
Research and Academic Contributions
Our comprehensive archive showcases the extensive scholarly contributions and academic activities of our faculty and collaborators. This page is dedicated to highlighting our ongoing and past work in the fields of simulation-based learning and interprofessional education within healthcare.
Publications Under Review
Explore our latest research articles currently under peer review. These works reflect our commitment to advancing best practices in interprofessional education through innovative methodologies.
- Smith, L.M., Keiser, M., Yorke, A., & Turkelson, C. (2019). Developing best practices in interprofessional education: Applying the Design-Implement-Assess-Modify (DIAM) approach. Journal of Interprofessional Care, Pending review
- Campbell, D., & Clark, P. (2019). An initiative using simulation to aid in retention of ACLS skills in an emergency department nurse residency program. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, Pending Review
- Campbell, D., and Trojanowski, S., & Smith, L. (2019). Nursing and physical therapy students learn the complexities of end-of-life issues using an inter-professional education simulation. Rehabilitation Oncology, Pending Review
Publications In Press
Stay informed about our upcoming publications accepted for future release in esteemed journals. These pieces offer insights into cutting-edge simulation techniques and their impact on healthcare education.
- Keiser, M., & Turkelson, C. (2019). Using simulation to evaluate clinical performance and reasoning in Ag-ACNP students. Journal of Nursing Education.
Invited Book Chapter
Delve into our contributions to book chapters, where we discuss the opportunities and advantages of integrating virtual technology into nursing education, providing a broader understanding of our expertise.
- Keiser, M., & Turkelson, C. (2018). Opportunities and advantages with virtual technology integration. In R. Gordon and D. McGonigle (Eds.). Virtual Simulation in Nursing Education. New York: Springer Publishing.
Published Articles
Access our extensive list of published articles in various peer-reviewed journals. These articles cover diverse topics such as improving patient safety through checklist design, developing teamwork skills through IPE programs, and enhancing clinical performance and reasoning using simulation.
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Sculli, G., & Capoccia, D. (2019). Checklist design & implementation: Critical considerations to improve patient safety for low- frequency high-risk patient events. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning. Published Online First: 12 February 2019. doi: 10.1136/bmjstel-2018-000353
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Yorke, A., & Smith, L. (2018). Piloting a multifaceted interprofessional education program to improve physical therapy and nursing students’ teamwork skills. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 9(3), 107-120.
- Smith, L., Keiser, M., Turkelson, C., Yorke, A., Sachs, B., & Berg, K. (2018). Simulated interprofessional education discharge planning meeting to improve skills necessary for effective interprofessional practice. Professional Case Management, 23(2), 75-83. doi: 10.1097/NCM.0000000000000250.
- Keiser, M., & Turkelson, C. (2017). Using students as standardized patients: Development, implementation, and evaluation of a student based standardized patient training program. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 13(7), 321-330.
- Turkelson, C., & Keiser, M. (2017). Using checklist and repetitive simulation to improve patient safety: A pilot project with the Impella ® left ventricular assist device. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 13(2), 53-63.
- Turkelson, C., Aebersold, M., Redman, R., & Tschannen, D. (2016). Improving nursing communication skills in an intensive care unit using simulation and nursing crew resource management strategies an implementation project. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 32(4), 331-339. doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000241
- Stefaniak, J., & Turkelson, C. (2014). Does the sequence of instruction matter during simulation? Simulation in Healthcare, 9(1), 15-20.
External Grant Activity & Scholarships
Discover the externally funded projects and scholarships we have secured. These grants support our innovative simulation strategies aimed at improving healthcare education and patient safety.
- Turkelson, C., Campbell, D., Andrews, M., Streetman, R., & McTiernan, J. (2019). Innovative simulation strategies to reduce medication errors. State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs: Nurse Professional Fund Grant Funding for Simulation Centers. Funded $12,121.00 to purchase a medication dispensing system for the School of Nursing Simulation Center.
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Yorke, A. C., Smith, L.M., Smith, L., & Gilbert, G. (2017). Using virtual simulation & deliberate practice to promote interprofessional communication and teamwork in healthcare professions education. INACSL Chamberlain College of Nursing & DeVry Medical International Institute for Research and Clinical Strategy Grant; funded $10,000 January 2017-2018. University of Michigan-Flint Research Institute, HIC #HUM00125145
Internal Grants Activity & Scholarships
Learn about the internally funded initiatives within the University of Michigan. These projects focus on using simulation to enhance educational outcomes and develop critical skills among healthcare students.
- Turkelson, C., Lugger, S., & Campbell, D. (2018, April). Using a simulated virtual reality experience to increase graduate and undergraduate nursing student sensitivity, awareness, and caring behaviors towards patients with Alzheimer’s Dementia. Catalyst Course Collaborative Grant; Funded $2147 April 2018-April 2019. Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan-Flint. University of Michigan-Research Institute HIC#HUM00147706Turkelson, C., Creech, C., & Paulson, J. (2018, March). Improving cultural competence, Communication and empathy for vulnerable patient populations: The use of a Spanish speaking Hispanic standardized patient simulation for rural health care nurse practitioner students. University of Michigan Faculty Research and Creative Activity Grant; Funded $12,000 March 2018-March 2019. University of Michigan-Flint Research Institute, HIC# HUM00146604
- Turkelson, C., Ursuy, P., Grewal, H., & Colabianchi, N. (2018, March). In my shoes: Improving empathy and Interprofessional care for patients with Autism using virtual simulation based learning experiences guided by the IPEC competencies. Seed Funding $3600 awarded by the Michigan Center for IPE and the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching University of Michigan. March 2018-June 2019. University of Michigan-Research Institute HIC#HUM00142158
- Keiser, M., & Turkelson, C. (2017, March). Improving communication and teamwork in community health: The use of standardized patient simulation and tele-health for an interprofessional home-based evaluation with nursing and physical therapy students. University of Michigan Faculty Research and Creative Activity Grant; Funded $19,994 March 2017-March 2018. University of Michigan- Flint Research Institute, HIC# HUM00134912
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Yorke, A., & Smith, L.M. (2017). Using simulation to promote interprofessional healthcare teamwork-phase II. Provost’s 60th-Anniversary Research Grant, University of Michigan-Flint; Funded $2000 2017-2018. University of Michigan-Flint Research Institute, HIC #HUM00111071
- Smith, L. M., Yorke, A., Keiser, M., Turkelson, C., Murray-Wright, M., Berg, K., & Smith, L. (2016). Simulated interprofessional education discharge planning meeting to improve skills necessary for effective interprofessional practice. School of Health Professions & Studies Interprofessional Grant: Funded $7,760 June 2016-June 2017. University of Michigan-Flint Research Institute, HIC#HUM00121119
- Keiser, M., & Turkelson, C. (2016-2017). Development of a standardized patient program. Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching Catalyst Collaborative Project Grant; Phase I Funded $2500 June 2016, Phase II Funded $2240 January 2017-June 2017. University of Michigan-Flint Research Institute HIC #HUM00125722
- Turkelson, C., Yorke, A., Smith, L., & Keiser, M. (2015-2017). Using standardized patient simulations to promote interprofessional education across nursing and physical therapy Curricula. School of Health Professions & Studies Interprofessional Grant: Phase I Funded $20,000 June 2015-June 2016, Phase II Funded $14,085 June 2016-June 2017. University of Michigan-Flint Research Institute, HIC #HUM00111071
- Turkelson, C. (2016). Technology Hardware Proposal Award. May 2016. Awarded $7800 by the Technology Fee Committee to purchase technology based equipment (bluetooth stethoscopes and intravenous pumps) for the School of Nursing Simulation Center.
- Turkelson, C. (2014). Using simulation to enhance simulation based learning in medical surgical nursing I. Academic Assessment Committee High Impact Teaching and Learning Grant. Awarded $800 December 2014-December 2015.
Peer-Reviewed Podium Presentations
Review our prestigious academic presentations delivered at national and international conferences. These presentations demonstrate our research findings and pedagogical advancements in simulation and IPE.
- Campbell, D., Smith, L., Trojanowski, S. (2019, October). Nursing and physical therapy students learn the complexities of end-of-life issues using an inter-professional education simulation. Podium presentation at the Communities Across Borders (CAB) VII Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Smith, L.M., Turkelson, C., & Hollenbeck, J. (2019, October). Using a simulation enhanced interprofessional educational (Sim-IPE) activity to reduce cognitive bias in healthcare. Podium presentation at the Communities Across Borders (CAB) VII Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Turkelson, C., Cooper, D., Paulson, J., Creech, C., Bishop, T., Streetman, R., & McTiernan, J. (2019, June). Use of a Spanish speaking Hispanic standardized patient simulation with rural nurse practitioner students: Promoting cultural knowledge, sensitivity, communication and empathy for vulnerable patient populations. Podium Presentation at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
- Keiser, M., Turkelson, C., Smith, L.M., Yorke, A., Streetman, R., McTiernan, J. (2019, January). Redesigning interprofessional simulation: Using technology to engage distance learners in synchronous simulated interprofessional education experiences (Sim-IPE). Workshop (90minute) at the Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2019, San Antonio, TX.
- Turkelson, C., Creech, C., Paulson, J., Andrews, M., Cooper, D., Streetman, R., Bishop, T., & McTiernan, J. (2019, January). Improving cultural competence, communication, and empathy for vulnerable patient populations: The use of a Spanish speaking Hispanic simulated patient for rural health care nurse practitioner students. Research Study Development & presentation at the Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2019, San Antonio, TX.
- Streetman, R., McTiernan, J., & Turkelson, C. (2018, July). DIY: Simulated patient electronic health record: An introduction. Podium Presentation presented at the Gathering of Simulation Technology Specialists, SimGHOST 2018 Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Streetman, R., McTiernan, J., & Turkelson, C. (2018, July). Home grown, customizable electronic health record: How to build your own. Podium Presentation presented at the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, SimOps 2018 Conference, Portland, OR.
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Smith, L., Yorke, A., Streetman, R., & McTiernan, J. (2018, June). Using virtual simulation & deliberate practice to promote interprofessional communication and teamwork in healthcare professions education. Podium Presentation at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Turkelson, C., Smith, L., Keiser, M., & Yorke, A. (2018, January). Making the “Impossible” simulation enhanced interprofessional education (Sim-IPE) “Possible” through the design implement-assess-modify (DIAM) approach. Workshop (90 minute) at the 17th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2018, Los Angeles, CA.
- Smith, L., Keiser, M., Turkelson, C., Yorke, A., Sachs, B., & Berg, K. (2017, October). Simulated interprofessional education discharge planning meeting to improve skills necessary for effective interprofessional practice. Podium presentation at the Collaboration across Borders (CAB) VI, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Campbell, D. (2017, March). Graduate nurses in the emergency department use simulation to practice advanced cardiac life support skills. Podium presentation at the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Smith, L., Turkelson, C., Yorke, A. & Keiser, M. (2017, September). Applying the design-implement-assess-modify (DIAM) approach to develop best practices in interprofessional educational experiences. Podium Presentation at the Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center, Grand Rapids, MI.
- Turkelson, C., Dubert, C., Kardong-Edgren, S., Aebersold, M., Marani, B., Badowski, D., & Rossler, K. (2017, June). The INACSL Research Fellowship: Learning how to be a successful grant writer! Panel presentation at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Smith, L., & Yorke, A. (2016, June). Using standardized patient simulation to promote interprofessional education across multiple healthcare curricula. Platform Presentation at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Annual Conference, Gaylord, TX.
- Turkelson, C., Miller, K., Capoccia, D., Sculli, G., & Streetman, R. (2015, June). Improving patient safety in low frequency high-risk patient events with crisis checklists and repetitive simulation. Podium Presentation at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning (INACSL) 14th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Turkelson, C., Musgrove, H., Streetman, R., Rogers, T., Leighton, L., Bassy, D., Fitzsimmons, B., & Miller, K. (2014, June). Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! Can blending high and low fidelity simulation experiences enhance learning for you? Podium Presentation at the 13th International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
- Turkelson, C., Aebersold, M., & Sculli, G. (2014, March). Improving nursing communication skills in an intensive care unit using simulation and Nursing Crew Resource Management (NCRM) strategies. Podium presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 38th Annual Conference in St. Louis, MO.
- Aebersold, M., & Turkelson, C. (2013, June). Integrating INACSL Standards of Best Practice into simulation center operations. Podium presentation at the 12th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Turkelson, C. & Stefaniak, J. (2011, June). When simulations go bad: The perils and pitfalls of multidisciplinary simulation training. Podium presentation at the 10th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL
- Royce, M., & Turkelson, C. (2010, October). Winds of change: Transforming learning with simulation. Podium presentation for the Envision Conference Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations
Explore our impactful poster presentations, where we share insights and research outcomes on various topics, including cultural competence, cognitive bias reduction, and innovative healthcare simulations.
- Campbell, D., Getzinger, J., Perko, A., and Slater, S. (2019, September). Utilizing low fidelity simulation to determine accuracy of assigning ESI scores by triage nurses. Poster presentation at the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
- Campbell, D., Lugger, S., & Turkelson, C. (2019, June). Using simulation to increase awareness, sensitivity, understanding, and empathy for Alzheimer’s dementia patients. Poster Presentation at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ
- Creech, C., Turkelson, C., Paulson, J., Andrews, M., Cooper, D., & Behnke, L. (2019, April). Vision: Cultural competence, communication and empathy for vulnerable populations-A rural health DNP student simulation. Poster presentation at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties (NONPF) annual conference 2019 Atlanta GA.
- Yorke, A., Turkelson, C., Smith, L.M., Keiser, M. (2019, April). Peeling back the layers: Unexpected findings facilitate process improvements in simulation enhanced interprofessional educational experiences (Sim-IPE). Poster presentation at the Health Professions Education Day Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Keiser, M., Turkelson, C., Smith, L.M., Yorke, A., Streetman, R., & McTiernan, J. (2019, January). Interprofessional community health simulation using virtual deliberate practice and the telehealth presence of a primary care provider: Development, implementation, and evaluation of a Sim-IPE for undergraduate nursing, physical therapy, and nurse practitioner students. Poster presentation at the Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare 2019, San Antonio TX.
- Hollenbeck, J., Smith, L. M., & Turkelson, C. (2018, September). Performing a situational awareness interprofessional educational activity to demonstrate cognitive bias in health care. Poster session accepted for presentation at the Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center (MIPERC) 2018 Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
- McTiernan, J., Streetman, R., Turkelson, C., & Campbell, D. (2018, July). Home Grown, Simulated Glucometer: One Step Closer To Reality. SimVentors: Poster/small presentation at the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, SimOps 2018 Conference, Portland, OR.
- Streetman, R., McTiernan, J., & Turkelson, C. (2018, July). DIY: Simulated patient electronic health record: An introduction. Poster presentation presented at the Innovation Showcase during the Gathering of Simulation Technology Specialists, SimGHOST 2018 Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Keiser, M., Turkelson, C., Smith, L., Yorke, A., Streetman, R., & McTiernan, J. (2018, June). Integrating distance nurse practitioner students into an interprofessional community health home-based simulation with undergraduate nursing and doctor of physical therapy students: The use of virtual deliberate practice and a telehealth robot. Poster Presentation at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Smith, L., Hollenbeck, J., & Turkelson, C. (2018, April). Using situational awareness in an interprofessional activity to identify cognitive bias in healthcare. Poster session presented at the Health Professions Day University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
- Grewal, H., Turkelson, C., Ursuy, P., & Colabianchi, N. (2018, April). In my shoes: Improving empathy and interprofessional care for patients with Autism using a multifaceted learning experience guided by the IPEC competencies. Poster session presented at the Health Professions Day University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
- Smith, L., Sachs, B., Yorke, A., Berg, K., Keiser, M., & Turkelson C. (2018, February). Using an interprofessional education simulation in physical therapy curricula to improve knowledge regarding the discharge planning process and the role of physical therapists. Poster session presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Smith, L., Turkelson, C., Yorke, A., & Keiser, M. (2017, November). The use of mentoring during an interprofessional simulation. Poster session presented at the 2nd Interprofessional Simulation Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Smith, L. & Yorke, A. (2017, June). Creating a ‘real-world’ multi-patient interprofessional simulation based learning experience to promote interprofessional communication & teamwork. Poster session presented at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning 16th Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Keiser, M., & Turkelson, C. (2017, June). Development, implementation, and evaluation of a low cost standardized patient training program. Poster session presented at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Campbell, D. and Gunning, D. (2017, January). Using simulation to evaluate retention of ACLS in graduate nurses in the emergency department. Poster session presented at IMSH – Society for Simulation in Healthcare Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Smith, L. & Yorke, A. (2017, January). Using standardized patient simulations to promote interprofessional education across nursing & physical therapy curricula. Poster session presented at the Society for Simulation Healthcare 17th International Meeting on Simulation & Healthcare, Orlando, FL.
- Keiser, M., Smith, L., Turkelson, C., & Yorke, A. (2016, September). Evaluating the effectiveness of standardized patient simulation to promote interprofessional communication and teamwork across healthcare curricula. Poster session presented at the Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center (MIPERC) 2016 Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
- Turkelson, C., Keiser, M., Smith, L., & Yorke, A. (2016, June). Using standardized patient simulation to promote interprofessional education across multiple healthcare curriculums. Poster session presented at the Health Professions Day University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
- Turkelson, C., Miller, K., Capoccia, D., & Sculli, G. (2016, January). Impact of crisis checklists and repetitive simulation on self-confidence and errors. Poster session presented at the 16th International Meeting on Simulation & Healthcare, San Diego, CA.
- Turkelson, C., Miller, K., Capoccia, D., & Sculli, G. (2015, May). Cognitive aid design and implementation: A critical factor in improving patient safety for low frequency high-risk events. Poster session presented at the Beaumont Health System Research Day, Royal Oak, MI.
- Turkelson, C., Miller, K., Capoccia, D., & Sculli, G. (2015, January). Cognitive aid design and implementation: A critical factor in improving patient safety for low frequency high-risk events. Poster session presented at the 15th International Meeting on Simulation & Healthcare, New Orleans, LA.
- Turkelson, C., Aebersold, M., & Sculli, G. (2014, June). Improving interprofessional communication: If you can dream it, you can do it. Poster session presented at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
- Turkelson, C., Aebersold, M., & Sculli, G. (2014, January). Improving nursing communication skills in an intensive care unit using simulation and Nursing Crew Resource Management (NCRM) strategies. Poster session presented at the 14th International Meeting on Simulation & Healthcare, San Francisco, CA.
- Turkelson, C., & Stefaniak, J. (2013, June). Interprofessional education: It’s not Russian roulette. Poster session presented at the 12th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Turkelson, C. (2013, May). Implementation of Nursing Crew Resource Management (NCRM) communication tools with simulation to improve patient safety. Poster session presented at Beaumont Research Day Conference, Royal Oak, MI.
- Turkelson, C., & Stefaniak, J. (2013, March). Iron SIM Wars: Utilization of mystery cases and team-based simulation. Poster session presented at the Wayne State University School of Nursing Annual Research Day Conference, Detroit, MI.
- Turkelson C., Aebersold, M., Tschannen, D., & Redman, R. (2013, March). Implementing Nursing Crew Resource Management (NCRM) communication tools with simulation to improve patient safety in a medical intensive care unit. Poster session presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 37th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Turkelson, C., & Stefaniak, J. Ali, N., & Joyce, B. (2013, January). Iron SIM Wars: Utilization of mystery cases and team-based simulation. Poster presentation at the 13th International Meeting on Simulation & Healthcare Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
- Stefaniak, J., & Turkelson, C. (2012, June). Discovering a goldmine: Use of a 360-degree reflective practice to facilitate debriefing. Poster session at the 11th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning Conference, San Antonio, TX.
- Turkelson, C., & Stefaniak, J. (2012, March). Timing is everything: When to engage novice learners in full immersion simulation. Poster session presented at the 36th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society, Detroit, MI.
- Turkelson, C., & Stefaniak, J. (2011, June). Timing is everything: When to engage novice learners in full immersion simulation. Poster session presented at the 10th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
- Turkelson, C., Stefaniak, J., Caponi, A., & Robbins, J. (2011, January). Timing is everything: When to engage novice learners in full immersion simulation. Poster session presented at the 11th Annual International Meeting on Simulation and Healthcare Conference.
Invited Presentations
Gain insights from our invited talks and lectures delivered to various professional audiences. These presentations cover best practices in simulation-based learning, communication strategies, and team performance enhancements.
- Campbell, D., & Turkelson, C. (2018, August). Operationalizing the revised INACSL Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM Podium presentation on behalf of International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning (INACSL) at the Laerdal Michigan SUN (Simulation User Network) Conference, Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI.
- Turkelson, C., Yorke, A., Smith, L., & Keiser, M. (2017, December). Interprofessional education and simulation: Remain CALM. Team presentation for Thompson Center for Learning and Teaching: Table & Tap Presentation, Flint, MI.
- Keiser, M., & Turkelson, C. (2017, September). Team STEPPS 2.0: Team strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety. Podium presentation for the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan-Flint, Flint, MI.
- Turkelson, C., & Keiser, M. (2017, May). Communication and teamwork. Podium presentation at the Hurley Medical Center Nurses Week Educational Event, Flint, MI.
- Turkelson, C., & Keiser, M. (2017, February). Strategies for creating successful simulation based learning experiences. Podium presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau, Pi Delta Chapter Educational Event, Flint, MI.
- Turkelson, C. (2016, January). Improving communication strategies in an ICU using simulation. Podium presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau, Pi Delta Chapter Educational Event, Flint, MI.
Invited Webinar Presentations
Our webinars where we discuss promoting interprofessional communication, securing grant funding for simulation activities, and using virtual simulation and deliberate practice in healthcare education.
- Turkelson, C., & Keiser, M. (2019, May). Promoting interprofessional communication and teamwork using virtual simulation and deliberate practice. Webinar presentation for Education Management Solutions
- Turkelson, C., & Keiser, M. (2017, October). Strategies to support successful grant funding for interprofessional simulation activities & research. Webinar presentation for Education Management Solutions.