
Series of pre-recorded webinars held by the Innovation Incubator [IN] to provide business owners and community members with relevant information from subject matter experts.
Introduction to Business Ethics
Presented by UM-Flint Office of Economic Development and UM-Flint School of Management lecturer Gerald Knesek. 12/14/22.
GIS Work in Economic Development
Presented by UM-Flint Office of Economic Development, UM-Flint Geographic Information Systems Center, Flint Neighborhood Engagement Hub and Huron and Sanilac County Economic Development Corporation. 10/12/22.
Patently Good Ideas: Intellectual Property for Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Presented by University of Michigan-Flint Office of Economic Development and Ward Law Office. 08/09/22.
Capital and Loan Readiness
Presented by University of Michigan-Flint Office of Economic Development and Huntington Bank. 7/27/22.
Build Your Brand on LinkedIN
Presented by University of Michigan-Flint Office of Economic Development and the Incredible Hult. 7/06/22.
Building an Inclusive Community
Presented by UM-Flint Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and UM-Flint Office of Economic Development. 6/14/22.
From Idea to Impact: Steps, Stages, and Resources for Successful Commercialization
Presented by Fast Forward Medical Innovation and UM-Flint Office of Economic Development. 5/25/22.
Starting and Maintaining a Nonprofit Corporation
Presented by UM-Flint Office of Economic Development and Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. 5/4/22.
Michigan Sales and Use Tax Basics Workshop
Presented by UM-Flint Office of Economic Development and Michigan Department of Treasury. 3/15/22.
Maximizing Small Business Financials Workshop
Presented by UM-Flint Office of Economic Development and The John L Group. 2/22/22.
Ultimate Marketing Workshop
Presented by UM-Flint Office of Economic Development and Oh Hello Branding Group. 2/9/22.
Business Succession Planning
Webinar presented by University of Michigan- Flint Office of Economic Development and Stanislaw Consulting. 1/12/2022.
Business Model Canvas
Presented by UM-Flint Office of Economic Development. 12/12/21.
Leadership Team Conflict
Webinar presented by University of Michigan- Flint Office of Economic Development and Stanislaw Consulting. 10/13/2021.
Networking Beyond the Business Card
Webinar presented by University of Michigan- Flint Office of Economic Development and Flint and Genesee Group. 09/22/2021.
Patently Good Ideas: Intellectual Property Law for Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Workshop featuring Jacob Ward, registered patent attorney for Ward Law Office LLC. 8/4/2021.
The ABCs of SBIR and STTR Funding
Workshop featuring Amanda Barnhart of BBC Etc. 07/07/2021.
Non-profit Board Member Roles and Responsibilities
Workshop featuring Jenni Dones of The Dones Group. 06/30/2021.
Should I Start a Non-profit?
Workshop featuring Jenni Dones of The Dones Group. 06/16/2021.
E-Commerce: Grow Your Business Online (Part Two)
Workshop featuring Anna Robertson of Step One Films. 5/19/21.
E-Commerce: Grow Your Business Online (Part One)
Workshop featuring Anna Robertson of Step One Films. 5/12/21
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification for Smaller Manufacturers
Presented by University of Michigan-Flint Office of Economic Development and Bitlyft. 2/24/21.
Building Blocks For Local Food Entrepreneurs – Session 1: Business Setup from the Ground Up
Workshop for new food entrepreneurs featuring Sean Gartland, culinary director of Flint Food Works.
Careers for Superstars: Careers in Insurance
Workshop featuring Doug Fairbanks, independent insurance agent. 12/02/20
Building Blocks For Local Food Entrepreneurs – Session 2: Marketing your Brand and Products
Workshop for new food entrepreneurs featuring Sean Gartland, culinary director of Flint Food Works.
Trends Affecting Small Business in a COVID World
Workshop featuring Joe Borgstrom, Principal of Place + Main Advisors.
Building Blocks For Local Food Entrepreneurs – Session 3: Labeling, Packaging and Distribution
Workshop for new food entrepreneurs featuring Sean Gartland, culinary director of Flint Food Works.
“Opportunities in International Business”
UM-Flint Innovation Incubator presents Dr. Yener Kandogan’s lecture about how to research and take advantage of opportunities in international business. 5/14/20
Building Blocks for Local Food Entrepreneurs: Session 4 Working with a Co-packer
Workshop for new food entrepreneurs featuring Sean Gartland, culinary director of Flint Food Works.
“Improving Our World Through Wise Material Use”
UM-Flint Innovation Incubator presents John Bradburn’s lecture about intersections of sustainability and business. 4/29/20
Real Careers in Cybersecurity
Innovation Incubator workshop featuring staff from Bitlyft.
Wayne State University Law School Business and Community Law Clinic presents “Returning Citizens and Entrepreneurship” April 3, 2020.
A session focused on legal issues for formerly incarcerated individuals who are seeking to start a business and for business owners looking to hire formerly incarcerated individuals.
Staying Effective Online During COVID webinar
Webinar presented by Kenya McHenry of KD Johnsons