Rackham Fellowship

A fellowship is available for graduate students admitted to or enrolled in a University of Michigan-Flint Rackham program who meet the criteria. It requires neither repayment nor employment. Fellowships will be awarded competitively, upon the recommendation of the program faculty, on the basis of academic performance.
Do I qualify?
You qualify to be considered for a Rackham Fellowship if you meet the following criteria:
- You are admitted to a Rackham graduate program at UM-Flint.
- You have completed all admission requirements.
- You have completed at least 6 graduate credit hours.
- You enroll in at least 3 credit hours in the semester in which the award is made.
When can I receive a Rackham Fellowship?
Fellowship awards are for one semester, fall or winter.
How do I apply?
Submit the Rackham Fellowship application to the Office of Graduate Programs with the required supporting documentation. The application deadline for Fall semester awards is June 1; applications for Winter semester awards are due December 1.