Master of Science in Physician Assistant FAQs

Master of Science in Physician Assistant FAQs provides prospective students with essential information to guide them through the application process

What is the UM-Flint PA Program Application Deadline? 

August 1, 2025

The UM-Flint PA Program tuition and fees can be found on the official tuition and fees page. Tuition and fees are subject to change yearly.

The UM-Flint PA Program does not grant advanced placement for any individuals or transfer requests from students in other PA programs. All PA students must be matriculated through the published admissions process and complete all UM-Flint PA Program curriculum courses. 

Below is the timeline detailing the key dates and steps of the application cycle. Please review it thoroughly.

PA Program Application Timeline

PA Program Application Timeline

April 24, 2025

CASPA Application Available

August 1, 2025

CASPA Application Submission Deadline

August 15, 2025

CASPA Application Verification

August 2025

Application Review

September 2025

In-person Interviews

October 2025

Acceptance Notifications

November 2025

Orientation for New Students

January 2026

PA Class of 2028 Begins

The UM-Flint PA Program does not offer individual admission advising sessions to applicants at this time. However, the Program frequently offers online webinars to provide the most up-to-date information about the program. The UM-Flint PA Program website contains the most up-to-date information about the program, and the Events page contains information about admission webinars.

The program considers community service to be unpaid volunteer work. To verify community service, a letter on organization stationery, signed by the supervisor, must verify the type of service you delivered and the dates of service. If you have more than one letter, scan and combine the documents into one and upload them to the CASPA application.

Applicants must include a letter on the organization stationery, signed by the supervisor, verifying the type of service they delivered and the dates of service. If you have multiple letters, please scan and combine the documents into one. The letter should include all hands-on health care experiences for the past two years, including a brief description and number of hours.

Three letters of recommendation must be submitted to be considered for admission. You will not be considered for admission if you have less than three letters. At least one letter of support should be provided by a health care professional supervisor who can verify your health care experience hours. All letters should be completed by individuals who know you well.

Patient care experience gained through college and university courses, clinical rotations, and internships is not applicable to the UM-Flint PA Program’s 500 hours of hands-on health care experience. Hands-on patient care experience can be paid (preferable) or volunteer, but it is independent of clinical experience gained for academic credit. Please see the examples of MSPA Health Care Experiences.

Applicants must have at least 500 direct patient care hours by the CASPA application deadline and submitted on the CASPA application. Applicants with less than 500 direct patient care hours completed at application submission will not be considered for admission.

(i.e. Can I substitute Sport Psychology for Developmental Psychology? Does Microbiology have to have a lab component? I don’t have Medical Terminology, will I still be considered?)
Prerequisite coursework must be completed as listed on the UM-Flint PA program website. If there are questions regarding prerequisite coursework meeting program requirements, email PA Program admissions for answers at:  [email protected]

Applicants may request that their last 60 undergraduate credit hours be used to calculate the cumulative GPA. This request should be submitted via the Physician Assistant Admissions Waiver Request Form by Friday, June 28, 2025, and the rationale for the request should be included. You will receive an email response. If approved, please upload this response to the CASPA application. Only undergraduate coursework will be used in the calculation. No graduate coursework will be used to calculate the cumulative GPA. If undergraduate courses were taken after graduation, these courses may be included in the total of 60 credits. If a last 60 credit hour waiver is granted, it applies to one application cycle only, as waivers do not roll over from one cycle to another. Any questions regarding undergraduate coursework may be directed to [email protected]

All prerequisite coursework must be completed by the PA Program CASPA application submission deadline. Please note: Applicants will not be considered for admission if any prerequisite course is outstanding at the time of the CASPA application deadline.


UM-Flint graduates from specific programs will be offered an interview if they meet the minimum admission requirements. This applies to students who have completed or are enrolled in:

UM-Flint College of Health Science

  • BS in Health Sciences (Pre-PA track)
  • BS in Public Health & Health Sciences
  • BS in Respiratory Therapy

College of Innovation and Technology

  • BS in Human Biology (Pre-PA track) 

The program is approved to matriculate 50 students annually.