Research and Data Collection

The IST aims to coordinate research on society and technology through the following initiatives: 

  • Create a research program on how emerging media and technology changes and challenges political, psychic, and social life. 
  • Establish a regional repository of data and research on technology’s role in local economic development (e.g. automation, robotics) by undertaking research on the changing nature of work in the region or technology’s role in reshaping local manufacturing 

Funding opportunities

The IST aims to support faculty research and grant funding through the following opportunities. 

  • Provide regular feedback, working groups, and interdisciplinary support for research in the Institute’s areas of focus. 
  • The Institute will act as an incubator for promising research at the intersection of society and technology in our foci areas outlined below. This will come in the form of small grants to fund proof-of-concept projects and smaller research-related endeavors as well as larger grant funding opportunities.

Please check back for updates on open funding opportunities.


Institute for Society and Technology – 526 French Hall, [email protected]