Multi-Purpose Fitness Rooms

Multi-Purpose Fitness Rooms
- Activities Room (120A)
- Dance Studio (118) *^
- Functional Training Room (120B) *
- Lower Level Fitness Room (026) ^
- Yoga Studio (011) ^
* Internal rentals only
^ Mirrors on some walls
Facility Access
Open to all University of Michigan-Flint students registered for classes – all you need is your MCard for access. Our facility is also open to faculty, staff and the community through memberships.


- Small-medium meetings.
Dimensions and Capacity
- Activities – 41’ deep x 31’ wide
- Dance Studio – 49’ deep x 35’ wide
- Lower Level Fitness – 27’ deep x 39’ wide
- Yoga Studio (room 011) – 45’ deep x 19’ wide
Capacity: up to 40, depending on activity/layout.
- External: $50 per hour
- Internal: $25 per hour