Request Student Organization Funding
Student Government offers up to $2,300 for a student organization per academic year through disbursing funds through the Funding Board. The Funding Board is a Student Government Chaired board consisting of Student Government members, fellow students, and the Dean of Students.
Student Organization Funding Board
- The Purpose of the Student Organization Funding Board shall be to provide funding, at the board’s discretion, to qualified voluntary student organizations for events and initiatives that benefit the student college experience at the University of Michigan-Flint.
- Qualified “voluntary student organizations” are VSOs with a status of “good standing” with the Office of the Dean of Students and have had two executive officers attend a VSO funding training session hosted by ODOS and co-hosted by the Director of Financial Affairs.
The Process
- The President or Treasurer of a Student Organization submits an eligible funding request through Campus Connections at least three weeks before the event.
- Student Government Director of Financial Affairs, the Chair of the Funding Board, reviews the requests and adds the requests to the agenda of the next Funding Board meeting.
- The Funding Board reviews the funding request and decides on one of the following: approves funding, denies funding, or requests additional information for additional consideration.
- The Director of Financial Affairs, the Chair of the Funding Board, emails promptly to communicate board decisions and further action needed by the requesting Voluntary Student Organization.
Funding Board Restrictions
Restriction | Details |
a. Funding per Academic Year | No more than $2,300 for a student organization per academic year, with exceptions if a waiver is approved. |
b. Funding for Specific Items | No more than $500 for the following items: i. Gift certificates/cards ii. Promotional items (e.g., t-shirts, novelty items, giveaways) iii. Personal items for members (e.g., t-shirts or other personal-use items). |
c. Non-Academic Costs | Funds cannot be used for costs unrelated to the academic or co-curricular mission of the University or the requesting student organization. |
d. Alcohol, Tobacco, Contraband | Funds cannot be used for alcohol, tobacco products, or contraband. |
e. Conference Participation (VSOs) | Only registration fees for conferences will be funded. Travel, dining, or other non-registration expenses are not covered. |
f. Non-Profit Donations | Funds cannot be given as a direct monetary contribution to a non-profit or on behalf of a non-profit. |
g. Political Campaign Activities | Funds cannot be used for political campaigning activities, including advocacy for or against candidates, legislation, or ballot initiatives. |
h. Religious Worship | Funds cannot be used for direct support of religious worship. However, groups can receive funds for activities that express religious viewpoints or non-worship religious activities. |
i. Consultants | Funds cannot be used to pay for consultants. |
j. Salary, Stipends, Tuition, Fees | Funds cannot be used for salaries, stipends, tuition, or fees. |
k. Membership Fees | Funds cannot be used for membership fees, either local or national. |
l. Events with Admission Charges | Funds cannot be used for events that charge admission. |
m. Reimbursements for Past Expenses | Funds cannot be used to reimburse expenses for past events or registrations that have already passed. |
n. Event & Conference Funding for Sponsored Organizations | Sponsored student organizations must apply to their respective councils for event or conference funding. Club sports teams must request funding from the Coordinator of Club Sports. |
If you have any questions, contact Director of Financial Affairs, Ali Barto [email protected]