Research Assistantships

Graduate Student Research Assistantships
Positions for fall and winter are generally posted in late April.
The Graduate Student Research Assistantship program at the University of Michigan-Flint is a vehicle to provide financial support for the academically-related research activities of active UM-Flint graduate students. A GSRA is an appointment that may be provided to a student in good standing in a UM-Flint graduate degree program who performs personal research (including thesis and dissertation preparation) or who assists UM-Flint faculty in performing research that is relevant to their academic goals. Appointments to the GSRA program at UM-Flint are made for one or two semesters/terms and are contingent upon the recommendation of an academic department or program and the approval of the Director of Graduate Programs.
Guidelines for the GSRA program can be accessed at UM-Flint GSRA Guidelines.
Refer here for additional GSRA information and an outline of the application process.
The Office of Graduate Programs posts available Graduate Student Research Assistantship positions online. Positions for fall and winter are generally posted in late April. The deadline to apply for most GSRA positions is June 1 for the following fall and winter semesters. Apply online at U-M Careers.