OverrideDescriptionOverrides Available During These Times in a Semester
PREREQPrerequisite OverrideOpen registration through Late registration/Add Classes Deadline
INInstructor’s ConsentOpen registration through Late registration/Add Classes Deadline
TIMETime Conflict OverrideOpen registration through Late registration/Add Classes Deadline
CAPCapacity OverrideFirst day of the semester through Late registration/Add Classes Deadline
ALLOverride All RestrictionsFirst day of the semester through Late registration/Add Classes Deadline

Prerequisite Override – issue when a student does not meet course prerequisites or restrictions.

Instructor’s Override – issue when a course requires consent of the instructor.

Time Conflict Override – issue when there is a time conflict between two courses. Students should check with both instructors for permission.

Capacity Override – issue when a course is at capacity.

ALL Override – issuing this override will allow students to register regardless of any restriction, excluding Level.

In rare cases, it may be appropriate to use the Duplicate or Mutual Exclusion override, but it’s encouraged to contact the Registrar’s Office prior to doing so. 

Faculty and Staff, please provide feedback and/or suggestions to any Enrollment Management Office (Financial Aid, Graduate Programs, Registrar, Student Success Center, Undergraduate Admissions) here.