The Pulse Newsletter

March 2025 Edition
In this edition
- From the Desk of the Interim Provost
- Academic Unit Featured Stories
- From the Desk of the Vice-Provost of Academic Affairs
- From the Desk of Vice Provost for Assessment and Accreditation
- Go Blue Guarantee Expanded
- Community Engagement Indicator
- ODE Corner
- Frances Willson Thompson Library Updates
- Faculty Spotlight | Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
- Staff Spotlight | Ken Sylvester
- Coffee with Interim Provost Kandogan
- Faculty Resources
- Important Dates, Events and Deadlines

Message from Interim Provost Kandogan
We now have three top 100 programs in national rankings: 74th in Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 92nd among Physical Therapy programs, and 42nd in online Bachelor’s in Business by recent U.S. News & World Reports. The application for the Carnegie Community Engagement Classified is complete. We are awaiting a positive outcome.
External recognitions like these are distinguishing our campus among competition and reflect positively on our recruitment efforts. We were the fastest growing public university in fall 2024 with a 6.5% increase, while enrollment in other regional public universities declined. Enrollment growth continued into winter 2025. This is a testament that we are becoming a destination of choice for students.
We owe this result to our collective work in recruitment, retention, program improvement and new program development in specialized areas leading to careers and professions of great need. We deliver these in formats recognizing the preferences and circumstances of our working non-traditional domestic and international students. Our portfolio of academic programs is gradually becoming more graduate and more online. With more graduate programs, we need to ramp up our intellectual and creative contribution productivity as well as grant activity. Maybe we will achieve a high research activity Carnegie Classification in a few years?
With more online programs, retention and engagement of students become more challenging. Continuing efforts are needed for program review, meaningful community engagement, ensuring accessibility of course materials for everyone, and professional development of leaders from among us. Our university is not a hidden gem anymore, but our work is not done!
Yener Kandogan, Ph.D
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Academic Unit Featured Stories
Learn about some of the many remarkable accomplishments of students, staff, and faculty!
- College of Arts, Sciences and Education: UM-Flint receives $495K Mellon Grant to explore “Cracks in the Pavement”
- College of Arts, Sciences and Education:Pair of Wolverines rank 12th in American Moot Court Association’s national tournament
- College of Health Sciences: From Flint to the NIH: Osman Belal’s journey and dedication to addiction research
- Collge of Health Sciences:Meet Kay-lee Fuller: paving pathways to success as the College of Health Sciences recruiter
- College of Innovation and Technology: UM-Flint receives historic NSF grant to fund translational research
- School of Management: UM-Flint launching Master of Science in Applied Finance for fall 2025
- School of Nursing: UM-Flint student-led program nurtures newborns and families to combat infant mortality

From the desk of the Vice-Provost of Academic Affairs
Dear Colleagues,
Here are some updates from the VPAA Office:
- Global Connections: UM-Flint India Partnership and Immersive Learning Initiative
- New Leadership Academy – On Campus Program
- Two Opportunities for Professional Development

From the Desk of Vice Provost for Assessment and Accreditation
As we continue our commitment to institutional excellence and continuous improvement, I would like to share updates on two important areas of my work: the Higher Learning Commission Quality Initiative and the ongoing assessment efforts led by the Academic Assessment and Policy Committee.

Go Blue Guarantee Expanded
The Go Blue Guarantee scholarship, which covers the full cost of tuition and mandatory fees for eligible in-state students for up to four years, is available to more students than ever before.

Community Engagement Indicator
Demonstrates how UM-Flint academically prepares students with real-world experience for their professional careers and lives as engaged citizens using evidence-based, high-impact practices, helps students search SIS for course sections that provide significant learning experiences in and with the community, and enables departmental and institution-wide tracking and reporting about community engaged classes.

Office of Online and Digital Education Corner – Faculty Resources
The ODE provides comprehensive support to instructors and academic units in developing and delivering online courses and programs at UM-Flint. Find the latest information for online teaching, learning resources, upcoming events, training opportunities and more.

Frances Willson Thompson Library Updates
This year, the library’s partnerships with our sister campuses have yielded substantial gains in library collections and subscriptions. (…) We continue to partner with our colleagues in the UM-Library’s Digital Content and Collections to make Flint’s history more accessible.

Faculty Spotlight | Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
“Since joining the University of Michigan-Flint, my goal has been to build a strong research foundation. I am thrilled to receive the largest research grant in the university’s history: $3.3 million distributed over five years as part of the National Science Foundation’s GRANTED initiative.”

Staff Spotlight | Ken Sylvester
I have served UM-Flint in the Office of Research since 2016, and recently, the campus has witnessed a dramatic shift in the level of external research funding. Faculty in CIT, CASE and CHS have expanded the portfolio of funded research significantly, on top of the ongoing success SON faculty have had in securing training grants to expand nursing education.

Coffee with Interim Provost Kandogan
The Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is committed to promoting open conversations with one another. We now offer weekly office hours with the days and times available for booking appointments. You are also invited to join informal conversations over coffee scheduled this semester on March 12 and April 8.
Important Dates, Events and Deadlines
- March 7: 55th Annual Math Field Day
- March 10-21: Gabrielle Wyrick Student Exhibition in UCEN Art Gallery (Open Monday -Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.)
- March 11: Political Science: Coffee & Conversation: LGBTQ+ Policy and Matthew Shepard’s Story
- March 13: Music Program Auditions sign up by contacting
- March 14: UM-Flint History Quiz Night – Registration Required
- March 18: Psychology Student Success Series: Working with a Masters Degree in Psychology
- March 20: UM-Flint Music Faculty Spotlight Recital, Free Admission
- March 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 & 30 (Fridays & Saturdays at 6:30 p.m, Sundays at 2 p.m.): UM-Flint Theatre – UM-Flint Theatre & Dance: A Year with Frog & Toad; Tickets sold through FIM
- March 23 at 1 p.m.: UM-Flint Theatre & Dance and K-12 Partnerships: A Year with Frog & Toad Family Fun Day: Two free adult tickets for the first 50 families, free snacks, meet and greet with cast and themed activities.
- March 24-April 4: Ash Arder’s Course Exhibition in UCEN Art Gallery (Open Monday -Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.)
- March 27, 7:30 p.m.: UM-Flint Music’s MusiCollage Showcase at the FIM Whiting Auditorium
- April 1, 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.: CASE Career Fair at the Riverfront Conference Center
- May 2: CIT Presents: Super Science Friday
- May 3-4: Commencement Ceremonies