and the introductory proof course is required.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Philosophy Scholarship

For philosophy majors with a minimum 3.25 GPA or for entering freshmen, a high school GPA of 3.5.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Psychology Scholarship

For psychology majors with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice Scholarship

This scholarship is intended to support sociology, anthropology, and criminal justice majors at junior status (55 credits or more) with a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Theatre Scholarship

Applicants must be full–time Theatre majors with a minimum GPA of 3.2. Contact the Theatre Department for consideration and application instructions.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Writing Specialization Scholarship

For full-time sophomore, junior, or senior English majors with a specialization in writing or technical writing with a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Education and Human Services Scholarship

For juniors and seniors admitted to the College of Arts, Sciences & Education with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Master of Arts in Education Scholarship

Applicants must have successfully completed 18 graduate credit hours in the Master of Arts Education Program and a minimum 3.7 GPA on a 4.0 point scale. A letter is required with an application addressing career goals and commitment to excellence in teaching.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Master of Public Administration Scholarship

Applicants must have received full admission into the Master of Public Administration programs and have completed 12 graduate hours with a GPA of 3.3.  Letters of reference are required from two faculty members, at least one from a graduate program faculty member.

French, David Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is available to UM-Flint students majoring in political science. Applicants must have completed 25 credit hours with a cumulative 3.0 GPA.

Friedman, Leon MD Scholarship

For health science majors with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants must be a graduate of Carman-Ainsworth High School.

Gay, Genevieve A. Scholarship

Preference is given to students who are enrolled in the Teacher Education Program with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and at least junior standing (55 credit hours or more). Students must be a graduate of a high school in Genesee County and preference is given to students in need of financial aid. Also, students who have had a delay in completing their education and who are highly motivated to complete their degree requirements are preferred.

Gilder, Richard American History Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. Intended for a student who demonstrates a strong commitment to the study of American history and who wishes to pursue the Teacher’s Certification Program in History. Applicants must have a minimum overall 2.75 GPA with a minimum 3.25 GPA in history courses. Preference is given to residents of Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee Counties.

Goodstein, Hanna & Peter Endowed Scholarship

Applicants must be fully admitted into the Master of Public Administration program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7 as a UM-Flint graduate student or for entering students with a 3.0 undergraduate GPA. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Garfield, Jeffrey F. Scholarship Fund

For entering or continuing UM-Flint students with a declared major in music or theatre. Talented applicants must have a recomputed 3.25 GPA if entering as freshmen or a minimum 3.0 GPA as continuing or transfer students. Financial need will be a consideration. Scholarships are renewable, but recipients must submit a new application. Contact the Music or Theatre Department for consideration and application instructions.

Geniesse Sr., Eugene W. Science Scholarship

For full-time undergraduate science majors who have completed at least 55 credit hours with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Offers are based on academic achievement and financial need.

Gilder, Richard Merit Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. The scholarship is intended for juniors and seniors majoring in history. Applicants must have a minimum 3.4 GPA, a minimum 3.5 GPA in history courses, and must complete History 220 and 221 by the time they apply for the scholarship. In addition, the applicant must have completed or be enrolled in at least three U.S. History courses with two of them at the 300 level or above. Preference will be given to students whose coursework indicates an emphasis on American History and whose career goals include pursuing a profession that focuses on American History.

Gilder, Richard Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. The scholarship is for history majors with a minimum of 60 credit hours and a 3.0 GPA. Preference is given to students whose coursework indicates an emphasis on American History and whose career goals include pursuing a profession that focuses on American History (teaching, archiving, museum work, etc.).

Gillespie, Carolyn M. Fund for Theatre and Dance

The fund is intended to be used by the Theatre & Dance Department for initiatives for which other monies are not routinely available, such as the hiring of guest artists, support of special projects or programming, participation in the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, international initiatives, and travel for staff adjunct faculty. The fund may also be used for student scholarships.

Green, Dr. Scholarship for the Sciences

Applicants must have a declared major in a science program.

Gwiazdowski, Edward F. Scholarship

Offered to a full-time education major with at least a 3.3 GPA on a 4.0 scale who will begin student teaching in the upcoming academic year. Applicants must show merit and evidence of a strong commitment to education. Applications are taken through the CASE.

Harris, Richard S. Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. The scholarship is intended for political science or English majors who have expressed intent to enter the legal profession. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or 3.4 GPA in the major. Applicants must also have completed at least three political science or English courses within their major.

Hartwig, Amy Scholarship

For students who are full/part-time, first-generation college students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree within the College of Arts, Sciences & Education.  Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial needs. Students must also have a 3.2 overall GPA in order to be considered.

Hopkins, Ada L. Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be music majors and have attained at least junior-level class status (55 credits or more). The applicant must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0. Also must demonstrate a record of leadership and initiative in the ensemble appropriate to the student’s instrument or voice. Applicants must participate in the traditional service venues for the Music Department. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Ifill, Gwen Scholarship

Applicants must declare a major in communication and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference is given to UM-Flint Michigan Times editorial staff, including reporters, photographers, and editors.

Karnes, Monica Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established by Monica Karnes’ family and Phi Sigma Iota, Rho Rho Chapter, to provide financial assistance to currently enrolled full- or part-time students. Students should have a minimum 3.0 GPA and must have completed at least one 300-level foreign language course at UM-Flint. Selection is based on demonstrated commitment to foreign language study.

Keller, David R. Book Fund

This fund was established to assist students in purchasing textbooks for their education at UM-Flint. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students majoring in political science.

Kildee, Dale Edward Education Scholarship

Offered to full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students currently admitted in education degree programs. Preference is given to students studying early childhood education and secondary education. Eligible applicants must be in good academic standing. The scholarship is renewable, however, students must reapply and continue to meet the scholarship guidelines.

Landon, Stephen Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends for students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Theatre Design & Technology. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required or as an entering freshman, a 3.25 GPA. Selection is based on auditions and financial needs. Contact the Theatre Department for consideration and application instructions.

Larmor, Douglas E. Memorial Scholarship

Established by friends in conjunction with the Flint Federation of Musicians-Local 542 for full-time students who are instrumental music majors. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Selection is based on auditions and financial needs. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Lippert, Dr. Sarah Jordan Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is intended to help support UM-Flint Art History (BA) majors and graduate students in the Museum and Visual Arts track of the Master of Arts degree in Arts Administration. Financial need is not a consideration in offering the scholarship. Applicants must be currently enrolled at UM-Flint, in good university standing, with a minimum 3.2 GPA in their art history courses (for the BA) or their Core and Museum and Visual Arts Track courses (for the MA). Students can be either full/part-time and have completed at least one 300-level or 500-level course in their respective degrees. Applicants must address in a brief, one-page essay their commitment to the student of Art History and/or Museum and Visual Arts Track in Arts Administration.

Lotfi Family Scholarship Fund

Preference given to full- or part-time students pursuing a Bachelor in Science in Environmental Chemistry or Environmental Science and Planning. Students must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA. Financial need is a consideration.

Marston, The Wilfred G. Marston Civic Engagement

Intended for sociology/anthropology/criminal justice majors who exemplify Marston’s spirit and who undertake a civic engagement project with a sociologically relevant research component that focuses on the improvement of Flint. Contact the Sociology/Anthropology/Criminal Justice Department for consideration and application instructions.

McDonald, Brian Scholarship Fund

For theatre majors with a minimum 3.25 GPA for freshmen and a 3.0 GPA for currently enrolled students. Financial need is a consideration. Contact the Theatre Department for consideration and application instructions.

McKinnon, Zelpha E. Science Scholarship

Available to biology and chemistry majors who have completed at least 55 credit hours of coursework, including organic chemistry. Applicants must be current residents of Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee counties and have a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Morgan, Carl and Sarah Theatre Scholarship

Provides scholarship assistance to talented students majoring in theatre. Offered yearly to full-time students who have maintained a minimum 2.75 GPA and who make significant contributions to the Theatre Department‘s programs. Fulfillment of a community service project is also a requirement. Contact the Theatre Department for additional information, consideration, and application instructions.

Music Department Scholarships

For students with a minimum 3.0 GPA who have received no grade in applied music lower than a “B” and who participate in a large performance group appropriate to their major instrument. Students must demonstrate continued commitment to their studies and the university.

Music Department Stipends

May be offered to students who are active and supportive members of ensembles in the department. Students must prepare their individual parts to the best of their ability and must attend all rehearsals and concerts outlined by the conductor. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Pace, Gary Biology/Ecology Field Study Scholarship

Financial need is a consideration. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Preference is given to students who are declared in the wildlife biology program. Preference is given to students of at least junior standing. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Piper, Joyce R. Endowed Memorial Piano Scholarship

Applicants must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA, and participate in a UM-Flint Music Department audition. One scholarship will be offered each academic year. Scholarships may be renewed; however, scholarship recipients must reapply. Contact the Music Department for consideration and application instructions.

Price, Albert Public Administration Scholarship

Applicants must have received full admission into either the public administration undergraduate program or the Masters of Public Administration program. Applicants must submit a cover letter addressing their reasons for applying for this scholarship. This letter should also address their intention to use this degree to benefit the public. Students must be in good academic standing.

Reddy, Dr. Nallapu N Scholarship Fund

For first-generation students entering as freshmen who graduated high school with a 3.5 GAP and who maintain a 3.2 GAP while enrolled full-time in the College of Arts, Sciences & Education at UM-Flint.

Russell, C. Scott Scholarship

Russell, C. Scott Scholarship: Designed to give financial assistance to students who work in the Marian E. Wright Writing Center as tutors who will attend and/or present at conferences. Applicants must be current Marian E  Wright Writing Center tutors and submit a cover letter detailing what they hope to learn and contribute at the conference, as well as showcasing other funding sources for the conference.

School of Education & Human Services Alumni Scholarship for Education

Applicants must be full- or part-time undergraduate students currently enrolled in education degree programs. Applicants must be in good academic standing.

Sevillian, Clarence, and Arteka Scholarship for Elementary Education Students

The scholarship is intended for full- and part-time undergraduate students fully admitted to the Elementary Education Program with preference given to students who are currently enrolled or have completed the elementary internship course (EDE 460), or elementary educators enrolled in the Masters in Literacy Education Program. Preference will be given to students who have dependent children or who are in jeopardy of not completing the program due to financial burdens/exhausted financial aid. First preference will be given to applicants who are high school graduates of the following community school districts: Flint, Beecher, Westwood, and Carman-Ainsworth.

Stockton, Colonel T.B.W. Scholarship

Applicants must be a junior undergraduate or graduate status with a declared major in history or be graduate students enrolled in the Master of Liberal Studies in American Culture. Financial need is a consideration in offering the scholarship.

Sucic, Holly Endowed Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is open to students who are interested in pursuing a career in biomedical research. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 and complete at least 85 credit hours. Financial need is not a consideration. Preference may be given to students who are either molecular biology or biochemistry majors, as these programs are extremely well-suited for students interested in biomedical research. Preference will be given to students who have undergraduate research experience and who have presented and/or published their research. This scholarship will be offered in the student’s senior year.

Terrill, John, and Lora Dorland Biological Sciences Scholarship Fund

Applicants should be either full- or part-time biology or Earth and Resource Science TCP students who plan to have a career in the sciences. Financial needs should be demonstrated. Pre-med students are not eligible to apply.

Theatre Department Scholarship

Offered to new and continuing Theatre majors based on satisfactory progress in both theatre activities and general university studies. Contact the Theatre Department for consideration and application instructions.

Thompson, Virginia Hoover International Travel Scholarship

Designated to assist students enrolled in the College of Arts & Science at UM-Flint. Designated for students participating in approved study abroad courses sponsored and led by UM-Flint faculty and approved by the Study Abroad Advisory Committee. Applicants must be full-time students who have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours and attained a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must submit a personal statement/essay in which they outline their career goals and aspirations. This scholarship is based on scholastic merit, and not on financial need. Apply through the Education Abroad Office; applications are taken in December/January each year.

Trela, A.J. Scholarship

This scholarship is meant to provide support to students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs offered in the English Department at UM-Flint. Students simultaneously enrolled in the University Honors Program may be given preference. Must have a 3.0 overall GPA.

Trela, Ruby Scholarship

This scholarship is meant to provide support to students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs offered in the English Department at UM-Flint. Students simultaneously enrolled in the University Honors Program may be given preference. Must have a 3.0 overall GPA.

University of Michigan-Flint Matthew Hilton-Watson Study Abroad Scholarship

Applicants must be enrolled at UM-Flint as undergraduate or graduate students and in good academic standing. Preference will be given for the study of a different culture than the student’s own and funds may be used for several research-oriented experiences.

University of Michigan-Flint Shakespeare Club of Flint Scholarship

Designed for students who have an established interest in Shakespearian studies. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate or graduate students with a major or minor in theatre or English. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA (undergraduate or graduate) or 3.25 GPA as entering first-year students.

West, Kenneth B. Scholarship

For juniors or seniors who are majoring in history at UM-Flint with a minimum GPA of 3.0.

White, Barbara Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

For full-time juniors or seniors (completion of 55 credits or more) majoring in mathematics or science who intend to make a career in those fields, and who have at least a 3.0 GPA. Selection is based on financial needs and academic achievement.

White, Elizabeth L. Scholarship Fund

Established to provide financial assistance for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in communications and English at UM-Flint. Applicants must be entering first-year and have a minimum high school GPA of 3.6 and have distinguished themselves through exceptional academic achievements. Students must meet satisfactory academic progress standards.

Wright, Marian E. Scholarship for Elementary Education Students

The scholarship is intended for full- and part-time students who have been fully admitted into the UM-Flint Elementary Education Program. Applicants must be in good academic standing and financial need is required.

Wright-Kendall, Norma J. Scholarship for Elementary Education

Applicants should have a declared major in elementary education and also must be in good academic standing. Should be at least junior standing. Preference will be given to applicants residing in Genesee County. Preference will also be given to applicants who are graduates of Flint Community School, especially Northern High School. Financial need will be a consideration as well as if the applicant contributes to the educational diversity of the UM-Flint campus.

Wyant, Donald Loren Music Scholarship

Eligible applicants will have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA. Preference will be given to music students studying jazz and/or jazz piano. Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time at UM-Flint. The scholarship offer is to be used solely for tuition, fees, and books. Offerings may be renewable if recipients continue to meet eligibility criteria and reapply.

Wyatt, Incentive Scholarship

Incoming Students from high school/transfer institution:

  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 from a high school/transfer institution.
  • Applicants must be a declared history major or minor upon acceptance at UM-Flint.
  • Applicants must complete at least 12 credits in history in the first year of the scholarship.
  • Scholarships will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition account for the fall and winter semesters. 
  • The Scholarship Selection Committee will be comprised of no fewer than three faculty members from the History Department.

For scholarship extension to the second year:

  • Completion of 12 credits in history at UM-Flint during the first year with an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher and a GPA of 3.0 or higher in history courses at UM-Flint.
  • Applicants must be a declared history major or minor and take at least 6 credits in history in the second year of scholarship.

Students Enrolled at UM-Flint (New Majors/Minors):

  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.75.
  • Applicants must be a declared history major or minor.
  • Applicants must complete at least 6 credits in history in the first year of the scholarship.
  • Scholarships will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition account for the fall and winter semesters. 
  • The Scholarship Selection Committee will be comprised of no fewer than three faculty members from the History Department

For scholarship extension to the second year:

Applicants must be a declared history major or minor and take at least 6 credits in history in the second year of scholarship

Completion of 6 credits in history at UM-Flint during the first year with an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher and a GPA of 3.0 or higher in history courses at UM-Flint.

Wyatt, Merit Scholarship

Scholarship Guidelines for Majors:

  • Applicants must be a history major attending UM-Flint as full-time student.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 48 credit hours, out of which 15 credit hours must be history courses taken at UM-Flint.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0-grade point average.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0-grade point average in history courses.
  • Scholarships will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition account. Scholarships will apply to the fall and winter semesters.
  • The scholarship selection committee will be comprised of no fewer than three faculty members from the History Department.

Scholarship Guidelines for Minors:

  • Applicants must be a history major attending UM-Flint as full-time students.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 48 credit hours, out of which 12 credit hours must be history courses taken at UM-Flint.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0-grade point average.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0-grade point average in history courses.
  • Scholarships will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition account. Scholarships will apply to the fall and winter semesters.
  • The scholarship selection committee will be comprised of no fewer than three faculty members from the History Department.

For scholarship extension to a second year:

Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.3-grade point average in history courses.

Applicants must be a history major or minor attending UM-Flint as a full-time student.

Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.1-grade point average.

Wyatt, Internship Scholarship

Established to provide financial assistance to students with a declared major in history. Applicants must be enrolled in an internship class.

Younes, Mohsen A. and Carol M. Environmental Science and Planning Scholarship

Established to provide financial assistance to students with a declared major in Earth and Resource Science major; who graduated from high school in the Flint Community School District, Beecher Community School District, or Westwood Heights School District. Students must have an overall 3.0 GPA; freshmen students must have a minimum 3.0 overall high school GPA. Applicants must demonstrate volunteer participation in school and/or community service activities.

College of Health Sciences

Bader, Donna D. Social Work Scholarship

Applicants can be full- or part-time students enrolled in social work and who have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Preference will be given to returning students working on their first degree. Applicants must submit an essay (1,000-word limit) with their scholarship application describing their reason for choosing social work as a vocation.

Bigelow, Lucille Social Work Scholarship Fund

Designed to provide financial assistance to UM-Flint students pursuing a social work major. Intended for full or part-time UM-Flint students who have had to postpone their college education for a minimum three-year period. Preference given to students in their late twenties or early thirties is single parents, and/or married students with children. Recipients must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Blakely, Everett J. Social Work Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for full- and part-time students enrolled in the Bachelors of Social Work program. Applicants must have a minimum 2.8 GPA. Financial need is a consideration.

Brown, Diane DNAP Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. This merit-based scholarship is created to assist qualified individuals with the cost of tuition and to help promote the profession of Nurse Anesthesia. Applicants must be enrolled in the DNAP program in the College of Health Sciences. Scholarship recipients must have participated in professional health care organizations and/or community activities. This is a three-year automatically renewable scholarship as long as the student continues to meet scholarship eligibility requirements.

Burd, Margaret Anne-UAW Local 599 Memorial Scholarship

For full-time students enrolled in the College of Arts, Sciences & Education or the College of Health Sciences whose parent or grandparent has been a member in good standing of UAW Local 599 for at least five years (proof of membership is required). Financial need is a consideration. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required.

Burnham, James H. and Sara Memorial Scholarship

For junior or senior students in good standing whose circumstances demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to students concentrating on engineering, science, nursing, or education. Full- or part-time students may apply. Preference is given to a married student per the donor’s wishes.

Cebulski, Paulette Kondela Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund

Applicants can be full- or part-time students enrolled in the physical therapy program. Applicants must be in good academic standing and have completed at least two semesters at the time of the offer. Applicants must demonstrate professional behaviors, known in the department as generic abilities and professionalism, as determined by the Physical Therapy Department Scholarship Committee and the Physical Therapy faculty. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Applicants must outline their academic and professional goals in the essay portion of the scholarship application. Students apply through the electronic online scholarship application each year by June 1.

Dalman, Andrew & Lillian Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund

Designed for full- or part-time graduate students enrolled in the physical therapy program who have completed at least two semesters with good academic standing status. Applicants must outline their academic and professional goals in the essay portion of the scholarship application and demonstrate financial need by completing the FAFSA and addressing their need for financial assistance within the scope of the scholarship essay. Students apply through the electronic on-line scholarship application each year by June 1.

Dismond, Dr. Samuel, and Mrs. University of Michigan-Flint Health Sciences Scholarship

Offered to Genesee Early College student graduates who are enrolled full-time in the College of Health Sciences or in the sciences in pursuit of a health-related profession. Students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA or be in the top 10% of the graduating class with a minimum ACT score of 20. Applicants must have demonstrated commitment to community service. Scholarship ofrers may be renewable for up to two years provided that the student continues to meet scholarship criteria and reapplies each consecutive year.

Farrehi, Cyrus M.D. Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. For pre-medicine majors planning to pursue a career in health sciences. A minimum 3.7 GPA is required.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Social Work Scholarship

For juniors majoring in social work with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Physical Therapy Scholarship

For physical therapy majors, full- or part-time, with a minimum 3.3 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Students apply through the electronic on-line scholarship application each year by June 1.

Friedman, Leon M.D. Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. For Health Science majors with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants must be a graduate of Carman-Ainsworth High School.

Fry Physical Therapy Scholarship

Designed to provide DPT Year 1 students with assistance. Applicants must demonstrate financial need via the FAFSA and a statement that addresses how they qualify as a disadvantaged student, e.g., students who are first-generation college students; or students who are graduates of disadvantaged high school defined as a high school that has low ACT/SAT scores, or a low number of high school graduates, or lower per capita funding, or >50% of students eligible for free/reduced lunch; or students/family who are receiving public assistance; and/or students/family living in a health professional shortage area in Michigan (Detroit, Pontiac, Flint, Saginaw, and all of Michigan’s upper peninsula). Graduates of a high school in Genesee County will be given preference. Contact the Physical Therapy Department to apply.

Kimbrough, Clarence B. II Memorial Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be undergraduate students currently pursuing a degree in the College of Health Sciences. Applicants must have a minimum of 25 credit hours completed at the time of the offer. Applicants also must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 overall.

LaFontaine, Wendy Frost Memorial Scholarship in Physical Therapy

Applicants must be enrolled in their final year of the professional DPT degree program. Applicants must be a resident of the state of Michigan and must show a desire to practice in the state of Michigan. Applicants must be assigned to any Genesys Health System during Clinical Education VI. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the DPT degree program. Contact the Physical Therapy Department to apply.

MacDonald, Lorne, and Beth Physical Therapy Scholarship

Applicants must be non-traditional students and could include students making a significant change in their lives and are entering a profession as a second career. Students must be in good academic standing.  This offer may be used for tuition, fees, or other educational expenses.

Marigowda, Dr., and Renuka Nagaraju School of Education and Human Services Scholarship for Social Work and Peace Studies

Applicants should be full- or part-time students currently enrolled in the social work degree program or Peace Studies degree program. Applicants must have a minimum 3.3 overall GPA. Volunteer service and/or job experience in the field of social work within communities will be requested within the application.

Mary-Sue Tuuri and Gary Jones, M.D. Endowed Pre-Medical Scholarship Fund

Established by Gary Jones, M.D. and Mary-Sue Tuuri, this fund will provide need-based support for UM-Flint’s pre-medical track program students who have origins in Genesee County with first preference given to students with City of Flint origins.

Maynard, Olivia P. and S. Olof Karlstrom Scholarship Fund

For students enrolled full-time in the UM-Flint Bachelor of Social Work program. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Financial need is a consideration with preference given to students who are only eligible to receive federal student loans as determined by the FAFSA.

Morrissey M.D., Vaughn, and Leona Morrissey R.N. Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for students who will pursue a career in the health sciences. Consideration of this offer is based upon financial need. Applicants must be either undergraduate or graduate students. Applicants must be students in good standing with the university and must provide at least one letter of recommendation supporting the student’s strong desire to pursue a career in the health sciences. The ideal candidate will come from a background in which university education is not a family tradition, but has become the goal of the applicant. More importantly, this individual sees a career in the health sciences as not only providing a challenging lifetime career for themselves but also a career in which they make valuable contributions to all members of the community.

Murdock, Jane Eileen Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students in the physical therapy professional preparation program at UM-Flint. Also, need to be a student member of the American Physical Therapy Association. Minimum academic standards of the UM-Flint Physical Therapy Department must be met. Applicants must also have demonstrated service to the profession through participation with APTA or Michigan Physical Therapy Association. Students apply through the university’s scholarship online application process by June 1 each year.

Pane, Gregg A., MD Family Master of Public Health Scholarship

Applicants must have been accepted into the Master of Public Health program. Completion of 12 credits is required, with a minimum 3.5 GPA or higher on a 4.0 scale. One letter of reference from a faculty member of the public health program is required.

Pemberton, Charles and Larue Health Care Program Scholarship

To assist students pursuing a degree in the health care program at UM-Flint who have returned to college after their education has been postponed or interrupted by a period of at least 30 months. Applicants must have completed at least 55 credit hours, have a minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA, and have completed at least six credit hours at UM-Flint. Financial need may be a consideration.

Polzin, Virginia K. DNAP Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. Applicants must be enrolled in the DNAP program at the College of Health Sciences. Recipients must have participated in professional health care organizations and/or community activities. This is a three-year scholarship assuming that the recipients continue to meet eligibility requirements.

Potter, David Physical Therapy Scholarship

Applicants must be enrolled in the physical therapy program as a second career choice. Good academic standing must be met as well as a summary of community service and academic and professional goals. Students apply through the university’s scholarship online application process by June 1 each year.

Pullum, Vivian Juanita Social Work Student Emergency

This scholarship fund was developed for senior-level students majoring in social work with a minimum 2.8 GPA. Applications must be submitted in writing to the Vivian Juanita Pullum Student Emergency Fund selection committee. Please contact the Social Work Department for more information.

Ross Jr., Coleman J., and Lois R. Ross Scholarship

For students in the final year of the professional preparation program in physical therapy. Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA and complete at least 40 credit hours. Financial need is considered. Students apply through the electronic online scholarship application each year by June 1.

Roth, Bradley Memorial Scholarship

For students who have the potential to make a contribution to the profession of physical therapy. Applicants need to be admitted to the full-time physical therapy professional preparation program who demonstrates financial need. Students must demonstrate professional behaviors, known by the department as generic abilities and professionalism. Students apply through the electronic on-line scholarship application each year by June 1.

School of Education & Human Services Alumni Scholarship for Social Work

Applicants must be full- or part-time undergraduate students currently enrolled in social work degree programs with a GPA of 3.3. Students need to demonstrate community service within the field of social work.

Sevillian, Clarence, and Arteka Scholarship for Physical Therapy Students

The scholarship is intended for full- and part-time students enrolled in the Doctor of Physical Therapy professional preparation program. Preference will be given to applicants who are Genesee County high school graduates. Preference will also be given to applicants who have demonstrated volunteer initiative as UM-Flint DPT students within the program, campus, or community.

Smith, Ernestine R. Ph.D. MPH Physical Therapy Scholarship

Available to second and third-year UM-Flint physical therapy students who have a 3.3 GPA and completed at least 24 credit hours. Scholarship applicants must submit a minimum one-page personal statement/essay in which they state their career goals, identify their involvement and specific interest in inpatient care, and demonstrate commitment to the physical therapy program. Contact the Physical Therapy Department to apply.

Smith, William C. Doctor of Physical Therapy Scholarship

Intended for full- or part-time students enrolled in the UM-Flint Doctor in Physical Therapy program. Financial need is a consideration. Preference is given to those expressing an interest in specializing with brain-injured patients. Apply through the online process by June 1 each year.

Sprague, Barbara I. DNAP Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. This merit-based scholarship is created to assist qualified individuals with the cost of tuition and to help promote the profession of Nurse Anesthesia. Applicants must be enrolled in the DNAP program in the College of Health Sciences. Scholarship recipients must have participated in professional health care organizations and/or community activities. This is a three-year automatically renewable scholarship as long as the student continues to meet scholarship eligibility requirements.

Vann, Carl R. Ph.D. Memorial Scholarship Fund

The scholarship was established to recognize students who have a zest for learning, and have demonstrated a willingness to challenge the status quo in the pursuit of knowledge and inspiring others. Applicants must be currently enrolled Health Sciences and Administration students with a minimum of 55 hours completed and an established 3.0 GPA.

Wilson, Virginia Memorial Scholarship

Applicant must be a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and meet the minimum academic standards as defined by the Physical Therapy Department. Demonstrated history of service to the profession, DPT, or community. Students apply through the electronic on-line scholarship application each year by June 1.

School of Management

Baker-Roberson Service Scholarship Fund: Scholarship offers are engaged in “learning for service” project work while making a difference in the community with a local/regional non-profit agency/organization. Applicants must be full- or part-time School of Management accounting students who have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA with a minimum of 60 credit hours.

Cojeen, Professor Robert H. Scholarship: Scholarship offers are merit-based, and applicants must be full-time School of Management students who have a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 40 credit hours and must attain junior standing (55 or more credits).

Cokley, James, and Desoline Family Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate students studying business. Financial need is taken into consideration and students must have a minimum 3.2 overall GPA.

Devon, Pamela Hernandez Scholarship: This scholarship is intended for single parents who are full- or part-time students majoring in business. Students must be at least in junior standing. Financial need is a consideration but not required. Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.

Fesmire, Dr. Walker E. Accounting Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students majoring in accounting who have graduated from a high school located in the Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee counties. Applicants must have a minimum 3.25 GPA and be of junior standing (55 or more credit hours).

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Net+ MBA Scholarship: For students enrolled in the second year of the Net+ MBA program. A minimum GPA of 3.7 and completion of at least 12 graduate credit hours in the Net+ MBA program are required. Applicants must also be enrolled for at least 6 Net+ MBA credit hours at the time of application.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. School of Management Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to provide support for UM-Flint School of Management students. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5.

Haas, Kevin, and Lisa Family Scholarship: Available to undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business. The recipient must be from Genesee County. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 overall grade point average and have attained 55 credit hours.

Hagemeister, Jessica CPA Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. For students enrolled in the School of Management with a major in accounting. Applicants must be non-traditional students, 23 years of age or older, who have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and live in Genesee County. This is a 3-year automatically renewable scholarship assuming the recipient continues to meet the selection criteria. Scholarship recipients must have completed at least 60 credit hours.

Hagerman Scholars Scholarship: Preference is given to those pursuing a major within the School of Management. Applicants must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.8.

Hale, Cathleen E. Single Parent Scholarship Fund: Eligible applicants will be full- or part-time students pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree or another business major within the School of Management, preference is given to undergraduate students. Recipients must come from the Greater Flint Area and be the primary caregiver of dependent children, and single parents. Financial need is a consideration and applicants must be in good standing with the School of Management.

Hale, Karen: Eligible applicants will be full or part-time students pursuing the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)/Master of Business Administration (MBA) dual degree. Preference will be given to students with an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.25.

Heitmann, John & Kathie Family Continuing Education Scholarship: Applicant must be a full-or part-time undergraduate student majoring in accounting with at least junior standing and pursuing their first undergraduate degree. Students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and be a resident of Michigan. Financial need is a consideration with preference given to students only eligible for loans. Preference is given to students from Mott Community College.

Joubran Career Readiness Fund: Established by Robert Joubran, the fund will be used to provide support for career readiness in the form of internship offers and career development activities tied to the School of Management’s Career Development Requirement program.

Kartha Family Scholarship for Study Abroad: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate students in the School of Management and be of junior standing (55+ credit hours). Eligible applicants will be applying for support for an international study abroad experience that is faculty-led. Applicants must have a minimum 3.2 overall GPA.

Leach, Linda, and Randy Family Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate students studying business. Financial need is a consideration and applicants must have a minimum 3.2 overall GPA.

Linn Family Scholarship: For students who have completed a minimum of 70 credit hours and have a declared major in accounting. Students must be residents of Genesee County, enrolled full-time, and have a minimum 3.2 GPA. Financial need is considered. Scholarship recipients are strongly encouraged to contribute to the Linn Family Scholarship Fund within a reasonable length of time after entering the profession.

Miller, Dr. Cathleen L., CPA Accounting Scholarship: For students who are full-time majoring in accounting and who have a minimum 3.5 GPA. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours (have junior standing) and be part of the School of Management.

Moon, I. Douglas School of Management Undergraduate Merit Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time School of Management undergraduate students. Applicants must have an “A-” average or 3.75 GPA. Applicants must submit two letters of reference from personal, professional, or other sources.

Oliver, LaGore, VanValin (OLV) Investment Group Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate and/or graduate students who have declared major(s) in the School of Management. Those pursuing an undergraduate degree must be at a sophomore status toward a degree. Applicants must have an established overall minimum GPA of 3.25. Applicants must submit a personal essay of (three to five pages) addressing the significance of their involvement in civic engagement/volunteerism activities. The scholarship may be renewable if the recipient continues to meet the scholarship criteria and reapplies.

Page, David A. CPA Scholarship Fund: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. For accounting majors with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must be non-traditional students and reside in Genesee County.

Person, Ruth J. Internship Scholarship: For full or part-time undergraduate students in the School of Management (SOM). Eligible applicants will have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA. Each scholarship will be applied to the recipient’s student account and only offered for the semester in which the internship is taking place. Students must be enrolled in the Business Internship Program (BIP) which is supervised by SOM faculty and staff.

Plante Moran Accounting Scholarship: Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students in the School of Management pursuing a degree in accounting and or a program of study that will enable them to become CPA candidates. Applicants must have a minimum 3.25 GPA. Financial need is a consideration but not required.

Purman, Timothy E. CPA Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. For students enrolled in the School of Management with a declared major in accounting. Applicants must be residents of Genesee County, and nontraditional students who have experienced a minimum of a three-year absence from enrollment in school.

Rachor, Charles Erickson Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. For students enrolled in the UM-Flint School of Management MBA program who are Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee County residents. Financial need is a consideration.

Ryan, Thomas P, and Thomas P. Ryan Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund: For full-time UM-Flint students enrolled in the School of Management. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 40 credit hours and maintained a cumulative 3.0 GPA.

Sanchez, Alejandro and Emiliano School of Management Scholarship: Established to provide tuition assistance to students with distinguished academic achievements and community involvement. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students currently enrolled in a degree program within the School of Management (SOM), with at least 30 completed credits or a graduate student in good standing. Students must demonstrate high academic distinction (GPA of 3.4); those with a 3.0 GPA may be considered. Financial needs will be considered. Applicants must have documentation of community involvement detailing their community service.

School of Management Alumni Scholarship: Applicants must be full- or part-time students currently enrolled in a degree program within the School of Management. Applicants must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA.

Tromble Family Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate students majoring in accounting or entrepreneurship, be in good standing with the School of Management with a GPA calculated at UM-Flint, and have achieved junior status. Financial need is taken into consideration and applicants must have a minimum 3.0 overall GPA.

Tucker, David C. CPA Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Education Foundation, Ltd. Applicants must be enrolled in the School of Management with a major in accounting. Applicants must be residents of Genesee County, a minimum 3.0 GPA, and be non-traditional students who have experienced a minimum of a three-year absence from enrollment in school. Scholarship offers are based on financial need. The scholarship is automatically renewable for up to three years as long as the recipient continues to meet the selection criteria.

Whitener, Stephen A. Scholarship for Innovators: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate students with a junior standing (55 credit hours or more). Students must be United States citizens. Preference will be given to forward-thinking students who have already started a business or who show a serious intent or interest in starting a business and also to students who are members of the Entrepreneur Society or have demonstrated involvement in activities related to the Hagerman Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Financial need is not a consideration. Applicants must also have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Finalists will also be required to undergo an interview by the School of Management Scholarship Committee before their selection is confirmed.

Yeo & Yeo Accounting Scholarship: Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students in the School of Management. Applicants must have completed 75 credit hours and have maintained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3.

School of Nursing

Bryer, Ben F. Foundation Endowed Scholarship: Scholarship offers are merit-based, requiring a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA and at least 26 completed credit hours. Applicants can be full- or part-time students enrolled in the UM-Flint/Hurley Medical Center Bachelor of Science in the Nursing Program. Applicants can be of sophomore, junior, or senior standing. The scholarship is intended for underrepresented students who demonstrate financial need and have graduated from a Flint high school. Applicants must have demonstrated volunteer services to the school/department (i.e., Student Government, Student Nurse Association, Class Officer, etc.).

D’Appolonia, Valentina M. Nursing Scholarship: Scholarship offers are merit-based, and applicants can be full- or part-time students enrolled in the UM-Flint BSN Program who are in good academic standing. Applicants must have demonstrated volunteer participation in the community organization or activities. Demonstrated volunteer services to the school/department (i.e., Student Government, Student Nurse Association, Class Officer, etc.). Priority will be given to the following: travel offers for students enrolled in or scheduled to travel in international nursing courses; travel offers for students enrolled in or scheduled to travel nationally for a service-learning nursing course; scholarships for students who have demonstrated significant local service to the nursing profession or community.

Florence Nightingale Nursing Scholarship: Established by Susan K. Smith, the Florence Nightingale Nursing Scholarship provides scholarship support to students in the University of Michigan-Flint School of Nursing.

Freeman, Emmalyn Ellis Nurse Practitioner Scholarship: Applicant must be enrolled as a graduate student at UM-Flint Nurse Practitioner Program who has completed a minimum of 11 credit hours. A minimum GPA of 3.7 is required.

Furr, Marilyn Venton Nursing Scholarship: Designated for UM-Flint students enrolled in the UM-Flint/Hurley Medical Center Bachelor of Science Nursing Program who have completed a minimum of 25 credit hours at UM-Flint and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3. Applicants must be enrolled in at least one clinical nursing course at a Hurley Medical Center site.

Hitchings, Fern C. RN Memorial Scholarship: Scholarship offers are merit-based, and applicants can be either full- or part-time students in the UM-Flint/Hurley Medical Center BSN program. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 40 credit hours and must attain junior standing at the time of the offer. Applicants must have demonstrated volunteer participation in the community organization or activities. Demonstrated volunteer services to the school/department (i.e., Student Government, Student Nurse Association, Class Officer, etc.).

Jones, Beverly G. Scholarship for Veterans’ Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students: Eligible applicants must be enrolled full or part-time in the Accelerated Veterans’ Bachelor of Science in Nursing (VBSN) program at UM-Flint. If no VBSN candidate applies or is qualified, (or if the VBSN Program ceases to exist) the scholarship may be offered to a veteran in the Accelerated Second Degree BSN, Traditional BSN, or RN/BSN Program. Applicants must be in good academic standing with a minimum GPA as prescribed by the Nursing Department. Applicants must also be a veteran of one of the official branches of the US military services.  Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrated active and regular engagement in one or more program activities in the Nursing department including but not limited to cohort ambassadors, media testimonials, peer mentoring, tutoring, Student Nurses Association membership, and research assistant, cohort/class officer, etc. Participation may be audited for verification by the selection committee. A letter of recommendation from a member of the nursing faculty in a sealed envelope must be included with the completed scholarship application. Offers are contingent upon the successful completion of the applicant’s first semester in the Nursing Program. The offer is not renewable however, previous recipients may apply.  The offer is to be used for tuition, fees, or other educational expenses. One eligible student shall be offered each academic year.

Knecht, Linda D’Appolonia Nursing Scholarship: The scholarship is intended for full/and or part-time UM-Flint students enrolled in one of the University of Michigan-Flint Accelerated second degree BSN, Basic BSN, and/or RN/BSN programs. Offers will be given during the student’s final two semesters of clinical coursework. Applicants must submit an essay expressing their community service experience and interest in the nursing field.

Laurin, Margaret RN Nursing Scholarship: This scholarship was established to assist undergraduate nursing students attending the university. Applicants must be undergraduate students seeking a nursing degree and maintain a 2.0 GPA. Financial need is a consideration.

Pemberton, Charles and Larue Nursing Scholarship: For full- or part-time nursing students. RN applicants must be accepted into UM-Flint’s BSN program. UM-Flint/Hurley Medical Center BSN candidates must have completed one semester of nursing clinical with a minimum 2.8 GPA.

Pemberton, James A. and Marilyn E. Scholarship Fund: This scholarship was established to assist students pursuing a BS or MS in Nursing. Applicants must be either undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled in the BSN or MSN. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 as an undergraduate student or as a graduate student.

Prince, Elfriede Nursing Scholarship: Available to students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program. Applicants may be full- or part-time in good academic standing. Financial need is a consideration for this offer.

Tranchell, Diane McAlinden R. N. Memorial Scholarship: Applicant must be seeking an undergraduate nursing degree and be in good standing at the University of Michigan-Flint. Financial need is taken into consideration.

UM-Flint Nursing Student Emergency Endowment Fund: Established by Mary E. and Joseph Periard, this fund will be used to provide emergency financial resources for students enrolled in the University of Michigan-Flint’s School of Nursing programs.

UM-Flint School of Nursing Alumni Organization Endowed Scholarship Fund: This scholarship provides tuition assistance for nursing students in the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. Must have successfully completed two semesters in the UM-Flint nursing program and have a 3.5 GPA.

Zick, (The) Francine Zick Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund: Established for a newly admitted nursing student, continuing undergraduate nursing student, or students pursuing their second bachelor’s degree and enrolled in UM-Flint’s accelerated BSN program. Applicants must meet a minimum of 3.5 GPA or above and demonstrate significant financial need. If entering the accelerated program, my GPA may be from my first degree.

College of Innovation & Technology

CIT New Student Scholarship: Applicant must be a new student to the college, a first-year or transfer student. The student must be admitted into a CI major. This scholarship is for $1000 or the student can choose to accept a laptop. Students must submit a 500-word essay that answers the following:

  1. What is your major and why did you select it?
  2. What are the motivational factors that keep you energized within your major?
  3. How do you see yourself using your major when you graduate?
  4. How would receiving the CIT New Student Scholarship assist you in being successful at UM-Flint and beyond?
  5. Would you prefer a cash offer of $500/semester (Fall 23/Winter 24) or a laptop of similar value?

Dauwe, Loretta Physics Scholarship: Current undergraduate students enrolled at UM-Flint in good academic standing. Must have a declared major or minor in physics. Half-time enrollment (6 or more credits) is required. Scholarship offers may be renewable if applicants continue to meet eligibility requirements and reapply each year.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics Scholarship: For juniors, seniors, or graduate students majoring in computer science, engineering, or physics with a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Helser, Susan G. Computer Science Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be admitted as a graduate student pursuing a degree in computer science. Initial applicants took for students having a computer science major with a minor (or second major) in math, who have completed (or are enrolled in at the time of application) CSC 392 or CSC or CIS classes 400 level and above. Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 overall undergraduate GPA and a 3.0 in computer science and math courses. Students must submit a programming portfolio, including project artifacts, reports, and/or demonstrations. A cumulative 3.7 graduate GPA is necessary to remain eligible. Contact the Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics Department for consideration and application instructions.

Mazumder, Quamrul Engineering Scholarship: This scholarship is intended for international, first and second-generation immigrant students with a declared major in engineering. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA and have completed at least two core courses 300+ in mechanical engineering with a grade of C or better. This is for both undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical engineering.

Physics/Engineering Science Emergency Fund: This scholarship is developed for students experiencing a documented emergency that has jeopardized their ability to remain in school. Applicants must be undergraduate students majoring in physics or engineering science, as well as attending either full- or part-time. Applicants must also have a minimum GPA of 2.7. Contact the Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics Department for consideration and application instructions.

Radhabai, G. and A. V. Rajagopal Scholarship: For students who have a minimum 3.0 adjusted GPA and are enrolled for at least six credit hours. Applicants must have completed 55 credit hours. Selection is based on outstanding academic achievement and participation in school and/or community service activities. Preference will be given to students majoring in computer science or computer information systems.

Rose, Boys DeGraaf Endowed Physics Scholarship: Offered to full- or part-time undergraduate students who have a declared major in physics. Applicants must have a minimum 2.7 GPA. Freshmen physics students must have an entering 3.0 high school GPA.  Scholarship offers will be applied directly to the recipient’s student account and may be renewed provided that the student continues to meet scholarship criteria and reapplies each consecutive year.

Zick, David G. Scholarship: Open to both full- and part-time undergraduate physic and engineering science students. Applicants must have at least a 2.7 GPA (freshman physics and engineering science students must have an entry 2.7 high school GPA).

Zick Innovate Students: Applicants must be in a CIT program with a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. The scholarship is up to $1000. Students must submit a 500-word essay that answers the following:

  1. What is your major and why did you select it?
  2. What are the motivational factors that keep you energized within your major?
  3.  How do you see yourself using your major when you graduate?
  4. How would receiving the Zick Innovative Student Scholarship assist you in being successful at UM-Flint and beyond?

Graduate Student Scholarships

Alumni Scholarship for Excellence: Established by the UM-Flint Alumni Society to recognize academic achievement of dependent children, spouses, or grandchildren of alumni. The scholarship is a non-renewable offer. Students enrolled full-time in a degree program, whose parent, spouse, or grandparent has received either an undergraduate or graduate degree from UM-Flint are eligible. A minimum 3.5 GPA is required with a minimum of 30 credits completed. Interviews by alumni may be required.

Blecker, Harry H. Scholarship Fund: Designed to provide financial assistance to UM-Flint graduate and undergraduate students pursuing chemistry as their major with at least junior standing (55 credits or more) and a minimum 3.7 graduate GPA and a 3.0 undergraduate GPA who attend full-time.

Bray, Everett L., and Viola E. Scholarship: For residents of the state of Michigan attending UM-Flint who are in good standing in their junior, senior, or graduate years and who intend to teach upon completion of their education. Completion of 55 credit hours is required. Financial need may be a consideration in making the offers.

Brown, Diane DNAP Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. This merit-based scholarship is created to assist qualified individuals with the cost of tuition and to help promote the profession of Nurse Anesthesia. Applicants must be enrolled in the DNAP program in the College of Health Sciences. Scholarship recipients must have participated in professional health care organizations and/or community activities. This is a three-year automatically renewable scholarship as long as the student continues to meet scholarship eligibility requirements.

Cebulski, Paulette Kondela Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund: Applicants can be full- or part-time students enrolled in the physical therapy program. Applicants must be in good academic standing and have completed at least two semesters at the time of the offer. Applicants must demonstrate professional behaviors, known in the department as generic abilities and professionalism, as determined by the Physical Therapy Department Scholarship Committee and the Physical Therapy faculty. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Applicants must outline their academic and professional goals in the essay portion of the scholarship application. Students apply through the electronic on-line scholarship application each year by June 1.

Cherry Jr., The John D. Public Service Scholarship: Applicants must have been accepted into the Public Administration undergraduate program or the Master of Public Administration program. Completion of six credits is required. One letter of reference from leaders of Community Public Service Organizations will be required.

Dalman, Andrew & Lillian Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund: Designed for full- or part-time graduate students enrolled in the physical therapy program who have completed at least two semesters with good academic standing status. Applicants must outline their academic and professional goals in the essay portion of the scholarship application and demonstrate financial need by completing the FAFSA and addressing their need for financial assistance within the scope of the scholarship essay. Students apply through the electronic on-line scholarship application each year by June 1.

Dean’s Scholarship: Designed for entering and current graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance. This scholarship is intended to provide financial support to assist these students to pursue graduate degrees at UM-Flint. Applicants must be admitted to a University of Michigan-Flint graduate program and have completed all prerequisite courses. Applicants must have earned a minimum cumulative 3.5 grade point average based on a 4.0 scale as an undergraduate or as a University of Michigan-Flint graduate student. All materials are due by June 1.

Faculty/Staff Scholarship: For full- or part-time, graduate, or undergraduate students. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.5, sophomore or higher standing, and a minimum of 25 credit hours earned at UM-Flint are required. Any faculty/staff member may nominate a student by writing a letter of recommendation. Offers are based on academic achievement, goals, and character.

Freeman, Emmalyn Ellis Master of Science in Biology Scholarship: Applicants must be fully admitted into the Master of Science in Biology program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 as a UM-Flint graduate student. Applicants must have completed at least two graduate-level courses in biology at UM-Flint, including at least one core course (BIO 501, 503, or 505). Priority will be given to students who are nearing completion of the Master of Science in Biology program.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics Scholarship: For juniors, seniors, or graduate students majoring in computer science, engineering, or physics with a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Graduate Program Scholarship: Applicants must be admitted to a University of Michigan-Flint graduate program, complete all prerequisite courses, and earn a minimum of twelve (12) hours of graduate credit at the University of Michigan-Flint. Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.5 grade point average as a UM-Flint graduate student.  All materials are due by June 1.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Master of Arts in Education Scholarship: Applicants must have successfully completed 18 graduate credit hours in the Master of Arts Education Program and a minimum 3.7 GPA on a 4.0 point scale. A letter is required with an application addressing career goals and commitment to excellence in teaching.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Master of Public Administration Scholarship: Applicants must have received full admission into the Master of Public Administration programs and have completed 12 graduate hours with a GPA of 3.3.  Letters of reference are required from two faculty members, at least one from a graduate program faculty member.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Net+ MBA Scholarship: For students enrolled in the second year of the Net+ MBA program. A minimum GPA of 3.7 and completion of at least 12 graduate credit hours in the Net+ MBA program are required. Applicants must also be enrolled for at least 6 Net+ MBA credit hours at the time of application.

Freeman, Emmalyn Ellis Nurse Practitioner Scholarship: Applicant must be enrolled as a graduate student at UM-Flint Nurse Practitioner Program who has completed a minimum of 11 credit hours. A minimum GPA of 3.7 is required.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Physical Therapy Scholarship: For physical therapy majors, full- or part-time, with a minimum 3.3 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Students apply through the electronic online scholarship application each year by June 1.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Study Abroad Scholarship: Designated for enrolled UM-Flint students who plan to participate in study abroad courses sponsored and led by UM-Flint faculty and approved by the International Studies Program Committee. Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA and have completed at least 24 credit hours before studying abroad as an undergraduate student; a 3.0 GPA and have completed at least 9 credit hours as a graduate student. Honors Program students are not eligible for this scholarship. Contact the Education Abroad Office to apply.

Fry Physical Therapy Scholarship: Designed to provide DPT Year 1 students with assistance.  Applicants must demonstrate financial need via the FAFSA and a statement that addresses how they qualify as a disadvantaged student, e.g., students who are first-generation college students; or students who are graduates of disadvantaged high school defined as a high school that has low ACT/SAT scores, or a low number of high school graduates, or lower per capita funding, or >50% of students eligible for free/reduced lunch; or students/family who are receiving public assistance; and/or students/family living in a health professional shortage area in Michigan (Detroit, Pontiac, Flint, Saginaw, and all of Michigan’s upper peninsula). Graduates of a high school in Genesee County will be given preference. Contact the Physical Therapy Department to apply.

Global Graduate Merit Scholarship: This is a competitive, merit-based scholarship available to international graduate students admitted for the fall semester who have achieved a high level of academic success. The Office of Graduate Programs will automatically consider entering international graduate-level students seeking an “F” visa; no additional application is required. Recipients must view themselves as cultural ambassadors and are encouraged to participate periodically in  University of Michigan-Flint activities where they engage in cultural sharing or community service activities.

Goodstein, Hanna & Peter Endowed Scholarship: Applicants must be fully admitted into the Master of Public Administration program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7 as a UM-Flint graduate student or for entering students with a 3.0 undergraduate GPA. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Greater Flint Community Leadership Scholarship: Applicant must be newly admitted to the University of Michigan–Flint by June 1 in a degree-seeking program at the  Master’s Degree level. Applicants shall be nominated by their employer, (Supervisor or higher administration personnel only). Applicant’s program of study at the University of Michigan-Flint needs to be relevant to the position held in the employee capacity as articulated in the letter of nomination by their employer. Applicants who reside in and who are employed by an organization that has a physical location in Genesee  County, MI who are not University of Michigan employees are eligible to apply.

Helser, Susan G. Computer Science Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be admitted as a graduate student pursuing a degree in computer science. Initial applicants took for students having a computer science major with a minor (or second major) in math, who have completed (or are enrolled in at the time of application) CSC 392 or CSC or CIS classes 400 level and above. Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 overall undergraduate GPA and a 3.0 in computer science and math courses. Students must submit a programming portfolio, including project artifacts, reports, and/or demonstrations. A cumulative 3.7 graduate GPA is necessary to remain eligible. Contact the Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics Department for consideration and application instructions.

Karen Hale DNP/MBA Endowed Scholarship Fund: Established by Cathleen E. Hale, this endowment provides scholarship support to full or part-time students pursuing the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)/Master of Business Administration (MBA) dual degree.

Kildee, Dale Edward Education Scholarship: Offered to full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students currently admitted in education degree programs. Preference is given to students studying early childhood education and secondary education. Eligible applicants must be in good academic standing. The scholarship is renewable, however, students must reapply and continue to meet the scholarship guidelines.

King/Chavez/Parks Future Faculty Fellowship Program: Fellowship program intended for underrepresented students with regular admission to any of the UM-Flint Masters programs. Qualified candidates may receive up to $15,000 over a two and one half year period. For more information, please click here.

LaFontaine, Wendy Frost Memorial Scholarship in Physical Therapy: Applicants must be enrolled in their final year of the professional DPT degree program. Applicants must be a resident of the state of Michigan and must show a desire to practice in the state of Michigan. Applicants must be assigned to any Genesys Health System during Clinical Education VI. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the DPT degree program. Contact the Physical Therapy Department to apply.

Linda Collins Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund: Established by Linda Collins, this fund will be used to provide need-based scholarships to students in the University of Michigan-Flint Physical Therapy program.

Lippert, Dr. Sarah Jordan Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to help support UM-Flint Art History (BA) majors and graduate students in the Museum and Visual Arts track of the Master of Arts degree in Arts Administration. Financial need is not a consideration in offering the scholarship. Applicants must be currently enrolled at UM-Flint, in good university standing, with a minimum 3.2 GPA in their art history courses (for the BA) or their Core and Museum and Visual Arts Track courses (for the MA). Students can be either full/part-time and have completed at least one 300-level or 500-level course in their respective degrees. Applicants must address in a brief, one-page essay their commitment to the student of Art History and/or Museum and Visual Arts Track in Arts Administration.

Mazumder, Quamrul Engineering Scholarship: This scholarship is intended for international, first and second-generation immigrant students with a declared major in engineering.  Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA and have completed at least two core courses 300+ in mechanical engineering with a grade of C or better. This is for both undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical engineering.

Morgan, Carl, and Sarah Graduate Student Scholarship: Applicants must be admitted into the UM-Flint Graduate Program with at least a 3.3 GPA as an undergraduate or a 3.3 GPA as a graduate student. One letter of reference is required.

Morrissey M.D., Vaughn, and Leona Morrissey R.N. Scholarship: This scholarship is intended for students who will pursue a career in the health sciences. Consideration of this offer is based upon financial need. Applicants must be either undergraduate or graduate students. Applicants must be students in good standing with the University and must provide at least one letter of recommendation supporting the student’s strong desire to pursue a career in the health sciences. The ideal candidate will come from a background in which university education is not a family tradition, but has become the goal of the applicant. More importantly, this individual sees a career in the health sciences as not only providing a challenging lifetime career for themselves but also a career in which they make valuable contributions to all members of the community.

Murdock, Jane Eileen Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students in the physical therapy professional preparation program at UM-Flint. Also, need to be a student member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Minimum academic standards of the UM-Flint Physical Therapy Department must be met. Applicants must also have demonstrated service to the profession through participation with APTA or Michigan Physical Therapy Association. Students apply through the university’s scholarship on-line application process by June 1 each year.

Oliver, LaGore, VanValin (OLV) Investment Group Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate and/or graduate students who have declared major(s) in the School of Management. Those pursuing an undergraduate degree must be at a sophomore status toward a degree. Applicants must have an established overall minimum GPA of 3.25. Applicants must submit a personal essay of (three to five pages) addressing the significance of their involvement in civic engagement/volunteerism activities. The scholarship may be renewable if the recipient continues to meet the scholarship criteria and reapplies.

Pane, Gregg A., M.D. Family Master of Public Health Scholarship: Applicants must have been accepted into the Master of Public Health program. Completion of 12 credits is required, with a minimum 3.5 GPA or higher on a 4.0 scale. One letter of reference from a faculty member of the public health program is required.

Pemberton, James A. and Marilyn E. Scholarship Fund: This scholarship was established to assist students pursuing a BS or MS in Nursing. Applicants must be either undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled in the BSN or MSN. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 as an undergraduate student or as a graduate student.

Polzin, Virginia K. DNAP Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Applicants must be enrolled in the DNAP program in the College of Health Sciences. Recipients must have participated in professional health care organizations and/or community activities. This is a three-year scholarship assuming that the recipients continue to meet eligibility requirements.

Potter, David Physical Therapy Scholarship: Applicants must be enrolled in the physical therapy program as a second career choice. Good academic standing must be met as well as a summary of community service and academic and professional goals. Students apply through the university’s scholarship online application process by June 1 each year.

Price, Albert Public Administration Scholarship: Applicants must have received full admission into either the public administration undergraduate program or the Masters of Public Administration program. Applicants must submit a cover letter addressing their reasons for applying for this scholarship. This letter should also address their intention to use this degree to benefit the public. Students must be in good academic standing.

Rackham Fellowship: Available for graduate students admitted to or enrolled in a University of Michigan-Flint Rackham program who have completed at least 6 graduate credits. It requires neither repayment nor employment. Fellowships will be offered competitively, upon the recommendation of the program faculty, on the basis of academic performance. Submit the Rackham Fellowship application to the Office of Graduate Programs with the required supporting documentation. The application deadline for Fall semester offers is June 1; applications for Winter semester offers are due December 1.

Ross Jr., Coleman J., and Lois R. Ross Scholarship: For students in the final year of the professional preparation program in physical therapy. Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA and complete at least 40 credit hours. Financial need is considered. Students apply through the electronic online scholarship application each year by June 1.

Roth, Bradley Memorial Scholarship: For students who have the potential to make a contribution to the profession of physical therapy. Applicants need to be admitted to the full-time physical therapy professional preparation program who demonstrates financial need. Students must demonstrate professional behaviors, known by the department as generic abilities and professionalism. Students apply through the electronic online scholarship application each year by June 1.

Sanchez, Alejandro and Emiliano School of Management Scholarship: Established to provide tuition assistance to students with distinguished academic achievements and community involvement. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students currently enrolled in a degree program within the School of Management (SOM), with at least 30 completed credits or a graduate student in good standing. Students must demonstrate high academic distinction (GPA of 3.4); those with a 3.0 GPA may be considered. Financial needs will be considered. Applicants must have documentation of community involvement detailing their community service.

Sevillian, Clarence, and Arteka Scholarship for Elementary Education Students: The scholarship is intended for full- and part-time undergraduate students fully admitted to the Elementary Education Program with preference given to students who are currently enrolled or have completed the elementary internship course (EDE 460), or elementary educators enrolled in the Masters in Literacy Education Program. Preference will be given to students who have dependent children or who are in jeopardy of not completing the program due to financial burdens/exhausted financial aid. First preference will be given to applicants who are high school graduates of the following community school districts: Flint, Beecher, Westwood, and Carman-Ainsworth.

Sevillian, Clarence, and Arteka Scholarship for Physical Therapy Students: The scholarship is intended for full- and part-time students enrolled in the Doctor of Physical Therapy professional preparation program. Preference will be given to applicants who are Genesee County high school graduates. Preference will also be given to applicants who have demonstrated volunteer initiative as UM-Flint DPT students within the program, campus, or community.

Smith, Ernestine R. Ph.D. MPH Physical Therapy Scholarship: Available to second and third-year UM-Flint physical therapy students who have a 3.3 GPA and completed at least 24 credit hours. Scholarship applicants must submit a minimum one-page personal statement/essay in which they state their career goals, identify their involvement and specific interest in inpatient care, and demonstrate commitment to the physical therapy program. Contact the Physical Therapy Department to apply.

Smith, William C. Doctor of Physical Therapy Scholarship: Intended for full- or part-time students enrolled in the UM-Flint Doctor in Physical Therapy program. Financial need is a consideration. Preference is given to those expressing an interest in specializing with brain-injured patients. Apply through the online process by June 1 each year.

Sprague, Barbara I. DNAP Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. This merit-based scholarship is created to assist qualified individuals with the cost of tuition and to help promote the profession of Nurse Anesthesia. Applicants must be enrolled in the DNAP program in the College of Health Sciences. Scholarship recipients must have participated in professional health care organizations and/or community activities. This is a three-year automatically renewable scholarship as long as the student continues to meet scholarship eligibility requirements.

Stockton, Colonel T.B.W. Scholarship: Applicants must be a junior undergraduate or graduate status with a declared major in history or be graduate students enrolled in the Master of Liberal Studies in American Culture. Financial need is a consideration in offering the scholarship.

Stone, Esther C. Study Abroad Scholarship: Designated to support students participating in approved study abroad courses sponsored and led by the UM-Flint faculty and approved by the Study Abroad Program Committee. Applicants must have completed at least 24 credit hours at UM-Flint prior to participating in the IGS Program. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required as an undergraduate student. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 with 9 credit hours completed as a graduate student. Apply through the Education Abroad Office; applications are taken in December/January each year.

Stone, Esther C. Graduate Student Scholarship for Academic Excellence Scholarship: For students admitted to a UM-Flint graduate program who have completed all prerequisite courses and have a minimum of 12 hours of graduate credit. In addition to the scholarship application, students must submit a maximum one-page personal statement as to why they qualify for the offer, two letters of reference from faculty familiar with their academic work, and transcripts.

University of Michigan-Flint Matthew Hilton-Watson Study Abroad Scholarship: Applicants must be enrolled at UM-Flint as undergraduate or graduate students and in good academic standing. Preference will be given for the study of a different culture than the student’s own and funds may be used for several research-oriented experiences.

University Scholar Fund for Transfer Students: Applicants must be transfer students, full- or part-time be pursuing an undergraduate/graduate degree, and demonstrate high academic achievement.

UM-Flint School of Nursing Alumni Organization Endowed Scholarship Fund: This scholarship provides tuition assistance for nursing students in the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. Must have successfully completed two semesters in the UM-Flint nursing program and have a 3.5 GPA.

University of Michigan-Flint Shakespeare Club of Flint Scholarship: Designed for students who have an established interest in Shakespearian studies. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate or graduate students with a major or minor in theatre or English. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA (undergraduate or graduate) or 3.25 GPA as entering first-year.

University of Michigan-Flint Student Emergency Fund: This fund is available to all students in good academic standing, currently enrolled, and making satisfactory progress toward a degree. This fund is open to graduate and undergraduate students. The student must demonstrate that they have an emergency requiring financial resources. The receipt of these resources will allow them to continue attending UM-Flint. Distributions of money from this fund may be made directly to the party that will remedy the emergency.

Wilson, Virginia Memorial Scholarship: Applicant must be a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and meet the minimum academic standards as defined by the Physical Therapy Department. Demonstrated history of service to the profession, DPT, or community. Students apply through the electronic online scholarship application each year by June 1.

Club Sports Scholarships

Gruno, Chris Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship provides assistance for UM-Flint Hockey Club student(s) with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75. In the instance there are no applicants from the UM-Flint Hockey Club; preference will then be given to a graduate of the Early College Program.

Landis, Theresa Club Sports Scholarship: This scholarship is designed for new UM-Flint students (first-year, transfer, grad) who participate in Club Sports. Financial need is a consideration. Students must have a 3.0 GPA, or equivalent, upon high school graduation.

Moll, Margaret E. Scholarship: Applicants may be attending full- or part-time and must be pursuing an undergraduate degree program. Applicants to this scholarship must have a 2.5 GPA, or high school equivalent GPA, at the time of application and demonstrate financial need. Selection will be based on a demonstrated commitment to academic achievement, well-rounded high school experiences, and university or civic activities.

Tomasi, Dominic Memorial Scholarship: For students who are residents of Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee counties with a 3.0 cumulative GPA, or high school equivalent. Must be enrolled full-time or accepted at UM-Flint. The scholarship is intended for a Greater Flint area Scholar-Athlete. Scholar Athletes are defined as participating in one or more varsity sports in high school and competing within one of the area conferences. Preference will be given to scholar-athletes who participated in extracurricular or community activities.

Travel Scholarships

Frazier, Fran Student Travel Scholarship: Funds to assist students’ participation (conference registration, travel, hotel accommodation, meals, immunization, passports, and insurance) in local, state, national, and international conferences. Applicants must fill out the form and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Application deadlines: September 1, November 1, February 1, April 1.

Thompson, Virginia Hoover International Travel Scholarship: Designated to assist students enrolled in the College of Arts & Science at UM-Flint. Designated for students participating in approved study abroad courses sponsored and led by UM-Flint faculty and approved by the Study Abroad Advisory Committee. Applicants must be full-time students who have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours and attained a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must submit a personal statement/essay in which they outline their career goals and aspirations. This scholarship is based on scholastic merit, and not on financial need. Apply through the Education Abroad Office; applications are taken in December/January each year.

Additional Scholarships

Akhila & Rajamani Scholarship: For full-time students employed on the UM-Flint campus with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Financial need is a consideration. Proof of UM-Flint employment must be provided (i.e., paystub, W-2, etc.).

Al-Dabagh, Bishr M.D. Honors Scholar Program Medical Scholarship: This scholarship will be offered to a full-time student or students currently enrolled in the Honors Scholar Program at UM-Flint, pursuing pre-medical studies and preparing to apply to medical/nursing, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner school. Eligible applicants will have a minimum 3.5 overall GPA at the time of application. The scholarship will be offered annually and applied directly to the recipient’s student account. The scholarship requires students to file the FAFSA as it is need-based; it may be renewable, however, the recipient must reapply for consideration.

Ali, Muhammad Memorial Scholarship Fund: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Applicants must be enrolled at UM-Flint and be in good standing with the university. Preference is given to students who graduated from a city of Flint high school, including Beecher, Westwood Heights, and Carman-Ainsworth,  or received a GED in the city of Flint. This scholarship is automatically renewable for up to four academic years as long as the recipient continues to meet the selection criteria.

Alumni Scholarship for Excellence: Established by the UM-Flint Alumni Society to recognize the academic achievement of dependent children, spouses, or grandchildren of alumni. The scholarship is a non-renewable offer. Students enrolled full-time in a degree program, whose parent, spouse, or grandparent has received either an undergraduate or graduate degree from UM-Flint are eligible. A minimum 3.5 GPA is required with a minimum of 30 credits completed. Interviews by alumni may be required.

Andrez, The Felipe Memorial Scholarship: Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate students. Applicants must have a minimum 2.8 GPA. entering first-year must have a 3.0 or better from high school. Scholarship offer will not exceed the cost of tuition and will be applied directly to the recipient’s student account. The scholarship may be renewable if the recipient continues to meet the scholarship criteria and reapplies. Financial need is not considered.

Barnes & Noble Book Scholarship: This offer is for (1) UM-Flint Nursing Program students enrolled in the four-year degree program at UM-Flint, (2) students participating in Invest in Your Success, and (3) those students experiencing financial challenges in funding textbook purchases. Financial need is a consideration in making the offers.

Bagley, Gayle M. Emergency Funds for Students: Intended to help students who may find themselves in emergencies that might keep them from finishing their degrees. Emergencies are defined as those unexpected situations that could cause a student to withdraw from UM-Flint or be prevented from registering for the following semester Applicants must be students in good standing making satisfactory progress toward a degree. Students must fill out an application for emergency funds at the Office of Financial Aid and provide an explanation of their needs.

Blueberry Ambassador Scholarship at the University of Michigan-Flint: Each scholarship recipient must be accepted to UM-Flint for the fall semester immediately following his or her high school graduation. Scholarship recipients must meet all UM-Flint regular admission criteria. The student Blueberry Ambassador group that wins the Founder’s Choice Offer selects the scholarship recipient. The scholarship is partially funded through a donation from Phil and Ardele Shaltz.

Blueberry Scholarship at the University of Michigan-Flint [Huntington]: Applicant must be accepted to UM-Flint for the fall semester immediately following his or her high school graduation. Scholarship recipients must meet all UM-Flint regular admission criteria. The student Blueberry Ambassador group that wins the Founder’s Choice Offer selects the scholarship recipient. The scholarship is partially funded through a donation from Phil and Ardele Shaltz.

Blum, Bonnie Memorial Scholarship: Offered to junior or senior students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and a minimum of 55 completed credit hours. The applicant must show merit and evidence of a strong commitment to music education.

Borland, Marlene Staff Book Fund Application: Eligible students must be an employee of UM-Flint (temporary employees are not eligible). Students must be at least junior status in an undergraduate program at UM-Flint and be eligible for the campus tuition reimbursement program. Applicants must be in good academic standing.

Broadway, Odell Scholarship: Established with contributions honoring Odell Broadway, who was devoted to community service and helping others. Preference is given to students with dependents living in the greater Flint area who have had their education interrupted or delayed for five years or longer. Community service is not required, however, preference may be given to applicants with a demonstrated commitment to community service. Applicants must be the first in the family to attend college and the applicant’s family income is less than $50,000. Applicants who attend Flint Community Schools and or high schools and neighborhoods that traditionally don’t have many students attend UM-Flint (i.e., Mt. Morris, Beecher, and Westwood Heights School Districts).  Preference may be given to participants in state or federal early-awareness or college readiness programs typically based on socioeconomic status. May be full- or part-time students enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours per semester and remain in good academic standing.

Broome Jr., Sylvester Scholarship: Established with contributions honoring Sylvester Broome Jr., who was dedicated to involvement in the community, government service, and encouraging the development of our area youth. Students living in the greater Flint area are eligible to apply. Transfer students and those with associate’s degrees are encouraged to apply. Community service is not required, however, preference may be given to applicants with a demonstrated commitment to community service. Applicants must be the first in the family to attend college and the applicant’s family income is less than $50,000. Applicants who attend Flint Community Schools and or high schools and neighborhoods that traditionally don’t have many students attend UM-Flint (i.e., Mt. Morris, Beecher, and Westwood Heights School Districts). Preference may be given to participants in state or federal early-awareness or college readiness programs typically based on socioeconomic status.

Cardani, Mary Ann and Charles S. Scholarship: Preference will be given to first-generation students and transfer students who are highly motivated to complete their degree requirements. Applicants can be full/part-time with a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Selection preference will be given to students who demonstrate the qualities of high moral character and integrity. A letter of recommendation speaking to these characteristics and the applicant’s commitment to educational goals is required. References from a family relation or friend will not be accepted.

Carson, Sonya Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. in recognition of Sonya Carson. Applicants must be current residents of Genesee County. This scholarship is automatically renewable for up to four academic years as long as the recipient continues to meet the selection criteria.

Catto, Betty Bishop Scholarship Fund: Financial assistance for full- or part-time students who are physically challenged or have a learning disability. At least a 2.0 GPA is required. Applicants must be a Michigan resident and submit verification to the Office of Financial Aid every year from UM-Flint Accessibility Coordinator.

Chan Family Scholarship Fund: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference will first be given to applicants who are residents of the City of Flint. Secondary preference will be given to students who are residents of Genesee County, Michigan outside the city of Flint. Recipients must be enrolled full-time.

Chief Joseph Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those of junior or senior standing. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Christopher Molnar Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those who are history majors. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

CIT New Student Scholarship: Applicant must be a new student to the college, a first-year or transfer student. The student must be admitted into a CI major. This scholarship is for $1000 or the student can choose to accept a laptop. Students must submit a 500-word essay that answers the following:

  1. What is your major and why did you select it?
  2. What are the motivational factors that keep you energized within your major?
  3. How do you see yourself using your major when you graduate?
  4. How would receiving the CIT New Student Scholarship assist you in being successful at UM-Flint and beyond?
  5. Would you prefer a cash offer of $500/semester (Fall 23/Winter 24) or a laptop of similar value?

Combs, Jeremy James Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be currently enrolled at UM-Flint. Applicants must submit an essay, two to three pages in length, that meets the following criteria; A.) Briefly describe a topic or issue that is important to you. B.) Form an argument for and against your beliefs on this topic. C.) Explain how it made you feel to argue against your beliefs on this topic. Scholarship offers will be applied directly to the recipient’s student account.

Cook Family Foundation Scholarship
Recipients must be enrolled at UM-Flint. Students must be graduates of Shiawassee County High School or from the Chesaning or Ovid-Elsie School Districts. Students must qualify for the UM-Flint Honors Program, however, participation in the Honors Program is not required. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher, 27+ on their ACT, or a 1260+ on their SAT. This is a one-year, non-renewable scholarship.

Crankstart Foundation Scholarship: Applicant must be re-entering and be full- or part-time. Applicants must also have experienced a cumulative gap in their education of five or more years, demonstrate financial need, and be pursuing their first baccalaureate degree. Refer to Undergraduate Admissions for details.

Dunlap, Walter R., and Bertha F. Memorial Fund: For full-time students enrolled in an undergraduate program with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Students must be Michigan residents. Financial need is considered.

Douglas Knerr Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those who are history majors. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Easter Family Scholarship: Established by the Easter Family, this merit-based fund will be used to support students who reside in Genesee County and are pursuing their first undergraduate degree.  Selection will coincide with the scholarship criteria on file with the Office of University Advancement when offering this scholarship.

Esson, John W., and Marion E. Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be an undergraduate sophomore students currently pursuing a degree at UM-Flint. Applicants must have a minimum of 25 credit hours completed at the time of offer with a “B” GPA.

Faculty/Staff Scholarship: For full- or part-time, graduate, or undergraduate students. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.5, sophomore or higher standing, and a minimum of 25 credit hours earned at UM-Flint are required. Any faculty/staff member may nominate a student by writing a letter of recommendation. Offers are based on academic achievement, goals, and character.

First Street Block Club Lula Hurse Scholarship: Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time at UM-Flint or accepted for admission. Eligible applicants will have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA or, for entering freshmen, an equivalent high school GPA. Applicants must participate in university or community service activities. A detailed description of this service must be included in the applicant’s scholarship essay and applicants must submit at least one reference letter. Financial need is required.

Flint Association of the University of Michigan Alumnae Scholarship: Established to provide assistance to students whose education has been postponed or delayed by at least two and a half years. Students must be degree candidates with a minimum 2.5 GPA and an interview may be required.

Flint Downtown Host Lions Club Scholarship: Applicants may be either full- or part-time students who are blind or have a visual impairment. Applicants must document disability with the Accessibility Services Office prior to application. The scholarship selection committee will consist of the Disability Services Coordinator and a minimum of two UM-Flint faculty and/or staff representatives.

Flint Federation of Women’s Clubs Scholarship: Established in 1996 by the remaining seven members of the Flint Federation of Women’s Clubs. The mission of the Federation is to promote service to the community. Offered to full-time students with a 3.0 GPA and completion of 55 credit hours. The recipient must demonstrate a commitment to promoting the mission of the Women’s Center at the university.

Frazier, Fran Student Travel Scholarship: Funds to assist students’ participation (conference registration, travel, hotel accommodation, meals, immunization, passports, and insurance) in local, state, national, and international conferences. Applicants must fill out the form and have a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Distance Learning Scholarship: Applicants must have completed a minimum of 25 credit hours and achieved a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA. Can be applied to undergraduate online courses only.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. Honors Program Scholarship: For students currently enrolled in the Honors Scholar Program and have completed 55 credit hours. Scholarship offers must be applied to the recipient’s student account and may be used for academic expenses, including academic travel.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. Study Abroad Scholarship: Designated for enrolled UM-Flint students who plan to participate in study abroad courses sponsored and led by UM-Flint faculty and approved by the International Studies Program Committee. Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA and have completed at least 24 credit hours before studying abroad as an undergraduate student; a 3.0 GPA and have completed at least 9 credit hours as a graduate student. Honors Program students are not eligible for this scholarship. Contact the Education Abroad Office to apply.

Freeman, Ralph M. and Emmalyn E. International Student Scholarship: Applicants must be enrolled as full-time international students, seeking a degree at UM-Flint, and have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. Applicants must hold an appropriate nonimmigrant visa issued by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service that permits the holder to seek a degree to completion from UM-Flint. Citizens of the United States, Michigan residents, refugees lacking visa status, and non-citizen permanent residents are not eligible for this scholarship.

Freeman, Ralph M., and Emmalyn E. True Blue Scholars: Applicants must be currently enrolled at UM-Flint with a minimum of 12 credit hours per academic year and a 3.0 GPA and complete a True Blue Service Scholar Application once selected. Contact the Outreach Department staff for further information about service requirements and to make arrangements to review and sign the Student Agreement form as a condition of scholarship funding.

Freeman, Emmalyn Ellis Women’s Center Scholarship: For single parents with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Ganges, Tendaji W. Scholarship: First preference will be given to applicants admitted to or currently participating in an Educational Opportunity Initiatives program (pre-college or college) at the University of Michigan-Flint; Second preference to applicants who are graduates of Flint Community Schools or area high schools that traditionally have few students attending UM-Flint, i.e., Beecher, Hamady and; Third preference to any Genesee County high school graduate; Applicants currently enrolled at UM-Flint must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.3; Applicants entering UM-Flint within one year of high school graduation must have a high school grade point average of 2.3 or above; Applicants demonstrate leadership abilities through participation in community service, extracurricular activities (sports, student clubs, service clubs, band/choir/theater, newspaper/yearbook, etc.), or other activities; Essay: Mr. Ganges’ motto was, “Leave a mark and not a stain.” With this in mind, in 350-500 words answer the following question, What is the mark you intend to leave and how will a college education from the University of Michigan-Flint help you to do so?; Applicants are citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

Genesee County Armed Services Veterans Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be full- or part-time students and be in good academic standing to receive this offer. Qualified recipients are students who graduated from, or attended, a Genesee County high school and were either honorably discharged from the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coast Guard or are children of veterans who died while in the military or as a result of their military service. Scholarships will be offered fall and winter semesters and may be used for tuition, fees, or other educational expenses. Past recipients of this scholarship are welcome to reapply.

Genesee Early College Continuing Education Scholarship: For students who participated in the Genesee Early College (GEC) and demonstrate a high level of academic achievement and maintain a 3.0 GPA in UM-Flint coursework. Students must enroll full-time to remain eligible. Applications are available through GEC Program Administrators in February/March each year.

Geronimo Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those who are at least junior or senior standing. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Graham, Natalie Ann Scholarship: Applicants must reside in Genesee County with a minimum of 55 credit hours and have maintained a minimum 2.0 GPA each semester completed at UM-Flint. Preference will be given to students who have had a delay in completing their education and who are highly motivated to complete their degree requirements. Applicants must express his or her interest in being selected as a scholarship recipient in their essay. Within the scholarship application, applicants must outline academic and career goals. Financial need is a consideration in making the offer.

Gruno, Chris Memorial Scholarship: To provide assistance for UM-Flint Hockey Club student(s) with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. In the instance there are no applicants from the UM-Flint Hockey Club; preference will then be given to a graduate of the Early College Program. The applicant must show merit and evidence of a strong commitment to music education.

Gwiazdowski, Edward F. Scholarship: Offered to a full-time education major with at least a 3.3 GPA on a 4.0 scale who will begin student teaching in the upcoming academic year. Applicants must show merit and evidence of a strong commitment to education. Applications are taken through the School of Education and Human Services. Contact the staff in the College of Arts, Sciences & Education for application and instructions to apply.

Hani I. Fakhouri, Ph.D. and Aleya Rouchdy, Ph.D., Endowed Scholarship: This is for full-time, undergraduate students.  Financial need is required. 

Haw, Robert, and Evelyn Mary Haw Scholarship Fund: Offered to entering freshmen who have distinguished themselves through exceptional academic achievements. The first consideration will go to students whose applications for admission are received before the application deadline. Eligible applicants must meet at least one of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid criteria which establishes independent status. Students meet satisfactory academic progress standards.

Heiser, Kenneth (Ken): Established to honor the memory of long-time UM-Flint employee Ken Heiser, this fund supports students’ technology expenses and tuition.

Holt, Edgar B., and Lois Van Zandt Scholarship: Established with contributions honoring Edgar B. Holt, a leader in the Flint community devoted to advocating human rights. For students attending UM-Flint full time with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Community service is not required, however, preference may be given to applicants with a demonstrated commitment to community service. Applicants must be the first in the family to attend college and the applicant’s family income is less than $50,000. Applicants who attend Flint Community Schools and or high schools and neighborhoods that traditionally don’t have many students attend UM-Flint (i.e., Mt. Morris, Beecher, and Westwood Heights School Districts). Preference may be given to participants in state or federal early-awareness or college readiness programs typically based on socioeconomic status.

India Scholarship: Applicants must be currently enrolled at UM-Flint. Recipients must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must submit a personal statement/essay addressing their academic and career goals, and their interest in receiving this scholarship. Recipients must submit a listing of three references including their name, address, and phone number. Two of the references must be academic, with one community reference.

John Ellis Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those who are history majors. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Kallis, Harold and Agape Scholarship: For full-time students with a minimum 3.0 GPA who are residents of Genesee County. Financial need is not a consideration.

Katz, Mary Scholarship: The scholarship is intended for incoming freshmen students enrolled full-time. Applicants must be a resident of Genesee County and a graduate of a Genesee County non-charter public high school. Financial need is required.

King/Chavez/Parks Future Faculty Program: Fellowship program intended for underrepresented students with regular admission to any of the UM-Flint Masters programs. Qualified candidates may receive up to $15,000 over a two and one half year period.

King Jr, Martin Luther Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be degree-seeking students and in good standing with the university. All undergraduate students will be considered. Financial need is taken into consideration. This is a four-year scholarship, assuming the recipient continues to meet eligibility requirements. Scholarship recipients must have completed no more than 40 credits.

Kleinpell Family Scholarship: Established to assist undergraduate students at UM-Flint. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.3; incoming first-year must have a minimum GPA of 2.3.

Landis, Theresa Club Sports Scholarship: This scholarship is designed for entering first-year enrolled in at least 6 credits (9 for men’s hockey), who participate in Club Sports. Financial need is a consideration. Students must have a 3.0 GPA upon high school graduation.

Leo Scholarship: The Lecturers’ Employee Organization is a labor union representing the non-tenure-track faculty of the University of Michigan, including the University of Michigan-Flint. Leo has established this scholarship to assist students in pursuing their education and life goals. The scholarship is open to all sophomore standing and above undergraduates, whether full- or part-time who are either members of or the dependent of a member of a labor union. First preference is given to dependents of LEO members. Applicants must submit a separate essay (no more than two pages double-spaced) detailing why labor unions are important in the U.S.

Lincoln, Abraham Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be degree-seeking students and in good standing with the university. All undergraduate students will be considered. Financial need is taken into consideration.

M Club of Greater Flint Scholarship Fund: Applicant must be currently enrolled at UM-Flint with at least 12 undergraduate credits earned and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and reside in Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee counties.

Malcolm X Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Applicants must be degree-seeking students and in good standing with the university.  All undergraduate students will be considered. Financial need is taken into consideration. Applicants must be taking at least 6 credit hours. This scholarship is automatically renewable for up to four academic years as long as the recipient continues to meet the selection criteria.

McCree, Floyd J. Scholarship: Established with contributions honoring Floyd J. McCree, who was an advocate for social causes and social justice, a dedicated public servant, and committed to helping others. Applicants must be enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours with a 3.0 GPA. Community service is not required, however, preference may be given to applicants with a demonstrated commitment to community service. Applicants must be the first in the family to attend college and the applicant’s family income is less than $50,000. Applicants who attend Flint Community Schools and or high schools and neighborhoods that traditionally don’t have many students attend UM-Flint (i.e., Mt. Morris, Beecher, and Westwood Heights School Districts).  Preference may be given to participants in state or federal early-awareness or college readiness programs typically based on socioeconomic status.

McKenze, Victoria University of Michigan-Flint Student Government Council Scholarship: Applicants must be UM-Flint students with a minimum of 55 credit hours, and have a cumulative 2.5 GPA. Applicants must have demonstrated campus leadership qualities that have significantly contributed to and enhanced the quality of life for students at UM-Flint. A personal statement/essay and two letters of reference are required.

McKinnon, Leonard A. and Zelpha E. Scholarship: Available to full- or part-time students who have at least a 3.5 GPA, are Genesee County residents and have participated in school and/or community activities. Letters of reference are required. Selection is based on academic record, community service, essay, and recommendations.

Mestas, Juan E. Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Community Engagement: Established by Chancellor Juan E. Mestas to honor UM-Flint students who have demonstrated high academic excellence and who have distinguished themselves for their community. Applicants should participate as students in activities that address the needs and improve the quality of our neighboring communities.

Michael J Hague Scholarship: Mike Hague was inspired to establish this scholarship as a result of his own experience as a first-generation college student and his family and his knowledge of the obstacles that many students face in achieving their educational goals.  Students must be first-generation college students, enrolled at least half the time.

Moeller, William and Kathryn Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be undergraduate students who have a minimum 2.3 GPA. First consideration will be given to those students who demonstrate financial need.

Moll, Margaret E. Scholarship: Applicants may be attending full- or part-time and must be pursuing an undergraduate degree program. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA, or high school equivalent GPA, at the time of application and demonstrate financial need. If intercollegiate athletics become sanctioned at UM-Flint, first preference will be given to an intercollegiate student-athlete. Until then, first preference will be given to a UM-Flint club sports athlete. Selection will be based on a demonstrated commitment to academic achievement, well-rounded high school experiences, and university or civic activities. Applications are available at UM-Flint Office of Financial Aid.

Morgan, Carl, and Sarah Graduate Student Scholarship: Applicants must be admitted into the UM-Flint Graduate Program with at least a 3.3 GPA as an undergraduate or a 3.3 GPA as a graduate student. One letter of reference is required.

Mukkamala, Bobby & Kulkarni, Nita (Doctors) Health Professions Scholarship: Applicants must graduate from the Genesee Early College Program and have accumulated a minimum of 30 UM-Flint credit hours with a 3.0 GPA. Students must be full-time and demonstrate financial need. Scholarships can be used toward tuition, fees, and books.

Nartel Family: Available to full- or part-time students who are Genesee County residents and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Financial need is a consideration.

Nelson, Conny E. Memorial Scholarship Fund: Established in memory of Conny E. Nelson, Chancellor of UM-Flint, 1980-83. The scholarship helps support study in a non-North American country for students who have completed their sophomore year (54 credits or more). Offers are based on the academic achievement and merit of the proposed study. Restricted to non-UM-Flint faculty-led programs.

Nelson Mandela Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those who are of junior or senior standing. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Osher, Bernard Foundation: Founded in 1977 by Bernard Osher, a respected businessman, and community leader. Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life through support for higher education and the arts, and provides post-secondary scholarship funding to colleges and universities across the nation, with special attention to re-entry students. The Osher Foundation trustees selected UM-Flint as a recipient of the Osher Reentry Scholarship Program. Offers are based on academic achievement for students who have had to postpone their college education for a minimum of a five-year cumulative period.

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Scholarship Guidelines: The recipient must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants must also provide a letter of recommendation from a Phi Theta Kappa advisor at the community college from which they graduated.

Piper, Wanda L. and M. Harry Grant Fund: Financial assistance to full- or part-time students whose pursuit of a university degree has been postponed or interrupted for at least two years. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and show financial need.

Pocahontas Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be degree-seeking students and in good standing with the university. All undergraduate students will be considered. Financial need is taken into consideration.

Pointer, Annie Mae Scholarship: For students who are enrolled at least half-time (six credit hours) at UM-Flint and have a GPA of 2.5. Community service is not required, however, preference may be given to applicants with a demonstrated commitment to community service. Applicants must be the first in their family to attend college and the applicant’s family income is less than $50,000. Applicants who attend Flint Community Schools and or high schools and neighborhoods that traditionally don’t have many students attend U-M Flint (i.e., Mt. Morris, Beecher, and Westwood Heights School Districts). Preference may be given to participants in state or federal early-awareness or college readiness programs typically based on socioeconomic status.

Charles Erickson Rachor Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Kathryn Arlene Sisson Rachor Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Charles L. Rachor Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Michael Garry Rachor Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Robert E. Rachor, PhD Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Karen Rachor Roman Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

David J. Rachor, B.S. Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

John P. Rachor, RNFA Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Pastor Daniel J. Rachor Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Terese M. Rachor Beste Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Dr. James Rachor Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Grandchildren of Michael Garry Rachor and Barbara Lee Eddy Rachor Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Preference is given to students who are at least junior standing. Financial need is a consideration in the offering of this scholarship. Preference is given to working students as indicated on their submitted FAFSA.

Rachor “Fish Bond” Book Fund: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. for undergraduate sophomore, junior or senior students. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA.

Roberson, Joe Endowed Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be residents of Genesee County and admitted to UM-Flint with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Rotary Club of Flint Scholarship: For students who have graduated from a Flint or Genesee County high school in the past two years after attending these schools for at least the final two years of their high school education. A minimum 3.25 adjusted GPA, involvement in school and/or community service activities, and the intent to remain in the Flint/Genesee County area after completion of college is required.

Roy S. Hanashiro Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those who are history majors. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Rubenstein, Gilbert Attorney at Law Scholarship Fund: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. and endowed by Gilbert Rubenstein. Applicants must be enrolled at UM-Flint in any pre-law program and be in good standing. It is preferred if the students graduate from a high school in Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee counties, and have performed a service for their community. Students must submit a separate one to two-page double-spaced written paper describing an interest in pursuing law as a profession.

Saab, Ghassan and Manal Scholarship Fund for New Americans: Applicants must demonstrate financial need with preference given to students who have received official government designation as a refugee or asylee or temporary protected status and are in good academic standing.

Saab, Ghassan and Manal Signature Blue Service Scholarship: Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants must be committed to serving a minimum of four hours a week for two full semesters per academic year, through curricular or co-curricular service-based activities coordinated through University Outreach.

Sacagawea Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be degree-seeking students and in good standing with the university. All undergraduate students will be considered. Financial need is taken into consideration.

Schneberger, Kathleen A. Scholarship Fund: For students who are at least 25 years old, who have completed 30 or more credit hours with a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and who are enrolled for at least six credit hours. Offers are based on financial need.

SEIU Local 591 Scholarship: Designated for UM-Flint students who are current members of SEIU Local 591, or the spouses, children or grandchildren of current or former Local 591 SEIU members. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and submit documentation that verifies that they are current SEIU Local 591 members, spouses, children, or grandchildren of current or former SEIU Local 591 member.

SEIU Local 591 Scholarship for Mott College Transfers: Designated for Mott Community College transfer students who are current SEIU Local 591 members, or the spouses, children or grandchildren of a current or former SEIU Local 591 member. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and submit documentation that verifies that they are current SEIU Local 591 members, the spouses, children, or grandchildren of a current or former SEIU Local 591 member.

Shulman, Leonard B Travel Scholarship: Established to assist Honors Program students in international travel to further their education at UM-Flint. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate student in the Honors Program with a minimum GPA of 3.5. Travel must be completed prior to completion of an educational program and is in connection with the student’s educational program, or in furtherance of their educational experience. Contact the Honors Program Director for consideration.

Sitting Bull Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference is given to those who are of junior or senior standing. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Skaff, Woodrow W. Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time UM-Flint students who have a cumulative 3.0 GPA, and are residents of Genesee County who have graduated from a Flint Community School. Scholarship offers will be based on financial need.

Smith, Lavoy C. Memorial Scholarship: For students who have been enrolled in the Genesee Early College Program (GEC) at the time of application and who are admitted to UM-Flint. Must demonstrate a consistent and high level of commitment to community and school activities, and volunteer work. Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 credit hours with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference is given to full-time students. Applicants must identify two references (name, title, agency, address, and telephone number) from school or community service agency staff members directly involved with the applicant’s school and/ or community service activity. Refer to the GEC Program Coordinator for consideration.

Stone, Esther C. Study Abroad Scholarship: Designated to support students participating in approved study abroad courses sponsored and led by the UM-Flint faculty and approved by the Study Abroad Program Committee. Applicants must have completed at least 24 credit hours at UM-Flint prior to participating in the IGS Program. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required as an undergraduate student. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 with 9 credit hours completed as a graduate student.  Apply through the Education Abroad Office; applications are taken in December/January each year.

Stone, Esther C. Graduate Student Scholarship for Academic Excellence Scholarship: For students admitted to a UM-Flint graduate program who have completed all prerequisite courses and have a minimum of 12 hours of graduate credit. In addition to the scholarship application, students must submit a maximum one-page personal statement as to why they qualify for the offer, two letters of reference from faculty familiar with their academic work, and transcripts.

Student Government Council (SGC) Service Scholarship: Intended to recognize those students who demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a keen balance in their academic, social, and volunteer pursuits. Current SGC members and those who served within the previous twelve months are not eligible for this scholarship. Volunteer Supervisor Form – Student Government Scholarship

Student Housing Scholarship: Established to provide financial assistance to students who utilize campus housing. Applicants must be full-time students who are in good academic standing.

Sutphen, Harry and Doris Family Scholarship: Established to assist full- or part-time senior-level undergraduate students. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Financial need is required.

Thomas Henthorn Scholarship: Applicants must have financial needs. Preference given to those who are history majors. The scholarship is to be offered only for tuition, fees, books, and/or required supplies and will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account.

Tomasi, Dominic Memorial Scholarship: For students who are residents of Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee counties. Must be enrolled full-time or accepted at UM-Flint. The scholarship is intended for a Greater Flint area Scholar-Athlete. Scholar Athletes are defined as participating in one or more varsity sports in high school and competing within one of the area conferences. Preference will be given to scholar-athletes who participated in extracurricular or community activities.

University Scholar Fund for Transfer Students: Applicants must be transfer students, full- or part-time be pursuing an undergraduate/graduate degree and demonstrate high academic achievement.

University of Michigan-Flint Student Emergency Fund: This fund is available to all students in good academic standing, currently enrolled, and making satisfactory progress toward a degree. This fund is open to graduate and undergraduate students. The student must demonstrate that they have an emergency requiring financial resources. The receipt of these resources will allow them to continue attending UM-Flint. Distributions of money from this fund may be made directly to the party that will remedy the emergency.

Utley, Harold M. Memorial Scholarship Fund: Offers are based on financial need, school, and/or community service activities, and scholastic attainment. Students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Valiant Veterans Scholarship: The University of Michigan-Flint created the Valiant Veterans Scholarship to recognize veterans in the Greater Flint area who wish to pursue their first Bachelor’s degree and join the next generation of highly-skilled leaders and the best in Michigan.  The Valiant Veterans Scholarship will cover the costs of up to four consecutive, full academic years of tuition and mandatory fees at the in-state rate, or until degree completion, whichever comes first. For more information and to access the application, please click here.

Weinstein, Ann Lande Scholarship: Applicants must have completed 85 credit hours of coursework and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must be returning students whose education was interrupted by a minimum of five years.

West Flint Optimist Club Academic Scholarship: For full-time students who are residents of Genesee County, have demonstrated leadership skills in school and community activities, and have a minimum 3.3 GPA.

Westwood Heights Lions Club Scholarship: The Westwood Heights Lions Club Scholarship is for residents that are currently living or have previously lived in the Westwood Heights Area.  The recipient(s) will be selected based on academic merit.   If no students meet this criteria, this scholarship will be awarded to a resident of Genesee County.  The scholarship will be applied and divided among Fall/Winter tuition costs.  Please see admissions with any criteria questions

Winegarden, Myron and Margaret Scholarship: Established to provide financial assistance for deserving students who share an appreciation of foreign language and those who are studying abroad. Applicants must be full-time students with a minimum of 3.0 GPA. Financial need is not a consideration. Foreign language students should apply through UM-Flint’s online scholarship application by mid-February. Students participating in approved study abroad courses sponsored and led by UM-Flint faculty and approved by the Study Abroad Advisory Committee apply through the Education Abroad Office by mid-January.

Winegarden, Harry M. Collegiate Scholars: Selection will be based on academic merit. Entering first-year must have a GPA no less than 3.5 and other indicators of academic merit (ACT / SAT score). Recipients must maintain full-time enrollment and a 3.0 GPA. Offer is renewable.

Women’s Educational Center (WEC) Community Service Scholarship: Rewards students for their significant contribution to public service projects that are intended to positively impact the lives of Genesee County women. WEC Scholars will work together as a cohort on the completion of service projects and meet regularly with the WEC Director. Applicants must have a 3.0 collegiate GPA or entering first-year must have a 3.25 high school GPA. The scholarship is intended for full-time students. Applicants must submit a two- to three-page proposal outlining the community service project that they intend to complete over the course of the semester.|

Wood, Brenda Duford CPA Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Rachor Family Foundation, Ltd. Applicants must be seeking a degree and must be in good standing at UM-Flint. Applicants must be a resident of Genesee County. Applicants must be non-traditional students, 25 years of age or older, who have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants need not be a full-time student.

Wood, Hazel Scholarship Fund: For full-time transfer students who are residents of Genesee County. A minimum 3.2 GPA is required and financial need is considered.

Wright, Dr. Douglas L. Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be full-time, UM-Flint students who have maintained a GPA of 3.0 based on a 4.0 scale for all completed course work. Community service is not required, however, preference may be given to applicants with a demonstrated commitment to community service. Applicants must be first in family to attend college and the applicants’ family income less than $50,000. Applicants who attend Flint Community Schools and or high schools and neighborhoods that traditionally don’t have many students attend UM-Flint (i.e., Mt. Morris, Beecher, and Westwood Heights School Districts).  Preference may be given to participants in state or federal early-awareness or college readiness programs typically based on socioeconomic status.

Wright, Lillian B. and Bruce E. Memorial Scholarship: For adult returning students at UM-Flint with a major or minor in political science or public administration, or who have been actively involved in the political process at the local, state, or national level. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required.

Zick Innovate Students: Applicants must be in a CIT program with a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. The scholarship is up to $1000. Student must submit a 500-word essay that answers the following:

  1. What is your major and why did you select it?
  2. What are the motivational factors that keep you energized within your major?
  3.  How do you see yourself using your major when you graduate?
  4. How would receiving the Zick Innovative Student Scholarship assist you in being successful at UM-Flint and beyond?

Zick, William and Margaret Scholarship: Applicants must be full- or part-time student. Applicants must have a minimum 2.8 GPA or, for entering freshman, a high school GPA of 3.2. Financial need is a consideration. Applicants can reapply but must continue to meet scholarship criteria.

Outside Scholarship Opportunities

These scholarship descriptions and respective information are provided as a courtesy in our continued efforts to assist students with their financial needs. The respective scholarship donor governs all information posted below; notification of these scholarship opportunities does not imply that UM-Flint supports or endorses any of the opportunities described. All off-campus scholarship announcements require separate applications and have various eligibility requirements and deadlines. The information provided using this website is intended to be general summary information only.

You may also use a scholarship search engine to look for outside scholarship opportunities. Below are some examples:

Scholarship Resources

Scholarship Scams: What they are and how to avoid them.