Zillion Solutions FAQs
Can I submit more than one idea?
Yes, there is no limit. You can increase your chances of winning by submitting as many ideas as you can think of.
Will the Hagerman Center help me launch my idea?
Absolutely! One of the main goals of the Hagerman Center is to connect you with advisory organizations that can help you go from an idea to a profitable business. In fact, free of charge, a local partner will help you take the next steps to launch your idea by providing invaluable suggestions. Select, when submitting, “I’m interested in taking my idea further and would like help!” Also, consider taking EIM 240/340, Introduction to Entrepreneurship. The course is open to students from all disciplines with at least sophomore standing and counts towards meeting your Social Science Gen ED requirement.
Will the Hagerman Center help me protect my idea?
Yes! Anyone from the Hagerman Center who views or judges your entry to determine whether it makes it to the finals will sign a non-disclosure agreement. If you make it to the finals, we will provide information suggesting easy ways to help protect your ideas.
I hate seeing myself on video; is there a way to avoid this?
Yes! Just use a slide deck (e.g., PowerPoint). It should be no more than five slides and very simple. It DOES NOT need to include a voice-over. Last year, many finalists used PowerPoint.
Can I use the prize money however I want?
Yes! However, we strongly encourage you to use the winnings to start the venture. After all, if your idea is promising enough to win, why not try to parlay your winnings into hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars? All prizes are subject to financial aid requirements and awards may be in the form of an all-purpose Amazon gift card.
What are the relevant dates?
Submissions will close in the winter 2024. The exact deadline is on the website. You can submit starting now though!
Who is eligible?
All UM-Flint students, including undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. students, as well as Genesee County high school students, who are enrolled during the spring 2023, summer 2023, fall 2023, or winter 2024 semester. In addition, each team can have non-UM Flint students, including alumni, but must include at least one UM-Flint student.
I graduate before winter semester, can I still submit my idea?
Yes! If you are an undergraduate, masters, and PhD student enrolled during spring 2023, summer 2023, fall 2023, or winter 2024 semester you are eligible to participate in Zillion Solutions, even if you have already graduated.
How many/few members can be on a team?
Teams may be any size, including teams of one person.
Can I be on more than one team?
Yes! UM-Flint and Genesee County high school students (but not others) may be on more than one team. However, if more than one of their teams makes it to the finals, the students will have to choose which team they will stay on.
Can I submit more than one video?
We strongly encourage it! Why not double, triple, or even quadruple your chances of winning?
What if my team contains members from more than one school/college within UM-Flint?
On the submission form, checkboxes for each school or college that you have members in.
What if I am an undecided major?
Take your best guess as to what you think you might major in, and check the most appropriate box.