Parking Enforcement

Parking Enforcement and Ticket Resolution
Parking enforcement is continuous for violators of handicap, fire zones, and prohibited parking
areas. Permit violations are enforced with time restrictions throughout the year. The UM-Flint
Department of Public Safety issues parking violation tickets to vehicles parked in violation of
Flint ordinances and university regulations.
The UM-Flint Department of Public Safety does not resolve parking enforcement actions. All parking violations (tickets) are submitted to the City of Flint 67th District Court. Parking tickets can be paid online, in person, or by US Mail at:
67th District Court
630 S. Saginaw St.
Flint, MI 48502
Personal checks are not accepted. Payment is due 20 days from the date of issue.
For information on contesting a ticket or for other assistance, please contact the 67th District Court during business hours of 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at 810-257-3170 or you can email the court at [email protected].