early colleges

Byron Early College
Byron Area Schools in collaboration with the University of Michigan-Flint will be offering students the Byron Early College, a unique opportunity for Byron Area school students to earn college credits while enrolled in Byron for a fraction of the cost of traditional college tuition.
Clarkston Early College
Clarkston Community Schools in collaboration with the University of Michigan-Flint is proud to announce the Clarkston Early College, unique opportunity for Clarkston and Brandon students to earn college credits while enrolled at their high schools for a fraction of the cost of traditional college tuition.
Carman-Ainsworth STEM Early College
University of Michigan-Flint and Carman-Ainsworth High School introduce Carman-Ainsworth STEM Early College. This STEM focused Early College will provide an opportunity for high school students to earn college credits in the high demand field of Medical/Sciences.
Genesee Early College
Genesee Intermediate School District , in partnership with the University of Michigan-Flint, operates the Genesee Early College. GEC is an intensive, state-of-the-art, five-year high school combining the best elements of the high school and early university experience.
Grand Blanc Early College
Grand Blanc High School in partnership with the University of Michigan-Flint, launched the Grand Blanc Early College during the 2015-2016 school year. This exclusive opportunity is available to Grand Blanc High School students entering their junior year in high school. Students who choose to participate in this unique opportunity will commit to a five year high school and college experience.
Southern Lakes Early College
Fenton Area Public Schools along with Linden and Lake Fenton are collaborating with UM-Flint to offer high school juniors and seniors the Southern Lakes Early College. The initiative allows motivated students to earn up to 48 college credits by taking accredited courses taught by UM-Flint faculty on-site at Fenton High School.