Student Parking

A valid University of Michigan-Flint Parking Permit is required in all lots and structures; this includes permits for students, employees, Recreation Center members and visitors. Please find the parking lots and structures on the interactive map.
The Mcard & Student Parking office is located in the Saginaw Room of the University Pavilion. It provides all Mcard and student parking services.
Student Parking Permits – Yellow Permit
Parking permits are provided to all registered UM-Flint students free of charge.
To receive a permit or validation sticker, students must register their vehicle online at UM-Flint Parking. Once registration is completed, please email the Department of Public Safety at [email protected] to make arrangements to receive the permit or validation sticker.
Please do not email reports of suspicious activity or crime; please call DPS directly at 810-762-3333. This email is not actively monitored.
Note: Students are encouraged to pay close attention to their UM-Flint email accounts for information pertaining to parking permit/validation distribution and availability. Information is also shared regularly through UM-Flint’s social media accounts. The DPS routinely distributes parking permits and/or validation stickers to registered students, in conjunction with Mcard distribution, during the first two weeks of each semester in the stage area of the UPAV.
Permit stickers are valid for an entire academic year. For example, the 2025 sticker is valid through August 31, 2025.
Temporary Student Workers (not registered for the current semester)
Parking permits for temporary appointments are available at the DPS administrative office. An application is required and must be submitted to the DPS administrative office before a permit will be issued.
Student Parking Areas
Students with a valid parking permit may park in any university-owned parking area excluding the Northbank Center Ramp; Blue Parking Area (UPAV Ramp); Riverfront Building Ramp; Lot P (WSW); and specifically designated spaces for handicap parking, service vehicle/restricted parking, etc. Parking areas are illustrated on the campus map.